Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Objectives: be able to: = - Classical Method (Latin and Greek) Object - read and appreciate foreign language literature and fine arts translate Develop knowledge of the native grammar via the study of the foreign language grammar == be able to write better in the native language. Grow intellectually through the learning of the FL Content: - Milieu Cognitive aspects Psychological Aspects: - Motivation Attitude Aptitude Personality Social Aspects Skills: Reading – Listening – Writing – Speaking - translation Language: Grammar – Vocabulary – Spelling - Pronunciation Teacher: the sage in the stage. Authority Subject Agent Didactic material: - Interaction: - Mostly from teacher to students: Teacher-centered class Little student initiation Little student-student interaction Need to provide correct answers by the students. The teacher corrects the errors. Textbook = Literary texts (passages) List of words with their translation Strategies and techniques: - Read and translate the passages into the native language Give translation for vocabulary Answer comprehension questions (direct, inferences, personalized) Teach synonyms/antonyms + cognates Deductive teaching of grammar Fill in the blanks exercises Memorize the translation of words + write sentences in English using these words Translate the reading passage into the native language Grammar exercises Memorize grammatical paradigms (e.g., irregular verbs, verb conjugation) and grammar rules Composition in the target language Use of L1