Planning Application 13/00163 Parcels 23 and 24

Planning Application 13/00311/APP Parcel 6
Landmark Buildings – THE MASTER PLAN shows only 3 Landmark buildings for
this plot but this application has 4. The Design and Access Statement 5.2 “As
identified on the approved Master Plan, Parcel 6 features 3 key buildings that sit on
the north eastern corner of the parcel and on opposite corners of the secondary street
that bisects the parcel”. We see no reason why plots 16 and 17 should be 3 storey
buildings on the corner of Roselle Drive as there is only a two storey home opposite.
(Parcel 7B).
We object to this as it does not accord to the Master Plan.
Access – How do residents in properties 63, 82 and 83 get out of their rear gardens
(other than through the house)?
The Tracking Plan does not show how vehicles will be able to manoeuvre between
plots 40 and 41 to access parking spaces.
Planting – The majority of houses have little or no front gardens so there will be little
in the way of greenery just another concrete and asphalt jungle.
Refuse and recycling – The Design and Access Statement section 5.8 states “Stroud
District Council collects non-recyclable waste from each house in the district on a
weekly basis and recyclable materials on a fortnightly basis. Both are by “kerbside
collection” schemes, however on collection days it is intended that wheelie bins and
recycling boxes will be placed on the edge of mews streets at specific (grouped and
individual) Bin Collection Points, keeping them off the main spine roads..” These
parcels are within Hucclecote Parish and therefore are serviced by Tewkesbury
Borough Council Recycling schemes that use a series of bins. On collection days
there could be a maximum of two large bins and a food bin per household. This will
be a trial for some households having to push and carry bins to a collection point. This
will be further exacerbated by those residents who have a long narrow path to exit
their rear garden.
Parking – No doubt these parcels will suffer from the same problems as elsewhere on
this development with a shortage of space for residents and visitors leading to parking
in places that will make access difficult. The 3 visitor parking spaces to the front of
Plots 85 and 86 are at an angle to the kerb and may lead to an obstruction on Stearman
Road. The affordable homes, plots 1-8 only have one space per home and 4 visitor
spaces; this will lead to cars parking on Roselle Drive. Plots 29-26 have one space per
home and only 3 visitor spaces; this could lead to cars parking within the parking
court which may restrict vehicles/bin lorries from manoeuvring.
The Parish Council is also concerned that non resident parking by Business Park
employees is already happening along the Wotton Brook corridor. As the access roads
are completed further parking will occur and may cause obstructions on these narrow
Security – Once again security may be an issue with enclosed parking courts and long
narrow passages to rear gardens.
There are currently iron railings along the footpath facing Arlington Road which
appear to stop at its junction with Roselle Drive. This would look better if they were
continued to where the LAP is shown on the plan.
Phasing Objectives:
”Ensure the settlement evolves such that it appears as a complete entity at each
construction phase: the proposed phasing shows the development will expand
outwards from its central core”. This has not happened as Parcel 7 was developed first
followed by Parcel 5a and then Parcel 2 (in complete isolation) before Parcel 4 and
now Parcel 6.
“Neighbourhood Centre will be completed in Phase 1.” This has not come to fruition.
The Developers have not adhered to the agreed Phasing Plan
The Parish Council objects to this application on the above