The Brain and the Sense Organs

The Brain and the Sense Organs - Pathway Activity Sheet
Checkpoint 1 (Human Body Exhibition): Nerve Endings In The Arm
Press the button. Observe the movement of the arm.
ai. What happens when the arm touches the "flame"?
aii. What kind of action do you call this?
Under normal circumstances, the movement of the arm is controlled by the brain and
the spinal cord.
bi. In this emergency case, which do you think controls the movement of the arm?
bii. Give a reason for your answer.
Checkpoint 2 (Human Body Exhibition): Nervous Transmission
a. PRESS the button.
b. The light path shows nerve signal transmission for a myelinated axon to a nerve cell
Notice the signal "jumps" from node to node along the axon.
ci. What is the main function of nerve cells (neurons)?
cii. Neurons (nerve cells) can be grouped into three structural types.
The Brain and Sense Organs
Name these three different types of neurons.
Checkpoint 3 (Human Body Exhibition): How Do You See?
Look at the lens of this eye from the front. You will notice a faint upright image of a
horse on the lens.
Now look at the back of the eye. You will notice the image at the back is upside down.
a. From this exhibit, you have noticed that the image being focused at the back of our
eye is upside down. However, what we see is an upright image. What causes the image
to be upright? What is your score?
b. Name the two types of light-sensitive cells present in the retina of our eye which help
us to see things in colours and in dim conditions.
c. Look at this exhibit again. You will notice a bright spot inside this eye.
What does this bright spot represent?
Checkpoint 4 (Human Body Exhibition): Are You Colourblind?
View the colour plates at a distance of about 75cm.
a. Can you see the numbers on the colour plates?
Check your colour vision by flipping the cover.
The Brain and Sense Organs
The human eye sees colour using special cells in the retina called cones to detect
different colours. Colour blindness happens when some of these cones don't work
bi. What are the three colours of cones in the human eye that allow us to detect red,
green and blue light ?
bii. Why is colour blindness more common in men?
Checkpoint 5 (Human Body Exhibition): Hearing Range
Choose a button to hear a tone. Try to match the tone you have first heard by
manipulating the other buttons provided on the exhibit.
a. Did you match the tone correctly?
b. What is the normal hearing range for humans?
c. Animals have different hearing range. Some can hear higher frequencies while others
lower. Arrange the following animals according to their hearing range. Start with the
animal that has the lowest hearing range.
Bat, Whale, Man, Elephant
Checkpoint 6 (Human Body Exhibition): Sound Waves
The Brain and Sense Organs
Press the START button.
Turn the knob slowly to hear a range of sounds.
a. Record the lowest and the highest frequencies you are able to hear.
My lowest hearing frequency is: __________________ Hz.
My highest hearing frequency is: __________________ Hz.
b. What is the equipment that can be used to convert sound waves into waves that
appear on a screen?
c. What is the unit used in measuring sound volume?
d. Why is having two ears important to some animals?
e. Name two animals that depend very much on their hearing in carrying out their
hunting activities.
Checkpoint 7 (Human Body Exhibition): Your Sense of Taste
Your tongue is an organ of taste. It can taste four things: sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
a. What are present on your tongue that help to tell the different tastes?
The Brain and Sense Organs
b. Below is a diagram of a tongue. Draw arrows to label the parts accordingly to show
the areas that allow you to tell the four tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
Checkpoint 8 (Human Body Exhibition): How Do You Smell?
Press the handle and sniff the vapour from each tube.
ai. Guess the names of the 4 given scent.
aii. You may now check your answers by lifting the cover next to each tube.
How many have you guessed correctly?
b. Which sense did you use to carry out the activity in part (a)?
c. Sometimes, when a person gets a head injury, he loses his smelling ability. Why?
The Brain and Sense Organs
Checkpoint 9 (Human Body Exhibition): Can You See With Your Hands?
a. Touch the things inside this box.
b. Write down the names of these objects.
c. Press the button to check answers.
d. How many items have you guessed correctly?
e. What one of the senses did you use to feel the objects?
Your skin is the largest organ that allows you to sense your environment with the help
of nerves.
f. List two types of nerves found in your skin and state their functions.
Checkpoint 10 (Human Body Exhibition): Do You Sweat?
The Brain and Sense Organs
Caution: DO NOT try this if you have a heart problem.
a. Hold the bars firmly with your hands and don't let go.
b. Wait and watch the meter.
c. You will observe the needle of the meter swing a little when you hear a loud pop
di. What do you think is being produced by your body to cause the needle of the meter
to swing?
dii. Why is this so?
Repeat steps (a) to (c) for 4 to 5 times.
e. What do you notice about the swinging of the needle each time?
For answers to the above Pathway Activity Sheet, please go to Teachers' Answer.
The Brain and Sense Organs