Hints for researching “Native American Spirituality” Check tribal websites for gateways to good sources Check children’s book on tribe and find BIBLIOGRAPHY Check bibliographies in Encyclopedias and Dictionaries of Indians/Native Americans for detailed bibliographies Contact professor for ideas Check bibliographies in textbooks and search for sources on your tribe! Ask reference librarians to help Check local libraries, historical societies, and museums in tribe’s area Consult National Park Services resources Try spelling tribes and clans many ways, as well as terms Keywords animalism astronomy bear baskets (particularly NE, NW, SW) bead/beadwork/beading bear blankets, rugs (weaving) buffalo bundle burial, funerary rites, graves ceremonies Christianity corn coyote creation culture dance drum eagle false face society (Iroquois-Great Lakes) feathers fetish fish Ghost Dance (Plains) God, god, gods, divinity, Spirit, Creator hawk Indian/Native American/Amerindian kachina/katchina (etc in spelling) kiva (SW) legend/s, myth Manitou (NE, Great Lakes, & Canada) masks medicine (religion, truth, spirituality) medicine bundle medicine wheel music myth, legend, storytelling owl petroglyphs peyote/paiute (etc spelling) pottery rattles religion ritual rock art, petroglyphs Sacred Tree / sacred / Cottonwood / tree shaman, shameness, witch, magic sipapu (SW) society soul Spirit, spirit, spiritual Sun Dance (Plains) Sweat Lodge tipi, wichyup totem trickster Vision Quest war war bonnet / headdress whale wolf (Shoshoni, Pequot, etc) women