Recycling and Waste
(1) There are conveniently placed and easily identified paper recycling bins in our house
(1) There are conveniently placed and easily identified can/bottle recycling bins in our house
(1) We have a location or bin to collect cardboard boxes for recycling
(1) Recycling signs are clearly posted above all recycling containers and/or areas.
(2) Laminated Colgate Recycling Guide signs (downloaded online at have
been fixed above all recycling bins
□ (2) Our house has at least one clearly labeled container designated for small electronics recycling
(i.e. batteries, cell phones, CD's, iPods, PDA's, etc.), which we bring to the COOP for proper
electronic recycling
□ (3) The majority of individuals in our house own and use personal reusable cups/mugs instead of
disposable ones (i.e. Styrofoam, plastic, paper, etc…).
Buy Local
□ (1) We have individuals in our house that prefer to buy local and/or organic food when grocery
shopping (i.e. Hamilton Whole Foods or the organic section in grocery stores).
□ (2) We have members of our community who occasionally buy from local farmer’s markets such
as the Hamilton Farmer’s Market or Poolville’s Farmer’s Market
□ (3) We have members of our community that are part of a community-supported agriculture such
as Common Thread Farm and receive their produce from them
□ (3) Our chef orders food on a regular basis from CNY Bounty:
□ (1) Wherever possible, we use compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL’s) instead of incandescent bulbs in
our house.
□ (1) Lights are turned off in common areas, bathrooms, closets, etc. when unoccupied
□ (1) If possible, we use B&G recommended settings for space heating in the winter (68 degrees F)
and space cooling in the summer (76 degrees F)
□ (1) We have at least one EPA Energy Star appliance or TV in our house
□ (1) We close our windows during the cold winter months when the heat is on
□ (2) Where appropriate, prompts are posted next to switches to remind people to turn off lights
□ (3) We use power strips or Smart Strips to kill phantom loads for electronic devices such as coffee
makers, electric hot water maker, microwaves, toasters, blenders, computers, T.V.‘s, DVD players,
X-boxes, Playstations, etc., and turn off the power strip at night
Water Use
□ (1) All water leaks are promptly reported and fixed
Social Gatherings, Events, and Parties
□ (1) Before social gatherings and events we remind attendees to bring mugs or reusable cups for
beverages (BYOM - Bring your own mug)
□ (1) At our social gatherings and events we never use Styrofoam materials
□ (1) At social gatherings and events we avoid distributing bottled water. Instead we have a water
cooler or filtered tap water available
□ (1) At social gatherings, events, and parties, we have recycling bins that are conveniently located
and easily identified. If we have trash bins they are always placed alongside recycling bins
□ (1) Recycling signs are clearly posted above recycling containers at parties and events
□ (1) (If applicable) At the beginning of organized social gatherings or events we give brief
instructions about where our recycling bins are located
□ (2) For our catered events, we work with our vendor to try and reduce waste (i.e. use reusable
platters instead of individually wrapped sandwiches, avoid Styrofoam or plastic containers, etc.)
□ (2) At the end of parties we make sure all plastic cups and solo cups end up reused or recycled and
not thrown out
□ (2) At the end of parties we make sure all cans & bottles end up recycled and not on their way to
the landfill
□ (3) At social gatherings and events we reduce waste by using the following in bulk containers:
sugar, salt, condiments, and beverages (including water)
Printing (if we have a common printer) and Paper Use
(1) Our printer is set to print/copy double-sided as its default
(2) We buy and use recycled paper (ideally 100 percent) & never use non-recycled (virgin) paper
(2) We have a box or pile next to our printer to reuse paper that has printing on only one side
(3) When appropriate, we use 1/2 inch margins instead of the customary one-inch margins to
reduce overall paper use
□ (1) Individuals in our house strive to use bikes, the Cruiser, and/or carpooling to get around as
opposed to driving individually
□ (1) Members of our community are aware of Colgate’s Green Bikes Program
□ (2) One or more members of our community use(s) Colgate’s Green Bikes Program
□ (3) Our house has a bike rack or convenient location to store bikes where they are easily accessible
and protected
□ (1) Some members of our community will attend at least one environmentally-themed event,
lecture, or activity this semester. For example, Green Summit.
□ (2) One or more of our members consistently attends monthly Campus Ecology meetings (Contact
John Pumilio x6487 for details)
□ (3) All members of our community will attend at least one environmentally-themed event, lecture,
or activity this semester. For example, Green Summit.
(These events, lectures, and activities include Green Summit, an ENST Brown Bag Lunch, a Geology or
Earth Science Lecture, a Backyard adventure, or an Outdoor Education PE course)