4.12 Egyptian Social Classes SWBAT: Identify and categorize

4.12 Egyptian Social Classes
SWBAT: Identify and categorize occupations in ancient Egypt and compare
ancient Egyptian and modern American social classes
Warm Up (5 min): Use text evidence from your book to answer the following
 What Egyptian social class was Ranofer a part of in The Golden Goblet?
 What social class did he want to be a part of?
 What social class did he actually become a part of?
 How was it different from what he wanted?
 How did he feel about it?
Class discussion: (10 minutes)
Class will discuss the pyramid and where the occupations belong on the
Teacher will allow brief discussions to take place about the occupations in
each social class.
Teacher will have a completed pyramid to show on the document camera
Guiding Questions:
Why did you put that occupation in that class?
Could it have gone anywhere else?
Do you understand the occupation?
Compare: (10 minutes)
 What do social classes look like in the USA? Class makes list using
scenario/profession worksheet
 Student will be split into 5 pre-assigned groups in order to use a Venn
diagram to compare ancient Egyptian classes with modern American social
 Each student will also have a venn diagram for other comparisons
 Royalty class will be compared to Upper Class
 Nobles and Officers of State will be compared to Upper Middle Class
 Professionals will be compared to Middle Class
 Artisans will be compared to Lower Middle Class
 Peasants and Laborers will be compared to Lower Class
 Students will write their Venn diagram on a white board
Social classes in the United States
On this graphic organizer your table must discuss and work together to decide
which social class each of the scenarios/professions fit into in modern day United
States society. Remember to consider all of the factors we came up with as a class
(they are listed on the board). When your table has come to a conclusion about
which social class the scenario/profession fits into, put an x in the box you have
chosen. Even though the table is deciding on their answers together, each person at
the table is required to fill out his/her own graphic organizer.
Scenario/Profession Upper
A family vacations in
Colorado every
A garbage collector
A heart surgeon
A man eats dinner at
Taco Bell three times
a week.
A middle school
A professional athlete
A woman who buys
all of her clothes at
A married couple
with 6 kids
An artist makes
$50,000 a year
A bus driver
A graduate of
Harvard University
The president of the
United States
A pig farmer
A police officer
A family that lives in
the mission
1. Royalty
 King
 Queen
Egyptian Society Pyramid - Key
2. Nobles, Officers of State
 Governor
 Vizier
 High Priest
 Army General
 Soldier
3. Professionals
 Architect
 Surveyor
 Overseer
 Doctor
 Engineer
 Goldsmith
 Embalmer
 Landowner
 Tax Collector
 Scribe
 Priest
4. Artisans
 Sculptor
 Carpenter
 Painter
 Musician
 Potter
 Dancer
5. Peasants and Laborers
 Servant
 Laborer
 Sailor
 Ferryman
 Goldminer
 Quarryman
 Fisherman
 Water Carrier
 Farm Worker