FEUDAL SYSTEM BIG IDEA SUMMARIES (CREATED BY ANN CERNY) Directions: For each of the following, complete a paragraph that proves the Big Idea as it relates to Feudal Europe (described in “Your Task”). Using the topic sentence provided, develop 3-4 sentences of historical detail from Chapter 10.2 & your graphic organizers to support that topic sentence. Include key words from the Big Idea into the conclusion sentence of each of your paragraphs.. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT BIG IDEA: ROLE OF GOVERNMENT “A government’s effectiveness depends on its ability to create an organized, stable, and prosperous environment for its people.” 1. Your task: Use Ch 10.2 to describe how feudalism served as the political organization of kingdoms in Europe. Topic Sentence: In European kingdoms during the Middle Ages, the system of feudalism organized the political system. (Write 3-4 sentences to describe the role of kings and lords) SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BIG IDEA: SOCIAL STRUCTURE “Civilizations are stratified into social classes with various roles, responsibilities and privileges.” 2. Your task: Use Ch 10.2 to describe how feudalism organized the society in European kingdoms. (Write 3-4 sentences to describe the role of knights and serfs) Topic Sentence: In European kingdoms during the Middle Ages, the system of feudalism organized the people in society. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BIG IDEA: PRODUCTION AND TRADE “A civilization’s prosperity depends on how effectively they produce and distribute food and products for trade.” 3. Your task: Use Ch 10.2 to describe how feudalism organized the production and distribution of food in Europe during the Middle Ages. Write 3-4 sentences that describes who produced the food (serfs) and how it was distributed to others (lords, knights) Topic Sentence: In European kingdoms during the Middle Ages, the system of feudalism organized the production and distribution of food. BIG IDEA: PRODUCTION AND TRADE “A civilization’s prosperity depends on how effectively they produce and distribute food and products for trade.” 4. Your Task: Use Ch 10.2 to describe how feudalism organized trade and the production of goods in European kingdoms. Topic Sentence: In European kingdoms during the Middle Ages, the system of feudalism organized the production of goods and the system of trade. Write 3-4 sentences to describe the role of guilds and merchants in Medieval towns.