May 3, 2012 - El Camino College

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2012
Administration building Room 131
I. Call to Order
Meeting Called to Order at 1:01 pm – Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet
Executive Cabinet
o President: Rebekka Asher
o Vice President: Jasmine Hormati
o Student Services Officer: Brooke Matson
o Director of Academic Affairs: Cindy Valdez
o Director of Finance: Kenji Tomoda
o Student Trustee: Josh Casper
o Public Relations Officer: Melina Mossberg
Senators by Division
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Sharon Asher, Mark Zelayaran
o Business: Brain Song
o Fine Arts: Grace Haynes
o Health Sciences & Athletics: Dillan Horton, Janelle Miller
o Humanities: Daniela Messarina
o Industry & Technology: Eric Monson
o Mathematical Sciences: Andre Portilla, Zachary Inouye
o Natural Sciences: Azucena Valadez, Vincent Chu
o Fine Arts: Helena Manumaleuna
o Humanities: Nathan Wofford
Commissioners/ Justices (Non-Voting)
Present: Ei Ei Phyoe Maung, Shayan Langha
Administrative Assistant (Non-Voting)
Present: Kevin Paxton
Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Breanna von Stein
Absent: Rebecca Cobb
Present: Karla Marmolejo
III. Approval of the Agenda
Item 5.1 will be tabled due to the absence of the Jo Ann Higdon.
Motion to approve the Senate agenda from May 3, 2012 as amended made by
Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke Matson. Motion Passed.
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IV. Approval of the Minutes
Jasmine Hormati stated that under 5.3 the line item was presented by Rebekka Asher and
not Dillan Horton, also that under 5.4 it was Rebekka Asher again.
Under item 5.6.3 Dillan Horton had seconded and it was ASO business “Cards”.
Motion to approve the Minutes for April 19, 2012 as is made by Rebekka Asher.
Seconded by Janelle Miller. Motion passed.
V. New Business
5.1 Banquet –Rebekka Asher/Melina Mossberg
Rebekka Asher stated that the ASO banquet will take place on May 25th at 6pm in
the East dining room above the bookstore. The last day to RSVP is on May 11.
There will be a committee meeting next week Tuesday at 3pm.
5.2 Hair Donation Drive –Brooke Matson
Brooke Matson stated that the Pantene hair donation drive be on May 21-22 from
8am-8pm. Zachary Inouye asked why the time had changed. Brooke Matson
stated that people can come from after work and be able to donate their hair.
The hair needs to be 8 inches long and clean. Jasmine Hormati stated its open to
the public as well.
5.3 Finance Items – Kenji Tomoda/ Rebekka Asher
The following items were approved by the Finance Committee and have been
brought to the ASO Senate to be voted on.
5.3.1 Motion to allocate an addition $272.51 from Student Rep fee
advocacy account (#72-55714-00-836115-7670) for the
reimbursement for Breanna von Stein for cancelled DC Hotels
made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke Matson.. Motion
Motion to allocate up to $3000 from AS Year End Banquet account
(#71-55001-00-836110-7670) for the ASO banquet made by
Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke Matson.
Discussion: Brain Song asked why the banquet would cost so much. Much
of the funds will be directed towards awards and food.
Kevin Paxton asked if those that are attending can bring a +1? Rebekka
Asher was not sure and Kevin Paxton also asked what kind of food would
be served. It will be discussed during the committee meeting.
Motion passed.
Motion to allocate up to $300 from NSEW account (#71-55001-00836412-7670) to be transferred into the ASO Awards Account to
cover the monetary award if there is a tie for one or more of the
awards made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke Matson.
Motion passed.
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Breanna von Stein stated that there was a mistake on the Agenda and that
this time is dealing blanket
Motion to transfer up to $200 from the AS Elections account (#7155001-00-836102-7670) to the ASO Supplies account (#71-5500100-836101-7670) made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke
Matson. Motion passed.
Motion to allocate up to $150 from the General Division account
(#71-55001-00-836365-7670) to fund the Natural Science Cancer
Awareness Event made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Zachary
Discussion: Vincent Chu stated that this will be used to fund bookmarks
and bracelets. There will be a board with information displayed on it,
quizzes will be given about the displayed information to determine
whether or not it was read. If whoever takes the quiz gets the questions
correct, they receive a bracelet or bookmark. Vincent Chu then stated that
the table will out on Wednesday next week.
Motion passed.
5.4 Appointments – Rebekka Asher
The following people wish to become a part of the ASO and the Senate will vote
to appoint them.
5.3.1 Motion to appoint Priscilla Young to the position of Student at Large
made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Sharon Asher. Motion Passed
5.3.2 Motion to appoint Nathan Wofford to the position of Director of
Student and Community Advancement made by Rebekka Asher.
Seconded by Daniela Messarina. Motion Passed.
5.3.3 Motion to appoint Ian Lei (Dorothy) Chan to the position of
Commissioner of Finance made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by
Janelle Miller. Motion Passed.
5.3.4 Motion to appoint Karla Marmolejo to the position of Commissioner
of Fine Arts made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Janelle Miller.
Motion passed.
5.5 General Assembly – Rebekka Asher
-Rebekka Asher stated that this general assembly was much better than the Fall
Semester; the main topic that everyone agreed on being the most important was
middle class scholarships act. Essentially businesses were attempting to take
advantage of loop holes to not pay taxes for schools. That tax money would be
sent to Universities and eventually help Community colleges.
-Mark Zelayaran stated that he learned about proper parliamentary procedure
when dealing with tabling items, moving the question, and some others.
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-Brooke Matson stated that Nathan Wofford did a great job considering it was his
first time at a conference. Nathan would speak during the workshops, representing
ECC very well. There was also a workshop on ethics. Brooke Matson talked
about resolutions that were passed, dealing with middle class scholarships and
textbooks. Mark Zelayaran stated that there was another resolution dealing with
CSU’s, it is a transfer agreement that will boost GPA by .2. Also students receive
an Associate’s degree and a near guaranteed acceptance into participating schools,
similar to a tag agreement.
-Rebekka Asher said that Nathan did a good job. He spoke at open microphones
in front of a very large audience.
-Brooke Matson stated that there is a Region 7 meeting this Friday at Pasadena
College at 1:30pm.
-Jasmine Hormati stated that ASO members should attend a Region meeting to
learn about issues that other colleges are facing. Also that parliamentary
procedure is very important due to its heavy use.
VI. Old Business
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
 Sharon Asher reported that during her division council meeting, a discussion of
setting up old ECC pictures came up. There will be another meeting soon.
 Jasmine Hormati reported that there will be a table for Cancer awareness on the
library lawn and that member reports are due on Friday
 Eric Monson reported that he has ASO business cards and if anyone needs more
to let him know.
 Rebekka Asher stated that she wanted to clarify some of the confusion going on
about the budget here at ECC. Basicially stating that dispite having a lot of new
buildings being made on campus; it is not money for the school itself to use. The
money comes from bonds that are voted on by the ECC district.
The Bond money is getting low and there is discussion of taking surveys asking
people to vote for an extension on the Bonds.
7.2 ICC Reports
Breanna von Stein reported that ICC has the human trafficking awareness event
coming up soon, also that it is the last ICC event of the spring semester. Breanna
von Stein then stated that there will be a speaker at the event along with
entertainment and food.
7.3 AGS Reports
Janelle Miller reported that permanent member applications are due soon.
7.4 Committee Reports
7.4.1 Activities Committee: Brooke Matson reported that the Hair donation event
will take place on May 21 and 22 from 8am-8pm. Also the Service Member
7.4.2 Fundraising Committee:-none.
7.4.3 Policy Committee: none
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7.4.4 Sustainability Committee: Jasmine Hormati reported that the next Green
Bag lunch will have two more events. One with Professor Holiday and
another dealing with Bike to school.
Academic awards will be on May 16 from 5:30-7 but help is needed from
2pm on.
Rebekka Asher stated that elections tables need help next week and the
times are 8am-2pm and 4pm-6pm; Monday through Thursday.
7.4.5 Collegial Consultation Task Force: none
7.5 Adviser Reports
7.5.1 Rebecca Cobb: none
7.5.2 Breanna Von Stein: reported that G.A did a great job, and that she hopes
others in the future will also be as good. Also that a student speaker is
needed for commencement. Monday is the due date for the application
process, with a copy of the speech. Auditions for the part will take place
next Wednesday.
Jasmine Hormati stated that ASO had a member perform as the student
commencement speaker, and that this year should try as well.
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Adjournments
 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 1:44pm, made by Rebekka Asher.
Seconded by Brooke Matson.
Motion passed.
Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
Rebekka Asher, ASO President
Breanna von Stein, ASO Adviser
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