Grade 8 Biography/Autobiography

Grade 8 Biography Independent Reading Project Rubric 2014
Student Name: ________________________ Biography Subject:_______________________
“About the Book” Information:
___ shows the book; announces title/author
___ why you chose the book; is specific
___ a personality description; uses evidence
___ why book was written on subject
___ interesting facts you may not know
___ favorite part of the book and why, with direct quote & page number
___ year and country born; summary of childhood, rise to fame
___ uses specific details from the book
Poster/Digital Presentation:
___ is creative and has graphic details
___ includes at least one large picture and large name of subject
___ has key words and phrases (not paragraphs)
___ is used well to present
___ people who influenced his/her life; how and why
___ two successes (1) (2)
___ what is inspiring about subject
___ word to describe subject:
___ one failure or obstacle
___ relevant question of your choice
1) ____________________
___ uses specific details
___ 3 items used for a costume: 1) ___________________ 2) ______________________ 3) _____________________
___ 3 props used:
1) ___________________ 2) ______________________ 3) _____________________
Presentation Skills:
___ student uses appropriate eye contact
___ student does not read directly from notes
___ shows enthusiasm when speaking
___ pulls out main ideas/doesn’t ramble
___ uses adequate volume and can be heard well
___ presentation approximately 5 minutes
Creativity and Organization:
___ creative
Interview Props:
___ creative
___ segues well between presentation elements
___ is confident and mature in presentation
___ uses clear pronunciation; doesn’t mumble
___ is well organized and has all items in classroom and ready
___ shows good knowledge of subject
(start time: ____________
finish time: ____________)
___ well detailed
___ fits over school uniform
___ incorporated well into the interview
___ student shows in-depth knowledge of subject from the book (not other sources)
___ answers are detailed and show that the student read and understands the entire book; presentation is appropriate
___ rubric attached and filled out
___ varies information provided; does not repeat same information
_____ Subtract 5 points if student is not ready to present on day scheduled
_____ Subtract 1 point for every day the student does not have the book by due date, and for every day the student does
not have parent approval form
TOTAL POINTS: _____ / 40
Grade 8 Biography Independent Reading Project Directions (2014)
Based on the biography/memoir that you have read, you will put together an approximately 5 minute oral
presentation. You should include the following elements.
Begin by showing the book, which you must have when you present. Share:
1) the title and author;
2) why you chose the book (be specific)
3) a personality description of your subject based on evidence
4) the year and country they are born in, as well as a short summary of their childhood and rise to fame/success
5) why a book was written about the subject
6) your favorite part of the book and why – include a DIRECT QUOTE of textual evidence, with page number
7) interesting facts the audience may not know
You are required to create a poster – either on poster board, or digitally (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc). This poster
project must contain: a large picture of your subject and his or her name, written largely and clearly, as well as
key words or phrases to help you remember the six main informational categories you are presenting. The
poster project should be creative and contain graphic details. Remember, this part is about the BOOK ITSELF;
it is not a retelling of the subject’s life story. THIS PART SHOULD NOT BE READ -- it should be spoken to
the audience with maturity and enthusiasm. Use your poster to practice and to present -- the poster serves as
your note cards.
Make up 6 interview questions (with answers) for the person in your biography. Do NOT repeat the same
information used in “About the Book” section. This section should include:
1) people who influenced your subject’s life, and how/why
2) at least two of the subject’s triumphs or successes
3) at least one failure or obstacle
4) one word that you would use to describe your subject and why
5) what is inspiring about your subject, and why
6) a relevant question of your choice
Ask a classmate (or several!) to pretend he or she is an interviewer and you are the subject -- then perform the
interview. Be creative -- is this a TV show, a radio show, a press conference? Use creativity to make the
interview realistic and interesting. You are to dress up like your subject in a costume that can fit over your
school uniform. You must use at least 3 items in your costume. (The interviewer does not need a costume.)
Also, you must use at least 3 props to make it look like a real interview -- be creative! THIS PART SHOULD
NOT BE READ BY YOU (but questions may be read by interviewer). As the subject, you need to be prepared
to answer the questions based on your knowledge of your subject. Speak loudly and clearly.
Presentation Skills will be worth 10 points, so be sure to follow directions listed on the other side of this
rubric, including using appropriate eye contact; using clear pronunciation; using adequate volume so you can be
heard well; showing good knowledge of your subject, and using approximately 5 minutes to present.
Creativity and Organization are worth 6 points, so be sure to follow directions on the other side of this rubric,
including thinking of a creative way to transition from one part of the presentation to the next.
Good luck, and enjoy your biography!
Grade 8 Biography/Autobiography/Memoir
Independent Reading Project
The eighth grade has been assigned a biography or autobiography independent book project.
The students are to obtain an autobiography or biography on a subject of their choice. The
subject should be inspiring to the student. The subject may be famous or not famous, and
may be alive or deceased. The book must be based on a single subject, not a group of people.
Books should be adult or adolescent literature, not children’s books, and at least 150 pages.
Both the book and all aspects of the project must be appropriate. The teacher reserves the right
to judge the appropriateness of the book and project based on the values and philosophy of St.
Gabriel School. The due date indicates the day the student will present. For every day the
project is late, the student will lose 5 points from the project total. The project must show the
student’s comprehension of the entire book; Internet information should not be used. Only one
student per class period may choose a subject; once that subject has been chosen, that person is
closed. The student must have the book every day for Reading class. The student may not read
a book he/she has read before; the student may not read a book that has a movie adaptation.
The student must type all responses. Please review the directions of the project before
choosing and approving the book.
Type of book required: Biography, Autobiography, Memoir
Date book must be approved by: ________________________________________
- Approval requires the book in hand and the parent’s signature ON THIS FORM (handwritten
notes will not be accepted)
- For every day the book or signature is late, the student will lose a point.
Presentations begin: ___________________________________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the guidelines for the Reading class biography project. I will abide by its
requirements. I approve of the following book for the Reading class biography project:
BOOK TITLE: _______________________________________________________________
PERSON THE BIOGRAPHY IS ABOUT: _________________________________________
WHAT IS INSPIRING ABOUT THIS PERSON: ____________________________________
STUDENT NAME: __________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________
PARENT SIGNATURE: ______________________