Data Set: Christopher Columbus Categories : Columbus’ first trip, Columbus’ life, Native Americans, the Spanish 1. Columbus was trying to go to India and China but landed on an island. 2. Columbus brought many diseases into the New World. 3. Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean with three ships, La Nina, La Pinta, La Santa Maria. 4. Columbus took people, food, and plants from the New World back to Spain. 5. Columbus was born in Italy. 6. Columbus was an explorer. 7. La Nina, La Pinta, and La Santa Maria carried 120 men from Spain to the New World. 8. The King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus money and ships for his trip. 9. From 1492-1502 Columbus made four trips from Spain to the New World. 10.Columbus made Native Americans work as slaves. 11.After Columbus, Spain sent more explorers to the New World to look for gold.