Report on the Development of Supporting Structures and Capacity for Producing, Managing and Using
Spatial Data
The following is intended to provide a guideline for documenting the current status of the development of
Spatial Data Infrastructure and the context within the area in which the programme in which you are involved
operates. The report should include answers to the applicable questions posed below, and could simply be
composed of brief responses to questions, listed under the “headings” which appear in bold typeface below.
What is the name of the programme or project in which you are involved, and what are its overall aims?
National Biomass Study, Uganda. It is aimed at providing reliable and regularly updated data, information and
knowledge about land cover (use) and biomass for use by key stakeholders. This aim is in line with the project
goal of “Conservation and sustainable use of forest resources in Uganda”.
What is the geographical area within which the programme operates?
The project operates at national level.
Identifying the major role-players in digital spatial data capture and maintenance and describing their
roles within this geographical area:
 What government organisations capture digital spatial data, and what data do they capture?
The main government organizations involved in the capture of digital spatial data are:
Department of Surveys and Mapping that deals with topographic data
Department of Planning that maps and updates the administrative as well demographic maps
Department of Petroleum Exploration who are involved in seismological data collection
Department of Water Development that collects spatial data on water sources
How is the private sector involved in digital spatial data capture?
There is no known private sector involvement in digital spatial data capture in Uganda.
Are any NGOs or academic institutions involved in creating, maintaining or managing digital spatial
data, and if so, what are their activities?
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been collecting data on feeder roads in
areas of their operations but their capacity for maintenance of digital data is not known.
Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (MUIENR) has a databank on
Uganda bio-diversity.
Is there a lead agency or organization which co-ordinates the capture, maintenance and management of
spatial information needed by the public sector?
The Information Section of National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has taken the initiative to coordinate the capture, maintenance and management of spatial information in Uganda by giving financial and
material support. Unfortunately, this initiative covers a few governmental organizations and has to be
broadened if availability of funds permit.
Distribution mechanisms for digital spatial data :
 How is digital information distributed? Are any agencies involved in disseminating information and
digital data on behalf of others? Is the Internet used for providing access to spatial information, either
through a map viewing facility, or enabling users to download digital data?
National Biomass Study has its own web site (http:\\ for viewing and downloading less
detailed digital data. Digital and paper copies with detailed information can be bought from the office or
ordered by other means. Surveys and Mapping Department is involved in selling topographic maps from their
office at Entebbe.
Spatial Data Users:
 Are there users’ fora? Are there fora in which users can convey their needs to data producers?
Currently a users’ for a does not exist.
Co-ordination mechanisms and support:
 Is there currently any formal or informal co-ordination of publicly funded programmes involving
spatial information? If so, what is the lead agency or organization in coordinating or driving national
spatial data infrastructure development efforts in your nation, and on what authority does it perform
this function? Do the laws or formal orders of any legislative or executive branches of government
within the region explicitly recognize the need to establish or further develop National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI) or Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (RSDI)?
As stated before the only co-ordination is carried out by NEMA under an arrangement called Horizontal
Environment Information Network covering a few institutions. There has been an initiative by
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to development a regional network of data producers in
Eastern Africa. That initiative is still at its formative stage.
Is there any funding available for SDI development and co-ordination?
Funding for SDI could be sourced in addition to the current initiatives being taken.
Has a long term vision statement or strategic plan been developed for managing and developing the
spatial data assets of the country or region through an NSDI or RSDI?
Not yet.
A description of the status and plans associated with the typical components of Spatial Data
Infrastructure (if applicable):
 The collection and publishing of metadata (i.e. standardized data about spatial data sets that is used
to document and can be used to catalogue spatial data sets - metadata describe the content, quality,
condition, and other characteristics of spatial data sets): has a standard format for recording metadata
been adopted, how widely is metadata routinely captured and through what mechanisms is metadata
made available to potential users of the associated data?
Metadata concept is new in Uganda.
The development of a “clearinghouse” facility (i.e. a distributed network of data producers and users
that can be used for discovery and access to standardized metadata and / or geospatial data): what
mechanisms are in place or being planned?
The concept of clearinghouse was discussed at the Regional Integrated Information System Strategy workshop
organized by IGAD at Jinja, Uganda, on the 26-29 July 1999. It is awaiting implementation, if carried through.
The development of data standards - standards for data content, classification and management that
are available for the entire community of spatial data producers and users: are there any formal or de
facto data standards in operation? Are these standards imposed on some producers, such as national
agencies? How do these standards relate to international or standards or standards applied in
neighbouring countries?
No formal or de facto national standards exist but each organization has records of data quality and data input
Is there a prescribed or commonly used horizontal datum for the georeferencing of spatial data? What
about a vertical datum?
Datum: New Arc (1960)
Identification, state and availability of core data sets (i.e. common base sets of data with broad
geographic coverage meeting specified standards that are important to a broad variety of users. Other
themes of data are built upon or referenced to these framework data sets. These data sets might
typically be available to all users through the networked clearinghouse with few or no restrictions.) : is
there a clear picture of what these core data sets should be? Have there been any processes to date, or
are any processes planned to determine these?
National Biomass Study has six core data sets covering the whole country namely; Land cover (use), river,
roads, gazetted areas, administrative units and contour. Apart Land cover (use) data set the rest were derived
from existing topographic maps.
Legal and economic frameworks for accessing spatial data and pricing policy: what are the legal and
economic constraints under which citizens, businesses or government agencies may gain access to
spatial data?
There are no legal requirements to regulate pricing of digital data other than the market forces. Like any
commodity the users have to pay the current price which (unfortunately) some could not afford due to budgetary
constraints .
 Regional and Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Initiatives: Is there any formal affiliated with any
global or (other) regional spatial data infrastructure initiatives, or is there informal networking with
other initiatives? If yes, which initiative(s)?
The only regional initiative is the Regional Integrated Information Systems (RIIS) by IGAD which has not yet
taken off.
Other useful information, for example:
 Has any analysis of user requirements or cost-benefits analysis been undertaken to estimate the benefits
of building a spatial data infrastructure within this geographical area? If so, please summarize, and
provide details of how a full report may be obtained.
National Biomass Study is in the process of carrying out user survey to determine user requirements. Although
National Biomass Study has a policy of providing products and services to generate income on cost-recovery
bases it is a known fact that many of the benefits derived from the project activities cannot be quantified for
such analysis.
Particular challenges identified regarding NSDI / RSDI development within the region;
The most important challenges regarding NSDI/RSDI development in the region relates to lack of co-operation
between institutions. Also important are the government policies / attitudes to national data/information access.
Any web-sites or brochures where information relevant to SDI efforts in the geographical area within
which the programme operates may be found.
http:\\ Still being developed.