When contacting the Textbook Rental Service for desk/instructional

When contacting the Textbook Rental Service for desk/instructional copies of textbooks, it
was due to which of the following:
Could not find the correct publisher information.
The textbook was out of print and no longer available through the publisher.
Unaware of the ordering procedure.
More convenient to obtain textbook(s) from the Textbook Rental Service.
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested:
Do you have access to a copy of the National Association of College Stores (NACS) Directory
of Publishers?
Please send my complimentary copy to:
I would like to receive a complimentary copy. (Dept)
Reminder notices are sent to faculty members, twice each year, that reflect textbook
information, for all titles that have been issued through the Textbook Rental Service, for use
as desk/instructional copies. Do you find this information beneficial?
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested:
Textbook Rental Service has their inventory system accessible from their website,
http://www.eiu.edu/~textbks/list/. Have you found this system to be beneficial?
I have searched for titles in your inventory.
I found that it is hard to find information.
I would like to see changes to or additional information added to the system.
I was not aware of the inventory system.
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested:
Each semester, Textbook Rental Service delivers, to the departments, the Issue
Requirement Report for the upcoming semester. This is the document that determines the
textbooks that will be issued for each course and section for a specific semester/term. Do
you have access to this report?
No, I was not aware of this report.
Yes, the chairperson shares this information with me.
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested:
Are you an instructor through the School of Adult and Continuing Education?
If you are an instructor through the School of Adult and Continuing Education, how do your
students obtain textbooks?
Books are picked up at the Textbook Rental Service and distributed.
Books are mailed directly to students via UPS.
Books are mailed in bulk to location.
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested:
Packaging textbooks with additional instructional materials increases the cost of a text a
minimum of 20%. A nationwide survey reports that 65% of faculty do not, or rarely, use
these extra materials.
Have you taught a course utilizing additional materials, such as InfoTrac, PowerWeb and
other on-line registration codes providing access to supplemental tools?
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested:
Do you require your students to use the CD ROM, if it accompanies the textbook?
Please provide the following information:
Would you be willing to negotiate the price of a text, with the publisher representative, prior
to purchase without extras, to reduce costs?
Additional comments and/or request for further information. Please provide name and
contact information if response is requested: