2009 Awards program Call for entries Oklahoma Museums Association 2100 NE 52nd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111 405.424.7757 info@okmuseums.org www.okmuseums.org 2009 Awards program Call for entries Deadline Award entries are due in the OMA office by 5:00pm on June 25, 2009. OMA is not responsible for entries arriving after the June 25 deadline. Entry fee A $25 entry fee is required for each entry submitted. Entry fees are due by 5:00pm on June 25, 2009. Entries with unpaid fees will not be judged. OMA is not responsible for fees arriving after the June 25 deadline. Museums large and small strive to engage their communities and meet their missions through programs, publications and exhibits. The Oklahoma Museums Association’s Awards Program honors the excellence and quality of projects accomplished by institutional members. The OMA Awards Program also recognizes individuals and groups whose contributions have impacted Oklahoma museums and the museum profession. OMA takes great pride in showcasing the quality projects and dedicated individuals that make Oklahoma museums shine. Reasons to submit an entry Winners are recognized before their peers as part of the Annual Fall Conference at the OMA Awards Luncheon Judging Awards acknowledge staff, volunteers, and support groups and encourage new and innovative activities A committee of individuals from cultural institutions across the state judges award entries. Committee members abstain from voting in any categories a Awards a vehicle for promoting an OMA institution where potentialprovide conflict of interest could be perceived. staff is not through media news releases involved in the judging process. Entries are judged solely on materials submitted. To maintain a high level of excellence, judges may choose to not make award recognition in every category. All decisions are final.quality of a anAward reinforces the program museum in grant proposals WHO MAY SUBMIT BUDGET DESIGNATION Project entries are grouped by institutional size as determined by institutional operating budget according to the institution’s most recently completed fiscal year Form 990 (line 12, Total Revenues). Institutions not filing Form 990 should use the most recently completed fiscal year financial statement total revenues. Grouping by budget ensures that museums compete only against others of the approximate same size. Any OMA member may submit a nomination for the Laura McDonagh Streich Award for Service to the Profession. The individual nominated for this award must be a current individual member of OMA. Any OMA member may submit a Certificate of Recognition entry. Individuals, corporations, foundations, or groups nominated for a Certificate of Recognition are not required to be members of OMA. Only OMA institutional members may submit project entries. Projects must have been completed or in use between January 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Corporate and individual members are not eligible to submit project entries. HOW TO ENTER A complete entry must have five copies of the entry form and five copies of all accompanying submission materials. Entries without five copies will be considered incomplete and will not be judged. Entry form must be typed with only one entry per form. Entries become the property of OMA and can be used at OMA’s discretion. For multiple entries, photocopy the entry form or download it from the OMA website. Each copy of an entry must be in a separate 9x12 envelope or folder that is labeled. Entry form items marked with an asterisk appear on the plaque or certificate. Please check spelling and wording for accuracy; OMA is not responsible for corrections. 2 Notification and Recognition Award recipients will be notified by August 4, 2009. Winning entries are displayed at the OMA Annual Fall Conference, September 23-25, 2009 in Lawton. Awards are presented at the Awards Luncheon on Friday, September 25. Tickets for the luncheon may be purchased for $25 per person. Nominators of an individual or group for a Certificate of Recognition, or for the Laura McDonagh Streich Award for Service to the Profession, are asked to purchase their honoree’s ticket. Tickets may be purchased online with a credit card through the OMA website or by check sent regular mail to OMA, 2100 NE 52nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111. The deadline for ticket purchases is September 9, 2009. For more information on the conference or to purchase tickets online, visit www.okmuseums.org and click on the Annual Conference. Eligibility, Award categories and Supplemental Material Requirements Entries that have previously won an award within the last five years are not eligible for consideration in the same award category as the winning submission. Projects that have undergone significant alteration are the exception and may be considered. An example of such an exception would be a newsletter that received an award within the last five years, but has been significantly redesigned during the eligibility period. Select category carefully; entering in the incorrect category will result in disqualification. Entries are accepted in the following categories: Individual Category Laura McDonagh Streich Award for Service to the Profession – submit narrative describing the nominee’s specific accomplishments and contributions to the museum field, and the significance of these activities. Letters of support are recommended. This award honors an OMA individual member who has distinguished her/himself in the field and has helped to significantly advance museum professionalism in the state through participation in professional organizations, especially OMA. Past award winners include: Pendleton Woods, Peter Tirrell, Kathy Dickson, Sandra Stratton, Dr. Bob Blackburn, Mary Herron, Dr. Carolyn Garrett Pool, Robert Powers, Julie Droke, Cherie Cook, Michael Bruce, Doris McGranahan and Melissa Owens. Individual/Group Category Certificates of Recognition – submit narrative describing the nominee’s specific contributions and the significance of these activities. Letters of support are recommended. This award recognizes local historians, board members, volunteers, docent groups, funders and other possible nominees whose time and/or money support museums in Oklahoma. Project Categories 1. Outreach or Education Program – submit a one page narrative outlining the program’s development process, purpose, target audience and approximate numbers served. Additional supplemental materials relating to the program are encouraged. 2. Interpretive Exhibit – submit a narrative consisting of one paragraph for each of the following topics: design process and concept; target audience and demographics served; and the exhibition’s main topic and sub-themes. Also include sample text from the exhibition and a floor plan of the layout. Additional supplemental materials relating to the exhibition are encouraged. 3. Conservation or Preservation Project – submit a narrative outlining specific conservation or preservation project efforts. Including additional supplemental material is at the institution’s discretion. 4. Promotional Piece (brochure, invitation, press kit, poster, etc.) – submit promotional piece. Including additional supplemental material is at the institution’s discretion. 5. Publication (magazine, book, exhibition catalogue, etc.) - submit publication. Including additional supplemental material is at the institution’s discretion. 6. Newsletter – submit newsletter. Including additional supplemental material is at the institution’s discretion. 7. Website – submit website address. Including additional supplemental material is at the institution’s discretion. Where to Mail Oklahoma Museums Association 2100 NE 52nd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Fax and e-mail entries are not accepted. 3 Only one entry per form regardless of category. Project Category Entry Form for individual/group Categories Individual Category Laura McDonagh Streich Award for Service to the Profession Individual/Group Category Certificate of Recognition * Nominee’s Name * Institution associated with nominee (Certificate of Recognition entries only) Nominator’s Name Address City/State/Zip Telephone E-mail Entry Form for Project Categories Budget Designation See page three for more information. Outreach or Education Program Interpretive Exhibit Conservation or Preservation Project Promotional Piece Publication Newsletter Website $0 - $24,999 $25,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $499,999 $500,000 and over *Title of project * Institution name Contact person Address City/State/Zip Telephone E-mail Project budget Payment information Check enclosed for $ Credit card number Charge my Visa/MasterCard/American Express $ Expiration Authorized signature Mail completed entries to Oklahoma Museums Association, 2100 NE 52nd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111. 4