OCR Biology - Departments

OCR Biology
AS level (H021)
Unit F211: Cells, Exchange and Transport
Examined in January Year 12
Module 1: Cells
 1.1.1 Cell Structure
 1.1.2 Cell Membranes
 1.1.3 Cell Division, Cell Diversity and Cellular Organisation
Module 2: Exchange and Transport
 1.2.1 Exchange Surfaces and Breathing
 1.2.2 Transport in Animals
 1.2.3 Transport in Plants
Unit F212:Molecules, Biodiversity, Food and Health
Module 1: Biological Molecules
 2.1.1 Biological Molecules
 2.1.2 Nucleic Acids
 2.1.3 Enzymes
June Year 12
Module 2: Food and Health
 2.2.1 Diet and Food Production
 2.2.2 Health and Disease
Module 3: Biodiversity and Evolution
 2.3.1 Biodiversity
 2.3.2 Classification
 2.3.3 Evolution
 2.3.4 Maintaining biodiversity
Unit F213: Practical Skills in Biology 1
Assessed throughout Year 12
This practical skills unit is teacher assessed and externally moderated by OCR.
Candidates are assessed on one task from each of the following categories:
qualitative, quantitative and evaluative tasks.
A level (H421)
Unit F214: Communication, Homeostasis and Energy
Module 1: Communication and Homeostasis
 4.1.1 Communication
 4.1.2 Nerves
 4.1.3 Hormones
January Year 13
Module 2: Excretion
 4.2.1 Excretion
Module 3: Photosynthesis
 4.3.1 Photosynthesis
Module 4: Respiration
 4.4.1 Respiration
Unit F215: Control, Genomes and Environment
Module 1: Cellular Control and Variation
 5.1.1 Cellular Control
 5.1.2 Meiosis and Variation
June Year 13
Module 2: Biotechnology and Gene Technologies
 5.2.1 Cloning in Plants and Animals
 5.2.2 Biotechnology
 5.2.3 Genomes and Gene Technologies
Module 3: Ecosystems and Sustainability
 5.3.1 Ecosystems
 5.3.2 Populations and Sustainability
Module 4: Responding to the Environment
 5.4.1 Plant Responses
 5.4.2 Animal Responses
 5.4.3 Animal Behaviour
Unit F216: Practical Skills in Biology 2
Assessed throughout Year 13
This practical skills unit is teacher assessed and externally moderated by OCR.
Candidates are assessed on one task from each of the following categories:
qualitative, quantitative and evaluative tasks.