MEMO from the desk of Mrs. Liberatore December 11, 2014 PTG Fundraiser Pick-up – Tomorrow is the pick-up date for ALL fundraisers. Please come to Kohler Hall from 2 – 4 pm for your poinsettias, wreaths, candles, and candy! These were all very successful! Thanks to everyone who participated! A special thank you to our chairpersons for all their hard work: Carla Waszyn – Anderson Candy; Amy Gould – Chestnut Hill Candles; Shirley Martin – Poinsettias and Wreaths. 200 Club – 200 Ticket Update: Tickets are going very quickly, please contact Melissa Catanzarite at if you are interested in making a ticket purchase or have any questions regarding payment options! Visit our website for more information and available numbers! 200 Club Donation Update: We are very pleased with the amount of donations we have been receiving from local businesses! If you own a business or would like donate a prize on behalf of your family please contact Tracy Shields at You will receive a complimentary ad in the program and recognition by our Master of Ceremonies. With over 200 local people in attendance it's a great way to help the school and your business! We welcome Independent Consultants as well! Market Day – Pick-up is Monday, December 15th, in Kohler Hall from 2 – 3 pm. Winter Wonderland Ticket – Proceeds Benefit Our Lady of Fatima PTG GRAND PRIZE: $1000 GetGo Gift Card and a 50" VIZIO 1080p LED Smart HDTV Winning number based on Pennsylvania Lottery, 3-digit, 7:00pm, first straight number drawn on Friday, January 30, 2015. All unsold tickets will become the property of OLOF PTG Donation $5.00 Thank You! In the next week each family will be receiving an envelope with six tickets to sell for this fundraiser. Please send the paid ticket stubs and payment back by January 15, 2015. We understand that not every family may want to sell them. If this is the case, simply return the envelope back to the school as soon as possible so that we may give them to another family that needs to earn their fair share. Please be aware that if you choose to not sell these tickets you MUST return them to the school for another family to sell. We are tracking the numbers given to each family and you will be responsible for payment if you do not return them before the drawing. We will be selling the additional tickets at Sunday masses, please sign up at We will be selling on weekends December 13th - January 18th or until sold out. Sign-ups will be open until all spots are filled. You may sign up for one mass on Saturday or three on Sunday. You will receive $4.00 credit per ticket sold towards your family fair share. ATHLETICS Thank you – Thanks to the following volunteers who helped at last night’s girls’ game: Dana LaSala, Ray Cavender, Crystal Santia, Jeff Eiler, Mitchell Wright, Noelle Proia, and Lisa Polidora and all those who helped behind the scenes! Congratulations to both girls’ teams that won their respective games last evening! SCHOOL Christmas Pageants – Our students in grades 3 -8 will do a presentation of the Christmas Story tonight at 7:00 pm in the church. All are welcome! Our students in grades Preschool 4 – 2nd grade will entertain us with Christmas music on Wednesday, December 17th, at 7:00 pm in Kohler Hall. Please join us! Service Project Bake Sale TOMORROW: First and Second grade will be holding a bake sale during both lunch periods tomorrow! 100% of the proceeds goes towards "Abby's Clubhouse," a team set up for preschooler Abby Kovell as her family and friends raise money for Juvenile Arthritis. Please see the flier in today's folder for more information! Early Dismissal – Friday, December 19th, is a 10:30 dismissal. There is no Extended Day on this day. Christmas Vacation – Our Christmas break begins on Friday, December 19th. Classes resume Monday, January 5th. Congratulations – Gannon Berg, a third grader, recently completed the Computer Science Program, The Hour of Code, at the Beaver Library and received a certificate for a job well done! Dress Down Next Week – Monday through Friday will be dress down days. We are asking the following donation to help defray the cost of Father Howard, Father Kohler, and Sister Margie’s gifts as well as the many service projects done during the Advent Season: A family having one child $3.00 total for the week; a family with 2 or more children - $5.00 total for the week. Money can be sent in with the oldest child. Please note that the children will be attending Mass on Friday. They do not have to wear Event Wear, but they do need to wear clothing appropriate for church. Jeans are acceptable. Library Policy Reminders – The students in grades 4 – 8 review these rules with Mrs. Fath at the beginning of the year, but the students in the lower grades may not be aware of all the policies. The following are the general rules that are followed: one book checked out per week; exception - second book for a class assignment, science fair project, etc. books are renewed once, thus two weeks for one book fines - 10 cents per day, one grace day given; absent, weekend or vacation days are not counted book fines are charged for grades four - eight notices are given to the student for book fines; they are sent home if fine isn't paid in a timely fashion book fines are still collected after the book is returned time is given to look for a lost book; students are charged for the book's value according to original cost and book usage books are not checked out if books are due during a school break such as Christmas vacation; this is to prevent loss of books CAFETERIA Thanks to Mrs. Olshanski, Mrs. LaSala, Mrs. Kirik, Mr. Buonaiuto, Mrs. Srafin, Mrs. Rivetti, Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Piccirilli, and Mrs. Gould who worked this past week. Next week’s volunteers are: Friday, December 12th Mrs. Olshanski and Help Needed! Monday, December 15th Mrs. Shemer and Mrs. Cornman Tuesday, December 16th Mr. Buonaiuto and Mrs. Schmidt th Wednesday, December 17 Mrs. Fiscus and Mr. Buonaiuto Thursday, December 18th Mrs. Kovell and Mrs. Ritz Have a wonderful weekend! “And Joseph, too, went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.” Luke 2:4 - 5