ITEM NO: 08 APPLICATION FOR LISTED BUILDING CONSENT REF: 06/01073/ELBC SITE ADDRESS: THE WEST PORT HOTEL 170 SOUTH STREET ST ANDREWS PROPOSAL : LISTED BUILDING CONSENT TO ALTER EXTERIOR (SIGNS, LIGHTING, CANOPIES, ETC) (PART RETROSPECTIVE) APPLICANT: MACLAY GROUP PLC UNIT 2/4 THE E-CENTRE COOPERAGE WAY BUSINESS VILLAGE ALLOA CONSULTATIONS St Andrews Preservation Trust Objection - Signage is crude and insensitive to a 'B' listed building in close proximity to West Port, the lettering is over-scaled, the spotlights inappropriate, and an earlier awning was previously refused consent by both Committee and at appeal. REPRESENTATIONS One letter of representation has been received regarding this application from the Preservation Trust as summarised in the consultation section above. STATUTORY POLICIES AND APPROVED GUIDANCE National Guidance NPPG 18 Planning and the Historic Environment (1999) Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (1998) Fife Structure Plan (2002) Policy B1 Protection of Built Environment Policy B4 Improvement of Built Heritage St Andrews Area Local Plan (1996) Policy E4 Conservation Areas Policy E5 Listed Buildings Finalised Draft St Andrews & East Fife Local Plan (2006) Policy E3 Development Design and Quality Policy E6 Conservation Areas Policy E7 Listed Buildings PLANNING SUMMARY 1.0 Background 1.1 The site is a 'B (for group)' listed traditional three and 3-storey (attic) hotel building located to the south of South Street, St Andrews adjacent to the West Port. The site is also located within St Andrews Conservation Area. 1.2 The proposal involves the installation of 4 timber signs (one on the fascia, one on the side gable, and 2 smaller front elevation signs), galvanised window planters, down-lighter above main sign, individual spotlights, and 2 canvas canopy awnings on the front elevation at street level. The signage would be painted terracotta, would have individually cut matt black plastic lettering (projecting on fascia and gable signs). As the proposed elements have been installed the application is therefore retrospective. 1.3 The previous history for this site includes internal alterations, alterations to a keg chute, and the refusal of a proposed canopy at the applicant's 172 South Street building. The refusal was subsequently upheld at appeal on the grounds that the canopy would obscure the ornate glazed upper fanlight of a recessed doorway and adjacent stone detailing at another entrance point to the hotel. It is however important to note that 170 and 172 South Street, although physically were built as 2 separate buildings with different styles and detailing on each facade. 172 South Street is more ornate with intricate detailing, whilst 170 has a more simplistic/plainer style and therefore considered more capable of accommodating additional exterior fixtures and fittings without masking or damaging existing detailing. In light of this, although the above mentioned appeal decision is relevant to the establishment as a whole, the reasons for refusal (impact on detailing and character etc. ) would not be considered relevant to this particular facade of the hotel. 1.4 The related applications for full planning permission (06/01071/EFULL) and advertisement consent (06/01300/EADV) are also included on this agenda. 2.0 Planning Assessment 2.1 The determination of the application should be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The issues to be assessed against the development plan and other guidance are as follows:a) b) c) Principle of Development Design, Scale and Finishes/Impact on Conservation Area & Listed Building Representations Principle of Development 2.2 As the proposal lies within the settlement boundary for St Andrews, as defined in the St Andrews Area Local Plan (1996) (SAALP) and the Finalised Draft St Andrews & East Fife Local Plan (2006) (FDSAEFLP), there is a presumption in favour of ancillary commercial related developments subject to satisfactory details. The proposal is therefore considered acceptable in principle. The related criteria are considered in more detail below. Design, Scale and Finishes/Impact on Conservation Area & Listed Building 2.3 Policies B1 and B4 of the FSP, Policies E4 and E5 of the SAALP, and Policies E3, E6 and E7 of the FDSAEFLP advise that proposals should protect and enhance listed buildings and conservation areas, should have high standards of design and finish, and should maintain and enhance the visual amenity of their setting. The policies of the Development Plan follow on from the guidelines set out in NPPG 18 and the Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas. In this instance the proposal is considered acceptable in meeting the above criteria in that the signs, spotlights, window planters and awnings would be suitably scaled and proportioned, would not detrimentally affect any external features of architectural or historic merit of a highly visible traditional and historic listed building, and would use acceptable finishing materials and colours. 2.4 In assessing this proposal, informal discussions were held with the local Historic Buildings Inspector regarding the design and use of finishing materials, and the impact on the listed building/conservation area. The Inspector is generally supportive of the proposal as the hotel alterations would replicate existing frontages on nearby buildings, and the more ornate frontage of the hotel at No.172 South Street would remain virtually unchanged whilst the ornate stone detailing and glazed fanlight above the alternative access door would remain visible. Concerns were however raised regarding the use of modern materials for the lettering, however, this was considered a minor issue given the majority of each sign would be constructed in timber, the letters are individually cut and could be replaced in the future without damage to the building and as such the inspector considers the overall scheme to be acceptable. Representations 2.5 One letter of representation has been received in connection with this application, and in particular the concerns raised regarding the design and impact on the listed building/conservation area, and the previous planning history have been noted and fully addressed earlier in this report. With regards to the category of listing, Members should note that the building is 'B (for group)' as opposed to being 'B' listed as stated by the Trust. 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 The proposal is considered acceptable in meeting the terms of Development Plan and relevant Council Planning Policy Guidelines, is considered acceptable in terms of number of signs, positions, design, scales, finishing materials, colours, method of illumination, and would protect the listed building and conservation area and urban street scene as a whole. In light of the above, the application is recommended for approval. RECOMMENDATION: UNCONDITIONAL APPROVAL BACKGROUND PAPERS The documents, guidance notes and policies referred to in “Statutory Policies and Approved Guidance”. Report prepared by Chris Smith, Planner