(Note: This evolutionary process was not linear;
that is, more than one type of prehuman existed at one time.)
18-12 MILLION YEARS AGO: Our basic anatomical ancestors appeared
during the Middle Miocene period: These were tree-loving, apelike animals.
How do we know this? The albumin-protein substance found in
primates has evolved at a constant rate. Thus, the difference
between the albumins of any pair of primates can be used to calculate
the time since they separated from each other.
Many hominoid forms flourished in East Africa in the first two million years
before the first tool-making humans appeared, about 2.5 million years ago.
2-3 MILLION YEARS AGO: The first toolmakers – homo habilis – had
opposing thumbs that allowed for gripping. They had longer arms for tree
climbing so were still more apelike than human.
1.9 MILLION YEARS AGO: Later human forms first appeared in Africa.
The first were scavengers, not hunters/gatherers. Given larger brains, they
could develop greater “social intelligence” so became more socially adept
(they could share food, cooperate in the hunt).
1.8 MILLION YEARS AGO: First homo erectus appeared on the scene.
They developed more sophisticated hand axes capable of butchering large
animals; they tamed fire. May have started migrating out of Africa into Asia
(terrain that was still very cold, but these prehumans could warm themselves
with fire now).
700,000-800,000 YEARS AGO: Homo Erectus were well established in
Indonesia and Vietnam.
AT LEAST 600,000 YEARS AGO: …in China.
At best, there were a few thousand people on earth with almost no
contact with others. Life expectancy in the 20’s.
250,000 YEARS AGO: Language developed although the larynx had not
shifted to allow for the range of sounds we can make today.
150,000 YEARS AGO: Neanderthals appeared and stabilized for about
50,000 years. Skilled hunters. They fought close up; we know this because
remains were deeply wounded. First time humans mounted spear heads on
wooden shafts. More social development: now buried some of their dead.
100,000 (AT MOST 200,000) YEARS AGO: Modern humans – Homo
Sapiens Sapiens – appeared in Sub-Sahara Africa. Replaced Neanderthals in
Asia 35-45,000 years ago.
BY 31,000 YEARS AGO: Cro-Magnons wore multilayered, tailored clothing.
Had Europe to themselves. More closely defined territorial boundaries /
used more personal ornamentation / explored religious beliefs / stored food
/ traded from afar / held seasonal gatherings at which time marriages were
arranged and ancestors were evoked to insure continuity of life. Left behind
elaborate cave paintings, the bridge between the human and supernatural
13,000 YEARS AGO: Modern humans inhabited every continent except
offshore islands of the Pacific and Antarctica.
Stolen from “Human Prehistory and the First Civilizations,” a lecture series
offered by the Teaching Company. Professor Brian M Fagan: U of CA-Santa