Club handbook

Table of Contents
Page 2
The Alumni Relations Staff
Page 3
The Office of Alumni Relations and
Its Resources
Page 4
Bowdoin Club Volunteer Roles
Page 5
Operating Tips for Long-Term Vitality
Page 7
Event Planning
Page 9
PolarNet and Club Homepages
Page 11
Appendix A - College Calendar
Appendix B - Alumni Council
Appendix C- 2008-2009 Club Activity
Appendix D - Active Club Key Volunteers
Appendix E - Alumni Volunteer Opportunities
- -
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Page 19
Page 20
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a useful tool for alumni
volunteers in Bowdoin Clubs across the country and around the world, whether
they are creating a new club, revitalizing an existing club, or are part of a vital
club which has sponsored many events. This handbook will provide a framework
that alumni volunteers can use as they decide how best to perpetuate a lively and
interesting club.
Currently, there are clubs in locations as close to Bowdoin as BathBrunswick and as distant as Hong Kong. Bowdoin Clubs comprise all alumni,
widows/widowers of alumni, honorary degree recipients, and parents of Bowdoin
students. Members are assigned to a club based on geographic location. The
geographic area included in each club varies a great deal. For example, the
Bowdoin Club of Denver spans an entire state while the Bowdoin Club of New
York City encompasses a single metropolitan area.
Bowdoin Clubs exist to provide avenues for club members to remain close
to the College and to one another, to enable the renewal of old friendships, the
establishment of new ones, and the rekindling of school spirit. Bowdoin Clubs
achieve this by providing opportunities for alumni to keep in touch and strengthen
alumni ties to Bowdoin through social, cultural, athletic, educational and volunteer
Events sponsored by Bowdoin Clubs can vary widely, from hosting a
Bowdoin faculty member to speak about a topic of academic research, to alumni
coming together to hike a challenging mountain trail. The goal is to provide
enough variety in the events offered that most members of the club will at some
point be intrigued by an invitation and will enjoy joining other members of the
Bowdoin community for a function. Bowdoin Clubs are not intended to plan and
hold events to raise funds for the College, but strive to reconnect them to
This handbook is designed to prepare club leaders for a range of
responsibilities, from organizing club leadership to setting a price for a particular
event. We hope you will use the information provided here, but you should also
feel free to call us often in the Office of Alumni Relations as you plan and
organize activities.
Alumni Relations Staff
The Office of Alumni Relations is housed on the 2nd floor of the
Cram Alumni House, located at 83 Federal Street in Brunswick.
Office hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Rodie Lloyd '80
Director of Alumni Relations
Sarah Begin '05
Associate Director of Alumni Relations
Sean Walker '05
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations
Renata Ledwick
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations
Sarah Bond Phinney '99
Coordinator of Reunion Programs
Martie Janeway
Administrative Coordinator
Holly Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Fax number: 207-725-3814
Sarah Begin and Sean Walker serve as the primary liaisons to all Bowdoin Clubs.
The Office of Alumni Relations and its Resources
One of the roles of the Alumni Relations Office is to facilitate your operations as a
club. We do that by providing the following services:
• Invitations: We design and print invitations for all events sponsored by Bowdoin
Clubs. These can vary from formal invitations printed on ivory card stock with the
Bowdoin Club logo, to flyers in bright colors with a tear-off response, to a simple
postcard. Most recently we have relied heavily on email for invitations and Club-wide
• Mailings: The Alumni Relations Office maintains a database of addresses of all
members of Bowdoin Clubs. We oversee preparation and mailing of invitations,
announcements of events, and email communication. The Office of Alumni Relation
will maintain all club member personal information including mailing address, phone
number, and email address. For security reasons, contact information and mass
mailing lists will not be distributed to clubs or club volunteers.
• Supplies: Bowdoin nametags, stickers, banners, publications, games, gifts, list of
event registrants, and other materials and information as needed.
• General Support: Club volunteers will work closely with the Alumni Relations
staff to plan each event and select times and dates for events that are convenient for the
club and fit into the College calendar. Alumni Relations staff members will work with
venues, caterers, and any other contracted services on price negotiations and contracts.
As a staff, we provide assistance in ways that are appropriate to each club. Alumni
Relations/Development staff members attend as many club events as possible, taking
distance and timing into consideration.
• Club History: Files are kept in the Alumni Relations Office containing a record of
events for each club over the past five years. Using these files we can easily reference a
location or caterer that your club used successfully in the recent past.
• Financial Support: The goal of each club event is to be completely self sustaining.
The Alumni Relations Office has a limited budget to help clubs sponsor particular
types of events including visits from the President of the College, Welcome to the Club
events, and other selected programs. The Alumni Relations Office will strive to help
underwrite other overhead costs including staff travel.
Bowdoin Club Volunteer Roles
Each Bowdoin Club is driven and maintained by volunteers who are supported by the
Office of Alumni Relations. Three common Bowdoin Club volunteer structures are
outlined below. In all instances, club volunteers serve as event hosts and
representatives of the College.
Club Volunteer Structures
• Volunteer Committees/Boards: Larger Bowdoin Clubs are led by a volunteer
committee structure consisting of at least one officer, the president, and sometimes a
vice president, secretary, and communications director. A system of rotating club
officers has proven to be an effective way to perpetuate this type of leadership. The
president is elected or volunteers him/her self from among the members of the board.
Bowdoin Clubs following this structure schedule at least two board meetings a year to
gather and discuss upcoming club events, board membership and hear campus updates.
The committee works in conjunction with the Office of Alumni Relations to plan
brainstorm, plan, and implement club events and meetings. Volunteer committees and
boards range in size from 16 to three members.
• Single Volunteer: Other Bowdoin Clubs function with a single volunteer acting as
president of the club and working with the Office of Alumni Relations to plan events in
the area. In this situation, a club president may serve for a single year and then turn the
leadership over to another volunteer, or may serve for a number of years.
• Single Event Host: In our smallest club areas where we offer only one event a year
or every few years, there is no formal club volunteer structure. An individual will serve
as the event host, representing the club for the single event. Single event host
volunteers may be called on again to serve as host for another Bowdoin event in the
Other Volunteer Roles
• Alumni Council Representation: Every-other year Club volunteers are invited to
Fall Volunteer Conference. The Volunteer Conference is an ideal time for club
volunteers to share ideas and ask for suggestions for their club. Each club is
encouraged to send at least one representative club volunteer.
• Involvement of Club Members: An effort should be made by all Bowdoin Clubs to
involve a diverse group of alumni in the planning for and attendance at events each
year. A broad variety of volunteers brings in a range of perspectives and new ideas
that add to the vitality of the club. When planning events, or recruiting volunteers to
plan events, club officers should consider class year, profession, geography, and
Types of Events
Bowdoin events are separated into three distinct categories: Clubs events, series events,
and special interest or affinity events. While club volunteers are involved in planning
and hosting most Bowdoin events in their club area, there are circumstances in which
other departments at the College or non-club volunteers will take an active role.
Club Events
One time
Series Events
Common Good Day
First Year Send-off
Young Alumni Mixer
Special Interest and
Career Planning
Staff liaison assignment:
Sean Walker
 Atlanta
 Florida
 Los Angeles
 Maine
 Nashville
 New Hampshire
 New Orleans
 New York City
 Portland, OR
 Philadelphia
 San Diego
 San Francisco
 Seattle
 Ad Hoc
Sarah Begin
 Boston
 Washington, D.C.
Rodie Lloyd
 Asia
 Germany
 London
 Paris
Renata Ledwick
 Arizona
 Chicago
 Denver
 Minnesota
Operating Tips for Long-term Vitality
• Charging for Events: The price charged to members for participation in any
particular event should equal the cost per person for the event. All contracts and
pricing should be discussed with the Office of Alumni Relations. When calculating
charge per person, costs to consider include: food, beverages, rental space, and
mailings. Club events are never used as a fundraiser for the College or another nonprofit organization. Per person charges are based solely on cost.
• Dues: Clubs no longer solicit and collect dues or maintain separate bank accounts.
All registrations, payments, and contracts are handled by the Office of Alumni
• Timing: Questions to ask yourselves are: do members tend to be more or less active
during the summer months; are the holidays a welcome time for a gathering or do
people find themselves too busy; are weekends the most convenient for club members
or do they prefer luncheons or an evening event during the week? Everyone's schedule
varies so greatly that there is no single answer to these questions, but you will find that
your club will develop a combination of events and times that when used over the
space of a year will involve more club members. Each year club officers should
evaluate which events sponsored were the most successful and draw ideas from that
When selecting a time and date of an event, it is important to consider the College
calendar. Even in club areas far removed from campus it is important to not directly
conflict with major on-campus events. Because of this, we ask that no club event be
held two weeks on either side of Homecoming and Reunion Weekends (the 09-10
college calendar can be found on page 13).
• Frequency: The appropriate frequency of activities varies greatly from club to club.
Some clubs are able to sustain and support an event each month, while others host as
few as one event a year. Club presidents and/or executive committees, along with the
Office of Alumni Relations, should take the pulse of the current club, in conjunction
with looking at the history of the club, to guide them in planning the frequency of
activities. Clubs that are just beginning may find greater success in initially planning
fewer events
per year while building the interest of local alumni. After a club is well established it
becomes clear whether alumni interest can support a fuller schedule of events.
In much the same way as timing of events is evaluated to understand what works best
for most club members, types of activities should also be assessed. Consider theater,
athletics, a student send-off, luncheon speakers, cocktails, community service, and
museum tours (a complete list of club activities for 2008-2009 can be found starting on
page 15).
Event Planning and Implementation
• Yearly Schedule: At least once a year club volunteers should meet to outline a rough
calendar of the yearly events for the club. This tentative schedule should be discussed
with the club’s staff liaison in the Office of Alumni Relations to look for any possible
conflicts. This calendar does not need to have specific dates, but should at least target
the months in which you plan to hold events. Outlining a schedule does not prohibit a
club from changing the date or type of activity or from adding events to the schedule.
Working with tentative yearly schedules, the Office of Alumni Relations is able to
coordinate mailings from the different clubs, and eliminate last minute scrambling for
both the club and the Office of Alumni Relations.
• Event Organizer: For each event, a member of the club or volunteer committee
should work with the Office of Alumni Relations to find a location, make
arrangements for food, price, signing contracts, etc. The club volunteer in charge of
planning the event is expected to attend and host or find an alternate volunteer to host
in their absence.
• Setting a price: The price charged to members for participation in any particular
event should equal the cost per person for the event. The total price for an event can
include some or all of the following items: room rental, equipment rental, food,
beverages, bartender, wait staff, and decorations. Include the necessary taxes and
gratuity in your estimate. A worksheet is included to give you guidelines on items to
remember when setting a price (see club event checklist on page 12). All event pricing
should be decided in conjunction with the club’s Alumni Relations liaison.
• Mailing Date: Alumni should receive invitations or announcements at least four
weeks before the event. The Office of Alumni Relations requires two weeks to create
and print an invitation and arrange a mailing, and an additional week should be
factored in as mailing time. Using this time line, club volunteers should plan for
information to arrive at the Office of Alumni Relations 7-8 weeks before the event
date. While the staff in the Office of Alumni Relations will always work with you to
arrange for an event, there may be times when less than a month's notice will make it
difficult for us to produce a mailing.
• Communication with the Alumni Office: Before each event the Office of Alumni
Relations will supply a list of guests who are planning to attend to the event host.
Similarly, after an event it is useful for us to have a list of those club members who
actually attended. Complete files help us build a club "memory," as well as to provide
information for future club planning.
• Creating a "Successful" Event: The success of club events should not be figured
solely in terms of the number of people who attend. Allowing alumni and others to
find a common interest and have good conversations should be your goals. If you meet
your budget goal and those attending enjoyed themselves, you have planned a
successful event.
Club events should be staffed by a local alumnus host and or a Bowdoin Alumni
Relations/Development staff member. The host serves as the local point person for the
event and their main responsibilities include meeting and greeting guests, taking
attendance, and handing out name tags.
• The Bowdoin Moment:
Each club event should strive to have a “Bowdoin Moment” where the group is drawn
together and attention is focused on why the group is gathered – their common
connection to Bowdoin is noted and celebrated. The Bowdoin moment ranges from a
question and answer session with a host from the College, to welcoming remarks from
a club volunteer, to singing Raise Songs to Bowdoin.
On page 12 you will find a checklist of items to consider when choosing a location,
fixing a price and putting together an invitation. The checklist is especially useful
when a member of the club is organizing an event for the first time. The club president
may choose to copy the form for the event organizer to use.
• Post Event Follow-up: Return attendance list, report on success, and return supplies
(when appropriate).
PolarNet and Club Homepages
PolarNet is Bowdoin’s online alumni community and link to career networking and
connection with fellow alumni. PolarNet underwent a systems conversion in the spring
of 2008 and now allows for a wide variety of information and services. One of the
important changes is the addition of individual club homepages for our 16 most active
clubs. These club areas are listed below.
New York City
San Diego
San Francisco
Southern California
Washington DC
West. Massachusetts
An “other areas” page exists to capture all club events taking place outside of these 15
major areas.
Each club homepage shows a calendar of past (starting in January 2008) and upcoming
events, club demographics, including number of alumni, top majors and professions.
Included on all club pages is information about how to get involved with the club in an
active volunteer role.
Each club activity is listed with all registration and pricing information. An online
registration feature is currently being tested in some club areas. The Office of Alumni
Relations hopes to offer online registration to all clubs in the near future.
Club homepages can be personalized to fit the needs and expectations of individual
clubs. Volunteers should work in conjunction their staff liaison to fulfill specific
Bowdoin Club Event Checklist
Charge per person $_________
Sent by __________
Handicap access Y/N
Room charge
RSVP by _________
Invitees include:
Parking $_______ Decorations $________
Alumn_____ Parents_______
AV needs
Students ____ New Admits___
Young Alum __ Affinity _____
Room accommodates maximum #__________ people.
Bartender $__________ Server $______________
Per Person $_________
Anticipated ______________
Type _____________________________________
Registered ______________
Time _______________
Cost $_________________
Appendix A
2009 – 2010 Abbreviated College Calendar
August 24-28, Tues.-Sat.
August 28-September 1, Sat.-Wed.
September 1, Wednesday
September 2, Thursday
September 6, Monday
Sept. 23-25, Thurs.-Sat.
September 25, Saturday
October 1-3, Fri.-Sun.
October 22-24, Fri.-Sun.
December 10, Friday
December 15-20, Wed.-Mon.
Pre-Orientation Trips
Opening of the College Fall semester classes begin
Labor Day (College holiday)
Alumni Council, Alumni Fund Directors, and
BASIC National Advisory Board meetings
Common Good Day
Homecoming Weekend
Parents Weekend
Last day of classes
Fall semester examinations
January 24, Monday
March 11, Friday
March 28, Monday
Apr. 7-9, Thurs.-Sat.
Spring semester classes begin
Spring vacation begins after last class
Spring vacation ends
Alumni Council, Alumni Fund Directors, and
BASIC National Advisory Board meetings
Last day of classes; Honors Day
Spring semester examinations
The 205th Commencement Exercises
Reunion Weekend
May 11, Wednesday
May 16-21, Mon.-Sat.
May 28, Saturday
June 2-5, Thurs.-Sun.
Appendix B
Alumni Council
The Alumni Council is comprised of up to 32 members, appointed to four-year terms in classes of eight,
selected by the Nominations Committee, and approved by the full Council. The Council meets on campus
twice yearly and provides executive oversight of alumni programs administered by the College.
2010 – 2011
Alumni Council President
Staci Williams Seeley ’90
Jennifer Goldsmith Adams ‘90
Janet Andrews ’83
Paul Berté ’63
Michael Brown ’59
Tom Casarella ’00
Karen Fell Clift ‘73
Joshua Dorfman ‘97
Judy Fortin ‘83
Alan Freedman ’76
Karen Fuller ’84
Daniel Hart ’95
Douglas Henry ’80
Joseph Herlihy ’75
JP Hernandez ‘04
David Hunter ’59
Stacey Jones ’00
Sue Kim ’05
Maurice Littlefield ’41
David Lyman ’88
Chad MacDermid ’00
Alison Pierce ’04
Julian Rios ’92
Andrew Serwer ’81
Robert Spencer ’60
Thomas Walsh ’83
Harris Weiner ’80
Chair of the Alumni Fund
Heather Holmes Floyd ’82
National Chair of BASIC
Peter Pizzi ’75
Student Representatives
Laura Armstrong ’12
Rodie Lloyd ’80, Director of Alumni Relations
William Torrey, Sr. V.P. for Planning and Administration & Secretary of the College
Randy Shaw ’82, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
Barry Mills ’72, President of the College
Appendix C
2009 – 2010 Club Activity
Start Date
Event name
Bowdoin Club of Asia
BC of Asia 4th of July Celebration
BC of Shanghai Send Off Event
BC of Asia Hong Kong – Rooftop Drinks
BC of Tokyo Young Alumni Night
BC of Asia – Shanghai Happy Hour
BC of Asia - Hong Kong Musicarama
BC of Asia - HK w/ Professor Schwartz
BC of Asia - Singapore Party
BC of Asia Hong Kong Holiday Gathering
BC of Asia – Korea New Year Party
BC of Asia – Shanghai Happy Hour
BC of Asia – Shanghai Open House Mixer
Bowdoin Club of Atlanta
10/10/2009 BC of Atlanta Bowdoin/Tufts Picnic - CANCELLED
Bowdoin Club of Boston
BC of Boston Send-Off for 2013
BC of Boston Red Sox v. Detroit
BC of Boston NESCAC Boat Cruise
BC of Boston Red Sox v. White Sox
BC of Boston Young Alumni Night
BC Boston Luncheon Series
BC of Boston Common Good Day - Rescheduled
BC of Boston College Luncheon Series
BC of Boston Holiday Party
Boston Connections Event
BC of Boston Wells Lecture
50 Days to Reunion
30th Birthday Party
BC of Boston College Luncheon Series
BC of Boston Charles River Clean-Up
Bowdoin Club of Chicago
9/9/2009 BC of Chicago Young Alumni Night
6/19/2010 BC of Chicago Lobster Bake
Bowdoin Club of Denver
BC of Denver Send-Off Event for 2013
BC of Denver Common Good Day
BC of Denver Nuggets v. Celtics
BC of Denver Post-Nuggets Happy Hour
BC of Denver Ski Day
BC of Denver Eco-Service Day
Bowdoin Club of London
9/9/2009 BC of London Young Alumni Night
Bowdoin Club of Maine
BC of Southern Maine Send Off for 2013
BC of Northern ME Send Off for 2013
BC of Maine Red Sox v. Chicago White Sox
BC of Maine Young Alumni Night
BC of Maine Pre-Hockey Game Dinner
BC of Maine Family Skate
Bowdoin Club of New York City
BC of NYC/CT Send Off for 2013
BC of NYC Common Good Day
BC of NYC Young Alumni Night
BC of NYC Professor Scanlon Lecture
BC of NYC Bowdoin Hockey Webcast
BC of NYC Bowdoin vs. Colby Webcast
BC of NYC Bowdoin Hockey Webcast
BC of NYC Professor Allen Wells Talk
BC of NYC One Harlem Community Service Day
NYC Trustee Networking
Bowdoin Club of Philadelphia
BC of Philadelphia Phillies Game
BC of Philadelphia Send Off for 2013
BC of Philadelphia Young Alumni Night
BC of Philadelphia Common Good Day
1/22/2010 BC of Philadelphia Holiday Party
Bowdoin Club of San Diego
7/26/2009 BC of San Diego Send Off for 2013
9/9/2009 BC of San Diego Young Alumni Night
Bowdoin Club of San Francisco
9/12/2009 BC of San Francisco Common Good Day
Bowdoin Club of Washington, D.C.
BC of Washington, D.C. Dinner w/ 6 Strangers
BC of Washington, D.C. Common Good Day
BC of Washington, D.C. Young Alumni Night
BC of Washington, D.C Common Good Susie Dorn Talk
BC of Washington, D.C. Dinner w/ Six Strangers
BC of Washington, Salatino Luncheon
Other Bowdoin Club Events
BC of Seattle Send-off for 2013
BC of Minnesota Annual Lobsterbake
BC of Los Angeles NESCAC Happy Hour
BC of Los Angeles Common Good Day
BC of Seattle Common Good Day
BC of Minnesota NESCAC Happy Hour
BC of Los Angeles Young Alumni Holiday Gathering
BC of Seattle Holiday Reception
BC of Portland, OR Holiday Gathering
BC of Arizona Ivy Council Gathering
BC of S. Florida Bisbee Art Exhibit
BC of Minnesota NESCAC Happy Hour
BC of Arizona Icy Council Theater Night
BC of Dallas Men’s Lacrosse BBQ
BC of Rhode Island Alumni Reception
BC of Memphis Area President Mills Talk
BC of Cincinnati NESCAC Happy Hour
BC of S. Florida Reception
BC of Paris Potluck Aperitif
BC of Phoenix Gathering
Career Events
Football Alumni Networking Event
Boston NESCAC Networking Event
DC NESCAC Networking Event
Washington, D.C. Connections Event
NYC Connections Event
Boston Connections Event
San Francisco Connections Event
Chicago Connections Event
Human Resources Conference Call
NYC Trustee Networking
On Campus Events
Football Alumni Golf Outing
Football Reunion
Chamber Choir Reunion with Robby Greenlee
Conversation with Admissions
Hall of Honor Induction
Homecoming Young Alumni Night
Generations Reception
Af-Am 4oth Anniversary Celebration
Tennis Reunion
Generations Luncheon
Reunion Weekend
Kullen Golf Tournament
Appendix D
Active Club Key Volunteers
William Bao Bean’95
Jennifer Page ’84 and Judy Fortin-Lalone ’83
Katherine Bissell ’01, Christine Cloonan’02,
Beth Ford Dunne ’03, Kala Hardacker ’04, Justin Haslett ’98,
Kelly Lawrence ’01, Jed Wartman ’01, and Alison Zultowski
Kristin Pollock ’04, William Springer ’65, and
Jennifer Xu ’07
Michelle Chaffin ’91, Craig Hansen’02,
Meaghan Maguire ’08, Sara True ’92
Keith Engel ’78 and Gloria Sonnen Myre '01
New York City
Ashley Cotton’01, Arlyn Davich’03, Kijan Bloomfield ’05,
Dylan Brix ’07, Courtney Camps ’08, Samantha Cohen ’07,
Andrew Fried ’07, Kate Geraghty ’07, Carolyn Lenske ’02,
Margaret Magee’02, Sarah McCready ’98, Leif Olsen’99,
Jonathan Ragins ’07 and Shoshana Sicks’04
Marianne Lipa’01, J.B. Dilsheimer ’88, Prema Gupta ’00,
Jeffery McCallum ’76, Andy Siegel ’01, and
Andrew Wheeler ’93
San Diego
Megan Lim’03
San Francisco
Nicole Goyette ’05, Craig Cheslog ’93, and Elliot Wright ‘05
Roswell Bond ’56, Koko Huang ’04, Emily Smithgall ’04,
Juleah Swanson’04, and Hannah Wadsworth ’09
Washington DC
Allison Pierce ’04 and Abbot Kominers ’78
Appendix E
Other Alumni Volunteer Opportunities
Bowdoin Career Advisory Network (BCAN)
Sharing information about your career or particular area of expertise can be an
invaluable service to students and your fellow alumni. Anyone interested in becoming
a member of the Bowdoin Career Advisory Network should contact the Career
Planning Center at 207-725-3717 or “Bowdoin Connections,” is
an annual face-to-face networking event for students and alumni that takes place
during Winter Break in selected major cities.
Reunion Planning
Class Reunions are held every five years and are planned by a committee of classmates
working with the Alumni Relations staff. If you are interested in helping plan your next
reunion, contact Alumni Relations at 207-725-3266 or
Fund Raising
Gifts to the annual fund are solicited each year by members of your own class, parents,
and friends of Bowdoin, working with members of the Annual Giving staff. These
solicitations are done through a series of mail appeals and personal communications. If
you are interested in becoming a Class Agent contact the Office of Annual Giving at
Student Recruitment
BASIC (Bowdoin Alumni Schools and Interviewing Committee) is an organization
that helps to extend the outreach of the Admissions Office. More than 1,000 alumni
volunteers act as representatives of the College to students, parents, and guidance
counselors in their communities nationwide and worldwide. Primary activities of
BASIC include: interviewing candidates for admission, representing Bowdoin at local
recruiting events and college fairs, encouraging interest among students from diverse
backgrounds, and making contacts with organizations, educators and high school
guidance staff. If you are interested in volunteering for BASIC, please contact Wendy
Thompson by email at