Peer Program Application ()

Peer Program Application
What is the Peer Program?
The CCC Peer program was established in 2009 as a way of helping new students navigate CCC. All
students selected to serve in the Peer program help create a comfortable, safe, and supportive
environment for our new and returning students. CCC Peer Assistants and Peer Mentors serve our college
in a variety of positions on campus, ranging from in-classroom mentoring to supporting the Cougar Call
What are the different Peer Program positions?
The Welcome Center: PA’s serving as student ambassadors will staff the Admissions Welcome Center
reception desk, helping new and prospective students navigate the admissions process. They will also
communicate with prospective students via email, phone and mail, lead campus tours, and may also
represent CCC at college and career fairs and high school visits, host special events, and staff college
information booths.
Advising/Career Services: PA’s will provide support to students, staff and community members with
their needs focused around Academic Advising, Career Services and Graduation Services. PA’s will
provide in-person and phone service to students with questions from academic advising, getting started
at CCC, registering for classes, career exploration, job search assistance, to almost anything about CCC.
Community Center Information Kiosk: PA’s will staff the welcome desk of the Community Center
providing information to students, staff and community members. PA’s will be trained to answer a wide
range of general questions for all student support services that take place in the Community Center and
help others access services to support their academic careers here at CCC.
Counseling Department: PA’s will staff a reference desk in the Community Center to guide and answer
questions for students, staff and community members, while also providing support services to the staff
in the counseling department.
Disability Resource Center: PA’s will staff the reception desk in the Disability Resource Center. They will
serve as a guide to answer questions for students and community members, while also providing support
services to the office staff.
The Call Center: The main purpose of the Call Center is answering questions ranging from financial aid to
registration and general information about the college. PA’s will also provide support in the lobby during
busy registration and financial aid deadlines as well as provide clerical support to the departments in
Enrollment Services.
Enrollment Services: Roger Rook Building serves as a support to students and staff in the Financial Aid
and Registration departments. Peer Assistants may work directly (in person, phone, and/or email) with
students to answer general questions and assist in navigating registration and financial aid processes. As
well, they assist with various departmental clerical assignments.
International Connector: Assist our international students in our English as a Second Language
program. Plan meaningful, educational activities both on and off campus, and help educate our
international students on how to navigate the systems here at the college.
Peer Program Application
Math Peer Mentor: Peer Mentors in math have a dual role: they assist a faculty member in a math course,
and they are peer tutors in the Math Lab. In their role in the math course, PM’s assist faculty with class
activities, work individually with students in the class, and connect students to campus resources. As
tutors, Peer Mentors work individually with students in the Math Lab to improve their math skills
through explaining concepts and demonstrating how to work through problems.
Writing Peer Mentor: Peer Mentors in writing have a dual role: they assist a faculty member in a
composition course, and they are peer mentors in the Writing Center. In their role in the composition
course, PM’s assist faculty with class activities, work individually with students in the class, and connect
students to campus resources. As tutors, Peer Mentors work individually with students in the Writing
Center to improve their writing through understanding assignments, revising for idea development and
structure, and edit for clarity and correctness.
What is the selection process and time commitment?
To qualify, you must:
 Have completed 12 college credits, or have completed 12 credits by the end of the current term.
 Have a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA
 Be in good academic standing
 Enrolled in at least 12 credits each term you serve as a PA/PM
 Have familiarity navigating CCC and related websites, processes, etc.
 For Peer Mentors:
Applicants interested in serving as a Writing Peer Mentor must have received an “A” in WR 121.
Preference will be shown to students receiving an “A” or “B” in either WR 122 or WR 227.
Applicants interested in serving as a Math Peer Mentor must have received an “A” in Math 111.
Preference will be given to students who have completed higher math courses with an A or a B.
Selection process:
 Applications are accepted on-going until positions are filled.
 Applicants selected for an interview will be notified by phone or email.
Candidates selected will be required to complete coursework and training (course credit will be optional,
but the course will be mandatory). This includes a one (1) hour meeting per week and a minimal packet of
readings/reflections. At the completion of the course, many PA/PM candidates will be offered a contract to
be signed for winter and spring term 2016, those who are not selected may be retained on a wait list in the
event of openings at any time in the following year.
If selected:
 You must be available the following times:
o Fall 2015 and 2016 winter/spring terms: for one-hour weekly meetings (date/time TBD)
once the term begins
o Committed to 12 hours per week in their designated department area to earn a full tuition
o Committed to serving as a PA/PM for the fall, winter and spring terms of 2015-16. If you
take summer courses, you may also serve during the summer term
NOTE: If you are unable to meet any of the above time commitments, please do not apply at this time.
Peer Program Application
Students selected to serve as Peer Assistant or Peer Mentor receives a full tuition waiver for 12 credits.
The tuition waiver covers resident tuition only.
*If you are a non-resident or international student, you will pay the difference between resident and nonresident tuition.
Tuition Waiver & Time Commitment Calculation
To receive a 12 credit tuition waiver each term you must complete the following commitment:
Hours each week
12 hours
3 hours
Total per week: 15
How to Meet Hours
Weekly scheduled hours at site
Campus/Community Service, Professional
Development Meetings, etc.
Total per term: 165
10 hours
Hours tutoring
1 hour
Staff meeting with Math Lab Coordinator
1 hour
Preparing for classroom, communicating with instructor, etc.
How do I apply?
Submit all required application materials
Application Requirements Include:
 Application - must be typed
 Response to application questions – must be typed
 Typed Resume, including the names and contact information of three references
(No letters required)
 CCC transcript – You can provide an unofficial transcript
*Please send materials in Word or PDF format
Incomplete submitted applications will not be considered.
Questions can be directed to Robin Dryden, Administrative Assistant, through email at or by phone 503-594-3444.
Peer Program Application
Application Deadline: ASAP
Application must be typed
Applicant Information:
Name: _______________________________________________CCC ID #________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________ Cell Phone (if different): _________________________
CCC Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Cumulative GPA: _____________________ Major: ________________________________________________
Indicate: Which of the following positions you are most interested? Place a 1 and 2 in the box
of your first and second choice:
Admissions Welcome Center
The Call Center
Advising & Career Services
Disability Resource Center
Community Center Information Kiosk
Enrollment Services
International Connector
Math Peer Mentor
Counseling Center
Writing Peer Mentor
Signature: I hereby submit my application and agree that all information is true to the best of my
Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________
Submit: All materials (Application, typed Resume including names and contact information of three
references, and unofficial CCC transcript) to
Incomplete applications will not be considered
Peer Program Application
Application Deadline: ASAP
Application must be typed
1. Write a brief description on why you are interested in the CCC Peer Mentor program.
2. What skills and qualities have you acquired through previous work experience or your
experiences at CCC that you will bring with you to this program?
3. What areas of personal improvement do you feel need work?
4. Please describe your experience and abilities working with diverse groups.
5. If you could change one thing about the services provided by CCC, what would it be?
6. What do enjoy most about your experiences at CCC?