國立板橋高中九十八學年度第二學期第一次期中考一年級英文科試題 Listening Comprehension 聽力測驗 (15%) I. Part 1: Picture Questions Look at each picture and answer the question. 1. 8. (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Which one are you going to buy? Sure, it’s really simple to use. Just watch. I’m sorry, but we’re all out of those. If it breaks, we’ll give you a new one. Sorry. I’m afraid I can’t sell it for any less. Part 3: Conversation Questions Listen to each conversation and answer the question. 9. 2. (A) Buy a new chair. (B) Move the chair. (C) Repair the chair. (D) Throw the chair away. 10. (A) (B) (C) (D) 11. (A) She won’t come today. (B) She is already there. 3. Throw the book. Open the book. Read the book. Close the book. (C) She will be there soon. (D) She is going to be late. Part 2: Best Response Questions Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response. 4. (A) (B) (C) (D) Sure. Let me get out a knife. But I didn’t bring any money. Yeah, we should throw it away. OK. I will try to make it shine. 5. (A) (B) (C) (D) Well, go somewhere quieter then. I’ll turn up the volume for you. You should buy a more comfortable bed. So why don't you eat at my house? 6. (A) Yes. She loves making people laugh at her jokes. (B) I agree. She does seem pretty sure of herself. (C) Yes. All she cares about is making money. (D) That's why she doesn’t have many friends. 7. II. 12. (A) (B) (C) (D) He has to work all summer. He is feeling a little ill. He doesn’t have enough money. He is scared to travel alone. Part 4: Short Talk Questions Listen to the following paragraphs and answer the questions. 13. (A) (B) (C) (D) Exercising to give your brain more oxygen. Studying in small groups. Using your weaker hand to do things. Eating lots of healthy food. 14. (A) (B) (C) (D) Making healthy meals. Watching sports on TV. Learning new skills. Using more senses. 15. (A) Always write everything down. (B) Take regular breaks while studying. (C) Study in a comfortable place. (D) Use as many senses as possible. (A) The fitting room is around the corner. (B) Sure. I don’t mind driving that far. (C) That’s OK. We can keep looking. Cloze Test 綜合測驗 (24%) 1 (A) Jerry found a cocoon of a butterfly by chance. He noticed that __16__ hard the butterfly tried, it could not get out of the cocoon. He was so kind and eager to help __17__ cut off the remaining part of the cocoon. Although the butterfly came out easily, yet something miserable happened. The butterfly never was able to fly. Jerry’s __18__ turned out to be unnecessary and foolish. Why? Because he did not know that the struggle was __19__ the butterfly needed in its life. As it got through the tiny hole, fluid was forced to flow from its body into its wings __20__ it would be ready to fly __21__ it broke free from the cocoon. In other words, without the fluid __ 22__ the wings, the butterfly would become crippled. Similarly, if we humans __23__ to live a life free from difficulty, we could never grow up and gain enough strength for achieving our dream. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (A) whatever (A) that (A) sense of curiosity (A) that (A) therefore 21. (A) even if 22. (A) entering 23. (A) allow (B) whenever (B) but (B) knowledge of biology (B) what (B) so that (C) however (C) as to (C) use of equipment (C) how (C) simply (D) whichever (D) as for (D) act of kindness (D) which (D) as if (B) because (B) completing (B) allowed (C) although (C) swelling (C) have allowed (D) once (D) contracting (D) were allowed (B) The American bride follows certain traditions regarding their clothing and accessories. There is an old saying that tells the bride __24__: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. To begin with, the bride usually wears a __25__ dress. It symbolizes a connection __26__ the past. Also, she may wear new jewelry, which is symbolically meant to bring good luck and success to her. When the bride __27__ wearing something borrowed, more often than not, she will ask for a best friend’s bridal veil, an object which helps the bride remember that her family and friends will give support to her forever. As for something blue, it may be a garter __28__ on the bride’s leg or simply a ribbon, serving as a symbol of loyalty. Speaking of the garter, it is interesting to note that it has another part to play in common American weddings. __29__, when the wedding ceremony is almost over, the groom traditionally will __30__ the garter from the bride’s leg and throw it to the unmarried men who are attending the wedding. __31__ catches it is thought to be the next who will marry. In a sense, the garter surely plays many roles in a wedding: it is not just something blue; it can also be “something lucky.” 24. (A) which to wear 25. (A) mother or grandmother (C) mother or grandmother’s 26. (A) on 27. (A) searches for 28. (A) worn (B) how to wear (B) with (B) comes across (B) wore (C) what to wear (D) when to wear (B) mother’s or grandmother (D) mother’s or grandmother’s (C) beyond (D) for (C) goes through (D) thinks of (C) wears (D) wearing 29. (A) For example 30. (A) require 31. (A) Whoever (B) Nowadays (B) remove (B) Whatever (C) That is (C) receive (C) However (D) However (D) recover (D) Wherever (C) No one is exactly sure when the term “political correctness,” or PC, was first __32__, but everybody knows that it is a common phrase in American English now. Why? As the society changes, so __33__ our language. Words that put too much emphasis on race, gender, or disabilities are slowly __34__ away. Some offensive terms that sound __35__ to others are also replaced by PC terms. People __36__the word “server” __36__ “waiter” or “waitress,” “flight attendant” to “stewardess,” “chairperson” to “chairman,” or “police officer” to “policeman.” Words ending in “ess” or “man” are thought to be non-PC. PC English __37__ gender. It also involves issues of race and disability. For example, the word “Indian” is considered offensive to the American aborigines, and the term “Native American” is more politically correct. The word “handicapped” is also considered impolite because it __38__ that a person is helpless. __39__, changing one’s language takes time, and some non-PC words are still frequently heard. If you do not want to cause offense, it is best to try to avoid these words. 2 32. (A) appeared 33. (A) is (B) used (B) does (C) shown (C) be (D) occurred (D) should 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. (B) been taken (B) confusing (B) mistake/ for (B) goes beyond (B) proves (B) Otherwise (C) be taking (C) uncommon (C) prefer/ to (C) refers to (C) advises (C) Therefore (D) being taken (D) reasonable (D) regard/ as (D) takes away (D) visualizes (D) However III. (A) taking (A) disrespectful (A) prevent/ from (A) leaves behind (A) implies (A) Luckily Context Filling 文意選填 (10%) (若某一題的答案為 AB 時,請在電腦卡上同時將 A 和 B 的格子塗黑,以此類推。) “Every country has its custom,” and baseball culture is just a case in point. The rules of baseball are generally similar __40__, but how the baseball fans behave is quite different. Take American baseball fans for example. Asian spectators like us may be __41__ by how quiet they are. American fans do not usually follow the game so__42__. They just sit there, eat hot dogs and popcorn, and chat with their friends. A Taiwanese student complains, “It was __43__ boring and dull.” However, another American fan responds, “The reason I come to the game is just to socialize. I want to have fun with friends and __44__ their lives.” In Taiwan, baseball fans are much louder than American ones. Like Japanese audience, Taiwanese fans make lots of sounds to __45__ their teams. In the exhibition games played by Los Angeles Dodgers and an all-star team from Taiwan’s Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL), Taiwanese fans tried their best to __46__ “Jiayou,” and even sang different songs for batters at the __47__. When one player __48__ a home run, they even used air horns to show their excitement. All of these sounds continued nonstop __49__ the game. Players from Dodgers might be unaccustomed to these sounds, but they definitely were impressed by not only Taiwanese fans’ warmth and enthusiasm, but also different “cultural shocks.” IV. (A) throughout (B) disappointed (C) yell (D) closely (E) from country to country (AB) plate (AC) catch up on (AD) hit (AE) cheer on (BC) kind of Sentence Matching 句子配合 (10%) (若某一題的答案為 AB 時,請在電腦卡上同時將 A 和 B 的格子塗黑,以此類推。) 50. The kid was so excited to have his photo 51. Although Charlie studied very hard last semester, 52. The little girl over there, who looks very scared, (A) so that he could enjoy his childhood. (B) but he still gets bad grades on every subject. (C) how could he finish the rest of the speech. 53. The father bought Little Johnny whatever toys he wanted 54. When the student forgot his lines on the stage, he did not know (D) crying sadly and screaming loudly. (E) his efforts did not pay off. (AB) may have wandered away and then got lost. (AC) what he should say or do next. (AD) that he can go home and show it to his parents. (AE) as if he is the best father in the world. (BC) taken with the Avatar poster at the theater. V. Reading Comprehension 閱讀測驗 (14%) (A) A Chinese bride has set a new world record for wearing the longest wedding dress. Lin Rong, a 25-year-old schoolteacher, walked down the aisle wearing the record-breaking 2.2km gown at her wedding in China’s Jilin province. It took the 200 wedding guests more than three hours to stretch out the 2,162-meter-long train. The special dress was handmade by her groom’s family. Lin’s new husband Zhao Peng said he wanted to show how much he loved her but didn’t want to spend money on a gorgeous wedding banquet. He also wanted to break the previous record of 1,579 meters, set in Romania in April 2009. The 3 record is not yet official. Zhao has sent a video and details of the dress to Guinness World Records in London. The dress was an impressive sight. It took three months to create. There were 9,999 silk red roses pinned to the two kilometers of material. An additional decoration took the form of 608 crystals sewn into the garment, one for each day the couple had dated. Mr. Zhao added another personal touch to the dress by cutting the length down to 1,984.1022 meters. This number represents his bride's date of birth – October the 22nd, 1984. The dress cost 40,000 Chinese Yuan (around $US 5,800) to make. At first, his family were against the idea but soon changed their minds. His mother said it was a waste of money, but understood that her son wanted to show his love for his bride on his big day. 55. What is the article mainly about? (A) How Chinese wedding dress designs have developed. (B) How a man expressed his love with a wedding dress. (C) Why people fall in love and decide to get married. (D) Why a wedding dress costs more than a banquet. 56. Who made the wedding dress for the 25-year-old bride? (A) The bride herself. (B) The bride’s mother. (C) The groom’s family. (D) A wedding gown store. 57. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE? (A) The couple had dated for about twenty months before marriage. (B) The groom’s family members were not very supportive for him. (C) The 2.2-kilometer dress was not set up as a world record. (D) The wedding was held on a train with 200 guests showing up. 58. Which description of the special wedding dress is NOT true? (A) Artificial flowers could be seen on the wedding dress. (B) The length of the cut wedding dress had a special meaning. (C) It was difficult to stretch out the whole wedding dress. (D) The wedding dress was cut shorter because of its weight. (B) When a woman or a man is not allowed to do a job, go to school, or anything else simply because of gender, that is not discrimination. It is prejudice. Prejudice means to make a judgment before one has the facts. People may think, “She is a woman. She cannot possibly be a manager,” or “He is a man. He will never be as good a teacher as a woman is.” There are no facts upon which to base those judgments. They are simply opinions. That is prejudice. It is wrong to limit people’s opportunities simply because we believe something is true or false, but have no proof. Women have suffered most from gender prejudice. They have fought hard for opportunities to show what they can do. When they finally get those opportunities, they do very well. Maybe that is why societies controlled by men have tried so hard to keep women away from positions of responsibility—because when given a chance, the capability of women proves to be equal to that of men. Maybe some men are afraid that women will undermine the social superiority of men. Now, women do not just serve meals on airlines. They also pilot and navigate the airplane and perform maintenance on the engines. Women are not just nurses. They are also doctors. They are astronauts. They are legislators and presidents of countries. Men have also experienced gender prejudice, but it has not been nearly as destructive as that experienced by women. Today a man might be a homemaker while his wife pursues a career in business. Men are nurses, flight attendants on airlines, and so on. These men and women get their various jobs because of their training and abilities, not because of their gender. 59. What is the main idea of the passage? 4 (A) People should base their judgments on facts, not opinions. (B) Women have suffered gender prejudice, but this is changing. (C) It is very good to make a judgment before one has the facts. (D) Women are actually much better than men at certain jobs. 60. (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following statements is TRUE? Women do not serve meals on airlines anymore. Men suffer more from gender prejudice than women. Women are now pilots, doctors, and astronauts. Gender prejudice only happens to women at work. 61. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “undermine” in the 2nd paragraph? (A) To cut off. (B) To protect. (C) To laugh at (D) To weaken VI. Vocabulary and Derivatives 文意字彙 (15%) 62. What is your biggest o________e to learning English? Which skill is the most challenging to you? 63. The popular Korean group Super Junior, in contrast with Wonder Girls, is made up of 13 m______e singers. 64. If you forget to water your vegetables on Happy Farm, they will still s_________l and die away. 65. I watched a NBA basketball game last night. At the end of the game, Kobe Bryant a______ted to make a 3-point shot, but he missed it. 66. When using a browser on a computer, you can press “Ctrl” and “+” to e_________e the size of the words if you find them too small. 67. Some people cannot play with s______fed animals because they are allergic to dusts. 68. Yesterday was the last day of the exhibition of Vincent van Gogh’s art work. Hundred of thousands of v______rs went to the National Museum of History and admired his drawings. 69. Lady Gaga is famous for her bizarre and unusual style of dress. You can never e_______t what she will wear! 70. My little sister always likes to imitate what she hears on the MRT: “P________rs transferring to Xi-men, please change trains at this station.” 71. What kind of birthday p_______t do you prefer? Chocolates, flowers, or something useful? 72. Junior high school graduates in Taiwan have to take the _______ (base) Competence Test (BCT) before they apply for senior high or vocational schools. 73. The _________ (receive) of the Best Actress Award in 2010 Oscars is Sandra Bullock, who has performed excellently in the movie The Blind Side. 74. The soccer star David Beckham injured his Achilles tendon on March 14th. He is now in Finland and receiving medical _______ (treat). 75. The food courts in major department stores provide a great _______ (vary) of foods, such as Chinese dishes, American fast-food, Japanese sushi or Italian pizza. 76. The documentary +/- 2 Degree Celsius shows a complete ________ (analyze) of the climate change in Taiwan. VII. Translation 翻譯 (12%) 77. 請提醒我該在何處下公車。(… to V…) (2%) 78. 為了在英文有進步,你應該要盡可能努力用功。(In…/ as…as) (3%) 79. 傳統上新娘應該是婚禮中穿的最漂亮的人。(It… be…) (3%) 80. 他朋友那麼少的理由是他無法對別人忠實。(The reason…) (4%) 5