Melvin Jones Fellow - Lions Clubs International

For Information Contact:
(Phone number)
(E-mail address)
For Immediate Release
(City, date) -- (Recipient name) of (city) has been named a Melvin Jones Fellow by Lions
Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) in recognition of (his/her) commitment to serving the
world community. Named for the founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones, the
fellowship is one of the Foundation’s highest recognitions, honoring the commitment to
humanitarian service.
(Last name) is a member of the (name) Lions Club. (He/She) recently received a
commemorative plaque and lapel pin acknowledging (his/her) dedication to the foundation’s
humanitarian goals. As a Melvin Jones Fellow, (name) becomes a part of the growing network
of individuals who are committed to improving the quality of life for people locally and in
communities around the world. (Note: Modify paragraph if recipient is a non-Lion and add
more personal details if available about the recognition – why specifically chosen, works
done, etc.)
(Insert quote here about or by MJF recipient if available).
The Melvin Jones Fellowship is a recognition presented to those who donate US$1,000 to LCIF
or to people for whom a donation was made by others. It is the backbone of LCIF, providing 75
percent of the Foundation's revenue. Contributions can be made by individuals (including nonLions), clubs or districts.
Lions Clubs International Foundation is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International.
Established in 1968, LCIF is committed to providing humanitarian services to those in need,
including providing disaster relief, saving sight, supporting youth and combating disability.
There are more than 331,000 Melvin Jones Fellows worldwide who provide more than 75
percent of the Foundation’s revenue. LCIF was ranked by a Financial Times study as the #1 nongovernmental organization with which to partner. Learn more at