Name - Arapahoe High School

Julius Caesar study items
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
References on left side to Barrons’ Shakespeare Made Easy; right side to Folger ed.
Identify speaker, context, and meaning for each of the following quotes.
a. 22+24
l. 54-6
I, i
test quote
l. 58-60, p. 11
1) 1.1.38-48 (22) I.i.42-52 (9+11)
Many a time and oft…Made in her concave shores?
b. 26/28
l. 18; 23
I, ii
c. 30
l. 51-2 I, ii
good lines
2) 1.2.85-89 (32) I.ii.93-96 (19)
3) 1.2.99-114 (32+34)
Ides of March
l. 21; 28, p. 13; 15
l. 58-9, p. 17
Set honour in one eye and death i' the other…I fear death.
I.ii.107-122 (19+21)
For once, upon a raw and gusty…the tired Caesar.
d. 34
l. 119-20
I, ii
e. 36
l. 137-9I, ii
test quote
4) 1.2.133 (36)
I.ii.142-145 (21)
Why, man, he doth bestride the…dishonourable graves.
f. 38
l. 169; 191
I, ii chew; Cassius lean & hungry
g. 40
l. 195-8
I, ii
test quote
h. 44
l. 274
I, ii
Greek to me
5) 1.2.298-302 (46)
i. 46
I.ii.320-4 (33)
l. 298 ff.
I, ii
test quote
l. 127-8, p. 21
l. 146-8, p. 21
l. 204, p. 25
l. 208-10, p. 25+27
l. 295, p. 31
Well, Brutus, thou art noble…so firm that cannot be seduced?
l. 320 ff., p. 33
6) 1.2.311-2 (48) I.ii.333-4 (33)
And after this let Caesar seat him sure…worse days endure.
j. 48
I, iii
Pathetic Fallacy; Nature || plot p. 35
I, iii
crowd is cowardly
k. 54
l. 80
7) 1.3.89-99 (54) I.iii.92-93, 102-103 (41)
I know where I will wear this…shake off at pleasure.
8) 1.3.104-5 (56) I.iii. 108-9 (41)
Poor man!…Romans are but sheep:
l. 55+58
I, iii
l. 131 ff.
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l. 83, p. 39
Cassius-Cinna; letters
l. 136 ff., p. 43+5
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Julius Caesar study items
9) 1.3.156-60 (58+60)
m. 66
I.iii.161-5 (45)
l. 61 ff.
II, i
O, he sits high…Will change to virtue and to worthiness.
l. 64 ff., p. 53
10) 2.1.21-27 (64)
II.i.22-28 (51)
But 'tis a common proof…By which he did ascend.
11) 2.1.33-35 (64)
II.i.33-36 (51)
And therefore think him as a…And kill him in the shell.
12) 2.1.46-7 (66)
II.i.48-9 (53)
‘Brutus, thou sleep'st…Speak, strike, redress!’
13) 2.1.81-85 (68)
II.i.88-93 (55)
Seek none, conspiracy…hide thee from prevention.
n. 74
l. 150
II, i
o. 78
l. 224-8
II, i
disguise appearance
14) 2.1.299-302 (84)
II.i.322-25 (71)
l. 162, p. 61
l. 243-7, p. 65
I have made strong proof…my husband's secrets?
q. 88
l. 13 ff. II, ii
Calpurnia’s foreboding l. 13 ff., p. 75
r. 90
l. 32-7 II, ii
good lines
l. 34-39, p. 75
s. 92
l. 71-2 II, ii
test quote
l. 76-7, p. 79
15) 2.2.76-79 (92)
t. 94
II.ii.82-84 (81)
l. 98-9 II, ii
She dreamt to-night…and did bathe their hands in it:
test quote
l. 103-4, p. 81
16) 2.2.83-88 (94)
II.ii.88-93 (81)
This dream is all amiss interpreted…Reviving blood,
17) 2.2.123-4 (96)
II.ii.132-3 (83)
And so near will I be…wish I had been further.
18) 2.3.1-13 (98)
II.iii.1-10 (85)
'Caesar, beware of Brutus…Thy lover, ARTEMIDORUS.'
19) 3.1.77 (110)
III.i.85 (99)
Et tu, Brute! Then fall, Caesar.
20) 3.1.82-83 (110)
III.i.90-1 (99)
People and senators…ambition's debt is paid.
21) 3.1.105-110 (112)
III.i.117-122 (101) Stoop, Romans, stoop…freedom and liberty!'
v. 116
l. 157-60
22) 3.1.204-8 (120)
III, i
test quote
III.i.223-228 (109) Pardon me, Julius!...the heart of thee.
w. 122
l. 231-2III, i
test quote
x. 124
l. 254 ff.
III, i
23) 3.1.262-9 (124)
y. 128
l. 173-6, p. 105
l. 255-7, p. 111
l. 280 ff., p. 113
III.i.288-295 (113) A curse shall light upon…custom of fell deeds;
l. 12 ff. III, ii
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good lines
l. 13 ff., p. 117
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Julius Caesar study items
z. 130
l. 24-5 III, ii
24) 3.2.40-43 (130)
test quote
III.ii.47-9 (119)
l. 28, p. 117
As I slew my best lover…to need my death.
aa. 132
l. 71-2
III, ii
good lines
l. 82-3, p. 121
bb. 134
l. 84-5, 98-9
III, ii
test quotes
l. 95-6, 109-10, p. 123
25) 3.2.86-95 (134)
cc. 140
III.ii.97-106 (123) He hath brought many…Was this ambition?
l. 67 ff. III, ii
Antony speech l. 181 ff., p. 129
26) 3.2.258-9 (146)
III.ii.275-76 (135)
Now let it work…what course thou wilt!
27) 4.3.92-7 (168)
IV.iii.104-110 (155+57)
Come, Antony and…To cast into my teeth.
28) 4.3.109-12 (168)
IV.iii.124-27 (157)
O Cassius, you are yoked…And straight is cold again.
29) 4.3.151-55 (172)
IV.iii.174-79 (161)
Impatient of my absence…swallowed fire.
30) 4.3.198-201 (176+8)
IV.iii. 229-232 (165)
'Tis better that the enemy seek us…and nimbleness.
31) 4.3.217-223 (178)
IV.iii. 249-50 (167)
There is a tide in…or lose our ventures.
32) 4.3.281, 283 (184)
IV.iii.225, 327 (173)
Thy evil spirit, Brutus…see me at Philippi.
33) 5.1.102-107 (196)
V.i.110-115 (187)
Even by the rule…The time of life)
34) 5.3.28-32 (200)
V.iii.29-33 (191+3)
Titinius is enclosed…He's ta'en.
35) 5.3.45-6 (202)
V.iii.50-51 (193)
Caesar, thou art revenged…the sword that kill'd thee.
36) 5.3.67-71 (204)
V.iii.75-79 (195)
O hateful error…that engender'd thee!
37) 5.3.94-96 (206)
V.iii.105-7 (197)
O Julius Caesar…proper entrails.
38) 5.5.50-1 (216)
V.v.56-7 (207)
Caesar, now be still…with half so good a will.
39) 5.5.68-75 (218)
V.v.74, 79-81 (209)
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This was the noblest Roman…This was a man!'
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