Biodiversity Hotspot Project and Rubric

Biodiversity Hotspots: Grant Proposal Presentation
The World Bank will provide a grant of 25 million dollars for the purchase of Botanical Refuges in a
biodiversity hotspot to the organization with the best presentation for species preservation. Your mission
will be to present a grant proposal to the class describing why your hotspot should be chosen to receive the
grant. You do not need to set aside dollars for management of these lands (future grants will provide for
that). The group with the best grant proposal will win the award of 25 million dollars (i.e. extra credit).
You should include the following in your presentation:
A. Location of your hotspot, including map(s).
B. Why is your area considered a biodiversity hotspot?
C. What endemic species are found here? Include both flora and fauna.
D. How endangered is your hotspot and the species found within it? What are the primary threats to
the biodiversity in this region?
E. Why is it most important to save your area now compared to other hotspots?
F. A list of at least 3 references that you used in your research. Full MLA format is required.
Your presentation will be judged on the following criteria:
A. Does your presentation include everything listed above?
B. Is your presentation engaging? Do you have many visuals of the location of your hotspot and the
species found within it?
C. Is your talk presented as a grant proposal? Is your presentation persuasive? Do you effectively argue
that your hotspot should receive the grant money instead of the other proposed areas?
Meso-American Forests
Choco/Darien Region
Tropical Andes
Brazillian Cerrado
Brazil’s Atlantic Forests
Guinean Forests
Eastern Afromontane
Horn of Africa
Cape Floristic Region
Western Ghats and Sri Lanka
Mountains of SW China
New Caledonia
Biodiversity Hotspots of the World
Descriptions of these hotspots can be found at: Interactive map: may not be working. Click on the continent to get started.
Biodiversity Hotspot Grant Proposal Grade Rubric
Biodiversity Hotspot Information (12 points):
_______3 pts. Location of hotspot
3 pts. Shows map(s) of location and gives general information about the habitat.
2 pt. Shows map of location, but gives no information about the habitat.
1 pt. No maps and little information about the region are given.
_______ 6 pts. Information about endemic species
6 pts. Includes interesting information about why species in region are unique and many
pictures of both endemic flora and fauna.
5 pts. Includes interesting information about species in region and several pictures of both flora
and fauna.
4 pts. Includes information and some pictures of both flora and fauna.
3 pts. Includes little information and a few pictures of flora and fauna.
2 pts. Includes little information and a few pictures of either flora or fauna (not both).
1 pt. Poor information and almost no pictures of flora or fauna.
_______3 pts. Why is location a hotspot?
3 pts. Describes specific threats and level of endangerment of species.
2 pts. Describes general threats, but not level of endangerment.
1 pt. Lists some threats. No real connection made to species in region.
Quality of Presentation (13 points)
_______5 pts. Engaging presentation: Visuals
5 pts. Presentation is interesting and is well-organized. Slides do not contain too much text.
Pictures and text go well together.
4 pts. Presentation is interesting and well-organized. Slides do not contain too much text. Pictures
and text go fairly well together
3 pts. Presentation is well-organized. Slides may contain too much text/ small font.
2 pts. Presentation is dry, and some transitions between parts of talk may be awkward. Few pictures
are used to illustrate main points.
1 pt. Presentation is poorly organized and hard to follow. Slides are not interesting.
_______ 5 pts Presentation style
5 pts. Talk is not rushed—enough time is spent on each slide. Presenters do not read presentation, and
look at audience while speaking. Transitions are smooth.
3 pts. Discussion of some slides may be rushed, or some transitions may be awkward. Presenters may
occasionally read off notes or slides, but generally look at audience while speaking.
2pts. Picture slides may be skimmed over too quickly. Presenters may read off of notes or slides and
do not look much at audience. Transitions between parts of talk are awkward. Some presenters may
not be prepared.
1 pt. Presenters are not prepared, do not engage the audience.
_______3 pts. Grant Proposal Format
3 pts. Talk is presented as a grant proposal. Presentation is persuasive.
2 pts. Talks is presented as a grant proposal, but is not very persuasive.
1 pt. Talk is given in report format. Little effort is made to make it into a grant proposal.
References (5 points)
_________ 5pts MLA format references
5 pts. At least 3 references in MLA format.
3 pts. At least 3 references, incomplete format (i.e. only URL is given).
1 pt. Less than three references listed.
_______Total (30 points)
Best Grant Proposal? ______(Bonus)