Pueblo of Pojoaque Poeh Cultural Center/Education Enrollment/Registration Form 78 Cities of Gold Road Santa Fe, NM 87506 Ph: 505-455-1110 Fax: 505-455-3684 Date__________________________ Name: _________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________ Last First _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth Tribal Affiliation **Census #* Current Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City & State Zip Code Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone Home Message Please circle one below _____Pottery Spring Semester _____Micaceous Pottery Summer Semester _____Stone Sculpture Fall Semester _____Jewelry _____Other________________________________ All information is confidential. For Official Use Only Date Received: ___________________________________________________________________________ Received By: ________________________ CIB or Tribal Enrollment Attached or On File : Yes No Please Circle: Fee Paid: (Yes) (No) If Yes, Cash or Check # __________ Date Paid ________________________ If no payment explain ______________________________________________________________________ Complete Application: (Yes) (No) Poeh Cultural Center/Education Registration Form If under 18 years of age, you must provide parent/legal guardian’s name, address and telephone. Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Current Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Street City & State Zip Code Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________________ Home Work Message Poeh Cultural Center/Education Registration Form Student Agreement and Release Waiver 1. I, ______________________________, am committed to completing the entire course of study as indicated below: (Please print name) Beginner Intermediate Advanced Mentor ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ Pottery ____________ Sculpture Jewelry Other ______________ ٱ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ 2. I am committed to attending all classes on a punctual and regular basis. I am committed to completing all assignments on time, and to the best of my ability. I understand that only the instructor, Arts Training Coordinator, and Director may excuse absences. 3. I have read the Poeh Cultural Center/Education policies. I understand that I may be dismissed from the program if I violate these policies. 4. I understand that in the course of my studies I will use Poeh Cultural Center/Education tools, materials, and supplies. I understand that I must pay for their use. I agree to pay a Poeh Cultural Center /Education Student Use and Registration Fee in the amount of $65.00 for the Pottery course, and $75.00 for the Sculpture, Wood and Jewelry courses. (Fees are non- refundable and are subject to change without notice.) 5. I agree to pay the amount of $ _________ for the __________________________(other) course(s) of study. Release Students are solely responsible for their safety. During the course of the program, the student agrees not to hold liable the Poeh Cultural Center/Education, Pojoaque Pueblo, private vehicle owners, or owners of private facilities (i.e., artist’s studio, art gallery, etc.) for any incidents occurring outside the scope of the currently maintained insurance. All programs, application, techniques, ideas, formulas, photographs, images, audio tapes, video tapes made by the Poeh Cultural Center/Education, or any of their authorized contractors, independent contractors, during the course of instruction shall remain the sole property of the Poeh Cultural Center/Education. Any and all rights to the above shall be the sole property of the Poeh Cultural Center/Education. Photographs, images, or audiotapes may be made of students or their work at any time with permission. _____________________________________ Student ____________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Lynda Romero, Assistant Director _____________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Phillip Karshis, Director _____________________________________ Date Page 3 Poeh Cultural Center/Education Registration Form Zero-Tolerance Substance Abuse Policy Use of addicting drugs, intoxicants or alcohol impairs your job and school performance and such substance abuse will not be tolerated under any condition. The zero-tolerance policy applies to all students and instructors in the Poeh Cultural Center/Education. The zero-tolerance policy does not permit the unauthorized use of or transfer of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, controlled substances, intoxicants, or alcohol. The zero-tolerance policy does not permit staff, student and instructors to attend class under the influence of illegal drugs, controlled substances, intoxicants or alcohol. Students determined to be under the influence will be asked to leave on their own recognizance or escorted off the Pueblo of Pojoaque reservation. The zero-tolerance policy protects the safety, health and welfare of yourself and those around you. The zero-tolerance policy protects against the potentially dangerous misuse of art materials and machinery. Even the use of legal painkillers or cough syrups with codeine can alter alertness and jeopardize your safety, therefore, it is the students obligation to notify instructors if you are under medical prescription. By signing your name below, you agree to abide by the terms of the zero-tolerance substance abuse policy of the Poeh Cultural Center/Education. Any violation of the substance abuse policy will result in your immediate dismissal from the program and possible criminal or civil sanctions in the Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court. __________________________________________ Student’s Signature ______________________________________ Date Signed _________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian ______________________________________ Date Signed (if student is under 18) _________________________________________ Director’s Signature ______________________________________ Date Signed _________________________________________ Instructor’s Signature ______________________________________ Date Signed Page 4 Poeh Cultural Center/Education Registration Form Where did you hear about our Program? Newspaper Radio Do you have any experience in self-employment? Student Friend/Relative Yes Tribal Bulletin/Newsletter Other________________ No If yes please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have experience in the sale of your artwork? Yes No If yes please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ The Program requires 8 or16 weeks of training. Will you commit to the entire period of training? Yes No If no, what factors will keep you from attending on a consistent basis? ________________________________ Are you interested in college credit? Yes No *If you wish to earn college credit, you will need to apply and pay for all registration fees at Northern New Mexico Community College. Please note that these fees are in addition to the Poeh Cultural Center/Education fees. Medical Condition: Yes No If yes please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you take medications on a regular basis? Yes No If yes please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please write a brief explanation of any previous experiences in the arts, and your interest in applying to the Poeh Cultural Center/Education: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 Poeh Cultural Center/Education Field Trip Release Waiver Field Trip ______________________________________ Date ______________________________ The student acknowledges that they are responsible for their own safety. During the course of the program, the student agrees not to hold liable the Poeh Cultural Center/Education, Pojoaque Pueblo, private vehicle owners, or the owner of any private facility (i.e., artist’s studio, art gallery, etc.) for any incidents occurring outside the scope of the currently maintained insurance. I hereby waive the rights to photographs, images, or audiotapes made by Poeh Cultural Center/Education or any of there authorized contractors of my self or my work during the course of the program. Student ________________________________________ Date______________________________ Phillip Karshis, Program Director ____________________ Date ______________________________ or Lynda Romero, Assistant Director__________________ Date ______________________________ Page 6 Poeh Cultural Center/Education Dear Student, If you invite a guest along, they must read and sign the waiver below. Thank you. Field Trip Release Waiver for Non-Poeh Cultural Center/Education The non-Poeh Arts participant acknowledges that they are responsible for their own safety. During the course of the program, the non-Poeh Cultural Center/Education participant agrees not to hold liable the Poeh Cultural Center/Education, Pojoaque Pueblo, private vehicle owners, or the owner of any private facility (i.e., artist’s studio, art gallery, etc.) for any incidents occurring outside the scope of the currently maintained insurance. I hereby waive the rights to photographs, images, or audiotapes made by Poeh Cultural Center/Education or any of their authorized contractors of “myself or my work” during the course of the program. Non-Poeh Cultural Center/Education Participant _______________________________________ Date _____________________________ Phillip Karshis, Program Director ______________________ Date _____________________________ Lynda Romero, Assistant Director_________________________ Date_____________________________ Page 7