Table of Contents – Ancillary Activities (Online Learning Center) Discovering the Living Oceans Discovering the Living Oceans Proposed Table of Contents for Ancillary Activities (Online Learning Center Website) PART ONE: Fundamentals of Marine Science 1. Introduction to Marine Science 2. 3. Activity 1-A. Who Wants to Be a Marine-ionaire? (game modeled after the TV game show; based on marine vocabulary, plus serves as an introductory survey of marine life and ecosystems) Activity 1-B. Oases Amidst the Desert (film: The Blue Planet, Ocean World, with written assignment on nutrient/sunlight convergence as key to pelagic productivity) Activity 1-C. The Art of Science (data exercise: graphing by hand and in MS Excel, including “best fit” curves) The Seafloor (“From Big Bang to Big Basins”) Activity 2-A. The Restless Seafloor (data and critical thinking exercise: on magnetic stripes, plate migration, geological hot spots, seafloor cores, etc.) Activity 2-B. Other activities to be developed Chemical and Physical Behavior of H2O (“The Weird, Wild, Wonderful, Wacky World of Water”) Activity 3-A. Don’t Be So Dense! (data exercise: density profile of water) Activity 3-B. The Ends of the Earth (film: The Blue Planet, Frozen Seas, with written assignment) (Classroom Demos: Magic Sand, Above the Brim, Floating Razor, Runaway Pepper, Capillarity, Sparklers, Alcohol Chill, Boil-proof Ice) 4. Seawater and Sediments Activity 4-A. Ups and Downs (data exercise: stable and radioactive isotopes in sea level research …applied nuclear chemistry) Activity 4-B. Don’t Blow Your Concentration! (problem set: algebraic salinity problems) Activity 4-C. A Salt with a Deadly Weapon? (critical thinking: osmotic balance) 5. Basics of Biology Activity 5-A. Speed Limit Enforced (“data detective” activity on limiting nutrients in saltmarshes; students figure out what sort of experiment a marine scientist has conducted simply by studying one of his graphs) Activity 5-B. Critters of Tomorrow (creativity: students project future evolution of contemporary animals) 1 Table of Contents – Ancillary Activities (Online Learning Center) Discovering the Living Oceans Activity 5-C. Caught in the Crossfire (“data detective” activity on sexual selection and fitness tradeoffs in wild guppies) Activity 5-D. Risks and Rewards (film: The Trials of Life, Courting, with essay assignment on sexual selection and fitness tradeoffs) Activity 5-E. To Bend or Not to Bend (data exercise: phenotypic plasticity in barnacles) Activity 5-F. A Bill That Fits Really Fits the Bill (data exercise: microevolution in Darwin’s finches) Activity 5-G. What Goes Around Comes Around (data exercise: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium) (Classroom Demos: Recipe for a Human, Candle Chemistry, Peanut Combustion) PART TWO: The Organisms of the Sea (Natural History Survey) 6. Taxonomy & Phylogeny Activity 6-A. Spin the Taxa! (game in which students learn and memorize major phyla and classes) Activity 6-B. Roots & Branches (critical thinking: interpretation of phylogenetic tree of marine life, plus a visit to the Tree of Life website) Activity 6-C. Happy New Year! -or- Football Field Phylogeny (critical thinking: translation of geologic time scale into a single calendar year or the dimensions of a football field; either on a calendar or a real field, students mark major events in natural history, revealing the abruptness of the human revolution and the advent of the “6th great extinction”) 7. The Microbial World Activity 7-A. Activities to be developed 8. Seaweeds and Marine Plants Activity 8-A. Activities to be developed 9. Marine Invertebrates Activity 9-A. The Birds and the Bees (data exercise: a challenging graphing exercise on theories to explain the evolution of sexual reproduction) Activity 9-B. Gamete Games (film: The Trials of Life, Continuing the Line, with essay assignment on mating adaptations as a consequence of anisogamy and sperm competition) Activity 9-C. Tortoises and Hares (data exercise: logistic growth, r-selection vs. Kselection, and breeding strategies) Activity 9-D. A Breed Apart (film: The Trials of Life, Arriving, with written assignment on breeding strategies) 2 Table of Contents – Ancillary Activities (Online Learning Center) Discovering the Living Oceans Activity 9-E. Films: PBS’s The Shape of Life, Episodes 1-7, with written assignments to be developed (Classroom Demos: Live Planarians, Live Gastropods, Water Balloon Walking, Jet Propelled Balloon) 10. Marine Fishes Activity 10-A. Fishy Silhouettes (critical thinking: body form and function in fishes) Activity 10-B. Other activities to be developed 11. Marine Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals (Tetrapods) Activity 11-A. Activities to be developed PART THREE: Ecology of Marine Communities 12. Estuaries and Wetlands (“Life Along the Margins”) Activity 12-A. Making the Gradient (data exercise: students plot isohalines in Chesapeake Bay) Activity 12-B. Spring Break in the Florida Keys (problem set: density, pressure, and buoyancy) Activity 12-C. Carpe Diem? Carpe DIET! (Film: The Life of Mammals, The Opportunists, with essay assignment) Activity 12-D. Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave (Film: NGS’s Creatures of the Mangrove, with food web assignment) Activity 12-E. Diatom Soup (“data detective” activity on eutrophication and phytoplankton blooms; students figure out what sort of experiment a marine scientist has conducted simply by studying one of his graphs) Activity 12-F. Hold Your Breath! (data exercise: data mining and graphing on dissolved oxygen and benthic hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico) (Classroom Demos: Salinity Stratification, Two-way Circulation, Brownian Motion, Antigravity Jar Lid, Holey Cup, Cartesian Diver, Buoyant Egg, Floating Clay) 13. Beaches and Barrier Islands (“Life on the Edge”) Activity 13-A. Surf’s Up! (problem set: waves and wave mechanics) Activity 13-B. The Amazing Swash Riders (data exercise: kite diagrams of swashriding coquina clam distributions before and after a storm) Activity 13-C. Niche Wishes (creativity and critical thinking: adaptations for 3 harsh habitats, side-by-side: sub-, inter-, and supratidal zones) (Classroom Demos: Wave Cheer, Slinky Waves) 14. Rocky Shores and Kelp Forests (“Life on the Rocks”) Activity 14-A. Tide Tied (film: The Blue Planet, Tidal Seas, with written assignment) 3 Table of Contents – Ancillary Activities (Online Learning Center) Discovering the Living Oceans Activity 14-B. Moonstruck (critical thinking: lunar phases and the tidal cycle; students piece together the spring/neap cycle) Activity 14-C. A Fun Day at the Amusement Park (problem set: curvilinear motion) Activity 14-D. The Woodless Forest (film: IMAX Into the Deep, with written assignment on seaweeds versus terrestrial plants) Activity 14-E. It’s Not Whether You Win or Lose, It’s How You Prey the Game (data exercise: keystone predators in kelp forests and on rocky shores) Activity 14-F. The Will to Succeed (film: The Private Lives of Plants, Plant Politics, with written assignment on ecological succession) (Classroom Demos: Partner Merry-go-round, Inertial Coins, Pen in the Bottle, Artificial Gravity Coat Hanger) 15. Coral Reefs (“Life in the Concrete Jungle”) Activity 15-A. Friends and Foes (Film: The Blue Planet, Coral Seas, with written assignment on inter- and intraspecific competition and cooperation) Activity 15-B. Where’s a Flea to Flee? (data exercise: the competitive exclusion principle) Activity 15-C. Hey You! Get out of my Niche! (data exercise: resource partitioning and character displacement) (Classroom Demos: Candy Contest; $100 Auction) 16. Coastal Seas (“Life in the Ocean’s Oases”) Activity 16-A. Well, Well, Well… (data exercise: plotting isotherms before and after an upwelling event on the mid-Atlantic coast) Activity 16-B. Do You Catch My Drift? (critical thinking: Coriolis and Ekman) Activity 16-C. The 600 Pound Tuna Fish Sandwich (critical thinking: ecological efficiency and the biomass/energy pyramid) Activity 16-D. Hometown Survivor (problem set: ecological efficiency) (Classroom Demos: Random Walk) 17. Pelagic Ecology I: Plankton and Nekton (“Life in Liquid Space”) Activity 17-A. Liquid Space (film: The Blue Planet, Open Ocean, with essay assignment) Activity 17-B. An Elephant in Drag? (critical thinking: morphological optimization in a fluid environment) Activity 17-C. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (data exercise: “data detective” on optimal foraging research) (Classroom Demos: Live Zooplankton, Slow Roller, Anti-entropy Device, Galileo Vindicated, Levitating Paper, Indestructible Bridge, Magic Spool, Anti-gravity Ping-pong Ball, Water-loving Ping-pong Ball, Countershaded Paper) 4 Table of Contents – Ancillary Activities (Online Learning Center) Discovering the Living Oceans 18. Pelagic Ecology II: Seasonal Cycles and Global Circulation (“Life on the High Seas”) Activity 18-A. Blooms and Booms (film: The Blue Planet, Seasonal Seas, with written assignment) Activity 18-B. Do You See the Light? (critical thinking: light in the pelagic zone) Activity 18-C. Do You Have a Latitude Problem? (critical thinking: seasonal productivity as a function of latitude) Activity 18-D. The Case of the Slippery Eel (data exercise: catadromous eel migrations and the North Atlantic gyre) (Classroom Demos: Thermohaline Circulation) 19. The Ocean Depths (“Life in the Eternal Night”) Activity 19-A. The Dark Side (film: The Blue Planet, The Deep, with written assignment) Activity 19-B. Other activities to be developed PART FOUR: Humans and the Sea 20. Resources from the Sea Activity 20-A. Optimizing Yield per Recruit in Venezuelan Junkfish (data exercise: optimal yield) Activity 20-B. Activity to be developed – film: Empty Oceans, Empty Nets, with essay assignment Activity 20-C. Activity to be developed – data exercise: analysis of fish migrations to identify unit stocks 21. Conservation of Marine Ecosystems Activity 21-A. Activities to be developed 5