Otters Summer Term Curriculum

Theme /Topic
Heroes and Villains
Focus on changing monarchs of Britain and crime and
Year Group
Mrs Jepson and Mrs Conner
Motivational Stimulus:
Areas of Learning
As writers we will improve our understanding and application of
punctuation, spelling, handwriting and grammar. We will explore
narratives, in particular myths and legends in the first half term
and discursive/persuasive texts in the second half. We will
produce our own legend/myth and discussion text.
As readers we will be reading to study and for pleasure.
As linguists we will gain confidence to speak with good intonation
and pronunciation.
As mathematicians we focus on number and place value, as well as
measure and shape.
In RE we will be learning about Easter, Pentecost and Sacraments.
As scientists we will be planning a scientific enquiry, recording data
and drawing conclusions from our results.
As historians we will seek out and analyse a wide range of evidence
in order to justify claims about the past.
As computer programmers we will be using the programming
software, Scratch.
As dancers we will use range of dance moves from different times
to create our own dances.
As sports people we will practise and improve games skills and apply
these in team work. We will create complex and well executed
sequences which include travelling and balance.
As art historians we will become familiar with the great portrait
artists of the time. We will study them in detail to discover the
stories behind the portraits.
As artists we will learn from the artists we have studied and use
this knowledge to create our own ‘Talking portraits’.
Curriculum drivers:
Children reflect deeply and creatively
Children become independent and
show initiative
Children achieve their full potential in
areas where they are less confident.
Celebratory Event:
A ‘wow’ day in the
second half term to
share our research and
to participate in art,
drama and dance
Curriculum Drivers
Philosophy: We will reflect deeply and creatively, during our RE
Enterprise: We will become independent and show initiative by
applying the skills that we have learnt in dance, DT and science to
create new dances our own recipes and plan a science
Possibilities: We will make an effort to achieve our full potential in
our spelling.