-Established about 35 years ago.
-Registered charity: Charity no: 280764
-Founder: Dr Ghulam M Khan. He was a GP, he is an old man now, not
well and not in practice and is living in Walsall.
-The President is Dr Siddiq: a GP who is living in Walsall
-The slogan of the IMA:
(AL QUR'AN: Chapter 17-verse 82)
-As there are about two million Muslims who are living in the Uk, about
ten thousands Muslim doctors and nurses, it was necessary to establish
the Islamic Medical Association in the UK and for many reasons:
*to utilise the services of Muslim doctors for relief help abroad.
*to educate the Muslim doctors/medical students about Islam the Healthy religion
(there is a close link between Islam and health)
*and to inform them about the Islamic view on different medical Ethic issues
(what is allowed and what is not allowed...)
*To offer help and advice to Muslim doctors and medical students.
* to organise national conferences for Muslim doctors in Britain.
*to encourage medical researches among Muslim doctors.
*To establish a unique Islamic medical Library for references.
*to deal with the religious needs of the Muslim patients in hospitals:
(Halal meat/food, woman doctor/nurse for Muslim woman patient especially at birth,
privacy for women,, prayer facility, circumcision for boys, Permissible
medicine/treatment, interpreters, etc...),by informing the Department of health, GPs
and hospitals.
*to educate about the common diseases affecting the Muslim community and to work
on prevention.
* to work with other non Muslim or Catholic doctors/organisations for the common
concerns we share especially in medical Ethics.
*to educate Muslim patients on health and diseases and the unique: Islamic Health
education and to utilise the mosque as a centre of health and education.
A lot of talks were given on different radios (UK and abroad).
A special education campaign against smoking in the Muslim community.
*to respond to the different medical Consultation documents of the Government and
different medical institutions, and to give the Islamic response.
*to link with other Islamic Medical Associations in the world by attending some of
their International conferences.
FIMA is the Federation of the Islamic Medical Associations in the world
and we are a member in this international body
-A book on Halal meat/animal slaughter:
Slaying the animal for food, the Islamic way by Dr Ghulam M Khan.
-A booklet about the threat of smoking by Dr Ahmad Taha.
-A booklet on: Hygiene in Islam by Dr Ghulam M Khan.
We started once a newsletter but we did not carry on after.
-We established before an Islamic health clinic in Ankpa/Nigeria,
which offered a good medical service to a large number of patients there
for many years.
-Attending many International United Nations Conferences and working
with other Christian NGOs for pro-life pro-family health issues.
-Leading the campaign in the UK for Halal meat and religious slaughter.
-Submitting a proposal before to a Government body in order to get a
grant to cater for the religious needs of the Muslim patients( no
-Joining a campaign before in order to avoid the closure of a
special hospital for women only(near Euston/London).
-One of the founder/trustee of the International Muslim relief
organisation “Muslim Aid”, which is based in London.
-Joining the yearly campaign for BREASTFEEDING and against
-Attending the regular meetings of the FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY
with other Muslim representatives, for Halal meat and Food.
-Giving the Islamic response to the Lords against human
cloning/"Therapeutic cloning".
-Giving the Islamic response to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology
Authority(HFEA) on Sex selection of the baby.
-Giving the Islamic response against the Mental Capacity Bill
(Euthanasia) and now against Lord Joffe's Bill/Assisted dying
-Joining actively the Pro-life campaign in Britain.
-Joining the campaign against GM food(GM Freeze).
-Submitting before to the Government: a Muslim response against GM
-Joining the campaign against the adding of Fluoride to our drinking
water. (an official submission was given before to a Government
-Offering a lot of talks especially on the radios on:
the new scientific medical miracles which were discovered in the
teachings of Islam.
-Advising and supporting a new Islamic hospital in Tripoli Lebanon.
A project is needed now :
to study all the ingredients in drugs and medicines on the market, in
order to inform Muslim patients and doctors about the forbidden/haram
ingredients in some medicines/drugs so Muslim patients can avoid
taking it.
-The biggest problem the IMA has faced over the years is the lack of
funds/sponsorship in order to have an office and a director /
Coordinator ..!
Dr A. Majid Katme (MBBCh, DPM)
Spokesman: Islamic Medical Association/UK
31 North Circular Road - Palmers Green - London N13 5EG - UK
Tel: 00 44 208 345 6220 Mobile : 00 447944 240 622
E-mail address: