.att_us_sign ************************************************************************ BEGIN ATTENDING DOCUMENTATION ************************************************************************ Ultrasound Supervision Note I was present for the resident ultrasound and personally reviewed the images in real time. The images are available upon request in for review. Electronically signed by ************************************************************************ END ATTENDING DOCUMENTATION ************************************************************************ .us_aorta LIMITED BEDSIDE AORTIC ULTRASOUND Indication: Evaluation for _ Proximal Aorta: _ cm Distal Aorta: _ cm Iliac arteries: _ cm bilateral Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_biliary Limited Bedside Biliary Ultrasound Indication: Evaluation for _ Gallstones: _ Gallbladder distention: _ Gallbladder wall measurement: _ cm (normal less than 0.35cm) Common bile duct confirmed with color flow measured: _ cm (normal less than 0.70cm) Sonographic Murphy’s sign: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_cardiac Limited Bedside Cardiac Ultrasound Indication: Evaluation of _ Cardiac Activity: _ Pericardial Effusion: _ Right Ventricular Dilation: _ LV Function: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_DVT Limited Bedside Ultrasound Lower Extremity Venous Exam Indication: Evaluation for _ RIGHT: Common Femoral Vein: _ (patent and compressible / non-compressible) Superficial Femoral Vein: _ Greater Saphenous Vein: _ Popliteal Vein: _ LEFT: Common Femoral Vein: _ (patent and compressible / non-compressible) Superficial Femoral Vein: _ Greater Saphenous Vein: _ Popliteal Vein: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_EFAST Extended Focused Assessment with Ultrasonography in Trauma Indication: Evaluation for _ Limited Bedside Cardiac Ultrasound Cardiac view: Subcostal Cardiac Activity: Present Pericardial Effusion: _ Limited Abdomen Bedside Ultrasound Hepatorenal interface: _ Splenorenal interface: _ Pericolic gutter: _ Limited Bedside Thoracic Ultrasound LEFT THORAX Left Pneumothorax: _ (as determined by the presence of sliding lung) Left Pleural Effusion: _ RIGHT THORAX Right Pneumothorax: _ (as determined by the presence of sliding lung) Right Pleural Effusion: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_tvgyn LIMITED BEDSIDE TRANSVAGINAL GYN ULTRASOUND NOTE Indication: Evaluation of _ Right ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Left ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Uterus: _ (visualized in coronal and sagittal plane and appears normal) Free fluid: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_tagyn LIMITED BEDSIDE TRANSABDOMINAL GYN ULTRASOUND NOTE Indication: Evaluation of _ Right ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Left ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Uterus: _ (visualized in coronal and sagittal plane and appears normal) Free fluid: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_tvob LIMITED BEDSIDE TRANSVAGINAL OB ULTRASOUND NOTE Indication: Evaluation of _ Right ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Left ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Uterus: _ (visualized in coronal and sagittal plane and gestational sac with yolk sac and FHR noted) Free fluid: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_taob LIMITED BEDSIDE TRANSABDOMINAL OB ULTRASOUND NOTE Indication: Evaluation of _ Right ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Left ovary: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal color flow) Uterus: _ (visualized in coronal and sagittal plane and gestational sac with yolk sac and FHR noted) Free fluid: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_ocular Limited Bedside Ocular Ultrasound Indication: Evaluation of _ Eye: _ (RIGHT LEFT) Lens intact: _ PVD Noted: _ PRD Noted: _ Optic Sheath Diameter: _ mm (normal less than 5mm) CRA flow noted: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_renal Limited Bedside Renal Ultrasound Indication: Evaluation for _ RIGHT: Hydronephrosis: _ Intra-renal stone: _ Other: _ LEFT: Hydronephrosis: _ Intra-renal stone: _ Other: _ Bladder: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_softtissue Limited Bedside Ultrasound of Soft Tissue Indication: Evaluation of _ Location: _ Cobblestoning or signs of cellulitis noted: _ (Yes / No) Fluid collection consistent with abscess formation noted: _ Foreign Body: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_testicle Limited Bedside Testicle and Scrotum Ultrasound Indication: Evaluation of _ Right testicle: _ (visualized and has normal appearance with normal venous and arterial color flow) Left testicle: _ Scrotum: _ Other: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ .us_thorax Limited Bedside Thoracic Ultrasound Indication: Evaluation of _ LEFT THORAX Left Pleural Effusion: _ Left interstitial Fluid: _ (as determined by less 3 B-lines / intercostal space) Left Pneumothorax: _ (as determined by the presence of sliding lung) Other: _ RIGHT THORAX Right Pleural Effusion: _ Right interstitial Fluid: _ (as determined by less 3 B-lines / intercostal space) Right Pneumothorax: _ (as determined by the presence of sliding lung) Other: _ Interpretation: _ Performed by: _ Edit 9/22/14