April 19, 2012 Administration building Room 131


El Camino College

Associated Students Organization

Senate Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2012

Administration building Room 131

I. Call to Order

Meeting Called to Order at 1:01 pm – Quorum was established.

II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet

Executive Cabinet

Present: o o

President: Rebekka Asher

Vice President: Jasmine Hormati o Director of Academic Affairs: Cindy Valdez o Student Trustee: Josh Casper o o

Public Relations Officer: Melina Mossberg

Student Services Officer: Brooke Matson

Absent: o Director of Finance: Kenji Tomoda

Senators by Division

Present: o o

Behavioral & Social Sciences: Sharon Asher


Brain Song, Kyong Tai Moon o o

Fine Arts: Helena Manumaleuna, Grace Haynes

Health Sciences & Athletics: Dillan Horton, Janelle Miller o Industry & Technology: Eric Monson o o

Mathematical Sciences: Andre Portilla

Natural Sciences: Azucena Valadez, Vincent Chu

Absent: o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Mark Zelayaran o o

Humanities: Nathan Wofford, Daniela Messarina

Mathematical Sciences: Zachary Inouye

Commissioners/ Justices (Non-Voting)

Present: Ei Ei Phyoe Maung

Administrative Assistant (Non-Voting)

Present: Kevin Paxton

Advisers (Non-Voting)

Present: Linda Lew

Absent: Breanna von Stein, Rebecca Cobb


Present: Sato Nagano, Daniel Carvalho

III. Approval of the Agenda

Rebekka Asher stated that under item 5.2 Shayan Langha and Nikolai Simochko are eligible and won’t be removed from ASO; therefore, item 5.2.1 and 5.2.11 need to be removed.

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 Motion to approve the Senate agenda from April 19, 2012 as amended made by

Joshua Casper. Seconded by Dillan Horton. Motion Passed.

IV. Approval of the Minutes

 Motion to approve the Minutes for March 29, 2012 as is made by Rebekka Asher.

Seconded by Joshua Casper. Motion passed.

Kevin Paxton stated that for the Senate minutes of April 6 th

he had summarized the amendments made to the constitution; also that he quoted direct wording when necessary.

 Motion to approve the Minutes for April 6, 2012 as is made by Eric Monson.

Seconded by Vincent Chu. Azucena Valadez abstained. Motion passed.

V. New Business


Voting for the Richard Luthe and Harold Tyler ASO Awards –Carolee Vakil-


Item was skipped until the arrival of Carolee.


Removals –Rebekka Asher

The following people were found to be ineligible and can no longer be a part of the ASO; the Senate will vote to remove them.

Rebekka Asher stated that ineligibility can be a few different reasons: lack of

ASB sticker, low semester or overall G.P.A (below 2.0), no longer have 6 units at

ECC, or have not attended three meetings 3.


Motion to remove Michelle Kang, Blake Shirley, Wei Chao

Chen, Peter Chu, Lillian Lee, Ka Ng, Asuka Matsumura, Aaminah

Ginwalla, Gun Taniguchi for the ASO made by Rebekka Asher.

Seconded by Dillan Horton. Motion Passed

5.3 Appointments – Dillan Horton

The following people wish to become a part of the ASO and the Senate will vote to appoint them.


Motion to table item 5.3.1 made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by

Helena Manumaleuna. Motion Passed


Motion to table item 5.3.2 made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by

Joshua Casper. Motion Passed.


Motion to appoint Daniel Carvalho to the position of Division Council

Member of Mathematics made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Andre

Portilla. Motion Passed.

5.4 Spring General Assembly- Kenji Tomoda/Rebekka Asher

The following ASO members will be attending the Spring General Assembly conference in Ontario California.

 Motion to approve sending Rebekka Asher, Brooke Matson, Nathan

Woffard, Dillan Horton, and Mark Zelayaran to attend the Spring General

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Assembly made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Joshua Casper.

Discussion: Cindy Valdez asked why Rebekka Asher was going to attend another general assembly when she had already attended the last one. Rebekka Asher replied that both the President and Region 7 Representative are supposed to attend these conferences.

Motion passed.


End of the Year Banquet – Rebekka Asher


Rebekka Asher stated that the ASO Banquet will take place on May 25 th at

6pm in the East Dining room. ASO members that wish to attend must

RSVP and the deadline to do so is May 11. The Event will last until 8 or


Motion to have an End of the Year Banquet Committee made by

Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Joshua Casper. Motion passed.


Motion to appoint Melina Mossberg to the position of Banquet

Committee Chair made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke

Matson. Motion passed.


Finance Items – Kenji Tomoda/ Rebekka Asher

The following items were approved by the Finance Committee and have been brought to the ASO Senate to be voted on.


Motion to allocate an addition $36.35 from AS Campus Enrichment account (#71-55001-00-836409-7670) to fund ASO Pi Day made by

Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Sharon Asher. Joshua Casper

Abstained. Motion Passed.


Motion to allocate up to $500 from AS Leadership Awards account

(#71-55001-00-836378-7670) to be distributed to all the ASO awards evenly made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Dillan Horton.

Motion passed.


Motion to allocate up to $300 from AS Public Relations account

(#71-55001-00-836412-7670) to purchase ASO business made by

Rebekka Asher. Seconded by ??. Motion passed.


Motion to allocate up to $500 from the AS Luther Scholarship account (#71-55001-00-836409-7670) to pay the scholarship recipient made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Helena

Manumaleuna. Motion passed.


Motion to allocate up to $300 from the AS Corona Scholarship account (#71-55001-00-836411-7670) to pay the scholarship recipient made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Brooke Matson.

Motion passed.

Returned to item 5.1

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5.1 Voting for the Richard Luthe and Harold Tyler ASO Awards –Carolee Vakil-


Carolee Vakil-Jessop stated that Richard Luthe was an outstanding ASO Senate member that died much too young, this scholarship was voted and created by the

ASO of the time to honor of him. Therefore, every year the ASO Senators votes on a Senate member to receive this scholarship. And the ASO Executive members vote on a Cabinet member to receive a scholarship. The votes are secret ballot and are announced at the ASO Banquet.

VI. Old Business

6.1 Finance Item – Kenji Tomoda/ Rebekka Asher

Rebekka Asher stated that the ASO had not allocate the second half of the banner paper money during a Senate meeting. The paper was approved during the

Finance meeting and has already since been purchased.

 Motion to allocate up to $200 from AS Campus Enrichment account (#71-

55001-00-836409-7670) to fund banner paper for the Student

Development office information desk made by Rebekka asher. Seconded by Joshua Casper. Motion Passed.

VII. Reports

7.1 ASO Member Reports

Joshua Casper reported that the last Board of Trustees meeting will be on May

21 st and thanked those that attended the last Board meeting. The fist meeting for the new Student Trustee will be in June.

Sharon Asher reported that there will be a children’s day event on April 28 th


Participates create projects for the children to play with. The Age group will be from 10-12 years old.

Dillan Horton reported that the Mental Health Awareness event workshop will take place on May 3 rd

from 9am till 2pm.

The Town Hall meetings will now occur at the beginning and end of Spring semester.

CSU’s have talked about freezing enrollment from new students. CSU Long

Beach has already done so with its Nursing program for 2013, creating a waitlist to enter.

Eric Monson stated that member reports are due in two weeks, May 4 th

at 12am.

Azucena Valadez reported that this Saturday is Science fair day over by the physics and natural science buildings.

Rebekka Asher reported that the Police Adversary Committee spoke about recent violence on campus, fights, harassment both sexual & verbal, and other violent actions.

Helena Manumaleuna reported that there will be a dance concert April 26-28; however, she will not be performing this time.

7.2 ICC Reports

Sato Nagano reported that the Human Trafficking event Let their Voices be heard

Slavery Still Exists will take place on May 24 th

from 7-10pm in the East lounge.

There will be various committees, including: an overall committee, booth committee, backstage committee, and decorating committee. There will also be an opportunity drawing.

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Next meeting is next Wednesday April 25 th

and the last day for auditions is May

4 th


7.3 AGS Reports


7.4 Committee Reports

7.4.1 Activities Committee: Brooke Matson reported that Movie night was funny and successful. Monday is the Service Member drive. The Hair donation event will take place on May 21 and 22, volunteers are needed. Other upcoming events are town hall and finals madness.

7.4.2 Fundraising Committee:-none.

7.4.3 Policy Committee: meeting next week.

7.4.4 Sustainability Committee: Jasmine Hormati reported that the next Green

Bag lunch event is next Thursday and will include a lecture on the ocean.

7.4.5 Collegial Consultation Task Force: Dillan Horton reported that the Letter and Resolution will be viewed on Monday.

Rebekka Asher stated that the Elections committee extended the deadline for the picture and statement until April 30 th

at 12pm. There will be no exceptions. A

Candidates meeting will be on April 26 th posted either today or tomorrow.

. Last the qualified candidate list will be

7.5 Adviser Reports


Rebecca Cobb: none


Breanna Von Stein: none


Linda Lew none.

VIII. Public Comments


IX. Adjournments

 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 1:40pm, made by Dillan Horton.

Seconded by Rebekka Asher.

Motion passed.

Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton

Minutes Verified by:

______________________________________ ___________________________________________

Rebekka Asher, ASO President Linda Lew, ASO Adviser

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