Independent Novel Study

Independent Novel Study
Part 1: Choosing a Novel
You are responsible for choosing a novel that demonstrates the “quest” motif. The hero can
undergo a physical, spiritual, and/or psychological quest. In any case, the main
accomplishment of a quest is finding out more about oneself and one’s world.
You need to fill out and submit a proposal for your book choice. This form is included.
Proposal Due:
Part 2: Read
As you read the novel, you will want to pay particular attention to how the hero’s quest
unfolds. Make notes or use sticky notes to mark important passages that you will need for
the response journal and creative extension.
Novel Read By:
Part 3: Response Journal
Write about some/several of the following. You must include appropriate facts and / or
quotations to support your comments.
Your thoughts on the quest of the main character (relate to what we’ve learned about
quests and to quests we studied).
Your reflections on themes, characters and conflicts present in the novel.
Archetypes in the novel.
Features of the author’s style of writing- point of view, character development,
foreshadowing, symbolism. Discuss how these elements complement and reinforce
the themes of your novel.
Part 4: Creative Extension
Please choose from the following:
 Re-write your novel in Graphic novel format. Consider angles, distance etc. in
depicting events effectively. (A shortened version or major piece of the novel is fine)
 Identify the protagonist in your novel and write excerpts from a journal this
character might have kept. Include journals from before the events of the story take
place, as well as ones providing the character’s thoughts about significant events.
 Draw several characters in your novel (at least three). For each drawing, provide an
explanation of why you envision the character as you do.
 Create an in-depth news story on an important event in your novel. Interview
significant characters whose interpretation of events is crucial to understanding the
novel. Choose a particular incident on which to focus the news story.
 Choose a significant event in your novel and tell it from a particular character’s point
of view. Your telling should reflect that character’s personality, background and
personal slant on events.
Choose your own creative project and have it approved by the teacher within the next week.
Response Journal and Creative Extension Due: ___________________
Each should be 500-750 words in length (2-3 pages)
The responses should be word processed, in 12 pt. font, double spaced.
Include a cover page that gives the title of the assignment, the book, your name,
my name, the course code and the date of submission.
Attach a rubric to the back.
* We will have a class during which you will have a peer edit your work. This will
occur on: ________________________. Remember to hand in this rough draft (with
the edits that were done), and the name of the student who edited your work for you,
on the date you submit your complete assignment.
Independent Novel Proposal
Title of Novel:
Number of Pages:
Rationale: (Why did you choose this novel?)
Merit: (What literary merit do you think this novel has?)
o This proposal has been accepted.
o Please discuss this proposal with your teacher.
Independent Novel Study Peer Editing Sheet
Author: ______________________
Editor: _______________________
Look Fors
Does the response journal answer the question(s) it addresses completely?
Are thoughtful ideas and analysis provided in the response journal?
Does the creative extension have the features appropriate for the format
chosen (newspaper article, graphic novel, etc.)?
Are considerable creative risks taken in the creative extension?
A genuine effort has been made and the work appears polished and
Are quotes used to substantiate ideas in the response journal?
Is the word count around 500-750 words (max.) for each part?
Few to no
Some errors
Many errors
Punctuation used correctly?
Incomplete sentences (fragments)?
Run-on sentences?
Verb tense consistent?
Proper citation in MLA style?
Comments for improvement:
Independent Novel Study Rubric
* Facts from the novel have been used
* Facts from the novel have been included in
sufficient detail to indicate a close reading of
the text
* Writing illustrates a grasp of the ideas and
themes of the novel
* Ideas have been developed sufficiently to
illustrate an understanding of the literary
aspects of the novel
* Ideas have been supported with facts and
quotations from the novel
* The writing is clear and easy to follow
* Vocabulary is mature and appropriate
* The writing is vibrant and indicating an
effort to engage the reader
* The writing is coherent and remains on topic
* Avoidance of errors in spelling, punctuation
and grammar
* Sentences are effective
* Length of responses is appropriate
* Assignment has been formatted properly
* There is a proper cover page
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4