Ring of Fire Focus Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Explain the BtN story to another student. Describe the recent events in Samoa and Sumatra. Where is the Ring of Fire and what is it? What percentage of earthquakes happens in the Ring of Fire area? What are tectonic plates? How fast do they move? Why do earthquakes and volcanoes happen where tectonic plates meet? 8. Why is understanding tectonic plates important? 9. Describe the devastation earthquakes and tsunamis cause. 10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story? Ring of fire Students will investigate earthquakes and tsunamis. Negotiate with students how many activities they need to complete. EPISODE 28 13TH OCTOBER 2009 Learning Area Science Key learning Students will develop a deeper understanding of how and why earthquakes and tsunamis occur. Remember and understand Create a timeline showing major earthquakes and tsunamis in the Ring of Fire area. Record the magnitude of each. Make 10 question and answer quiz cards about earthquakes and/or tsunami facts. Find out what the Richter and Mercalli scales are and how they relate to earthquakes. . Apply and Analyse Research the work of a seismologist. Write a journal entry of a typical day for a seismologist. What are plate tectonics and how do they work? Research the types of plate movement; divergent, convergent and lateral slipping. Create a diagram and explanation for each. What does the Ring of Fire have to do with plate tectonics? Research and collect information for a brochure to help people survive an earthquake. Evaluate and create . How are tsunamis formed? Research and create a detailed labelled diagram to show how a tsunami is formed. To extend the activity, students can make a model of their diagram. Design a house that is able to survive an earthquake. What special technologies are included in the design? Illustrate and label the new technologies. How do natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis affect people? Write a personal response to a news story and share your response with another student. Related Research Links ABC News – Two quakes, hundreds dead, one day…just a coincidence, say scientists http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/10/01/2701632.htm ABC Behind the News – China quake http://www.abc.net.au/news/btn/story/s2244743.htm Iris – Seismic monitor http://www.iris.edu/seismon/ National Geographic – Earthquakes http://www.nationalgeographic.com/forcesofnature/interactive/index.htm l?section=e US Geological Survey – Earthquakes for kids http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learning/kids/ Plate tectonics – Earthquakes http://www.plate-tectonics.org/earthquakes/ Kids Encyclopaedia – Plate tectonics http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/pl/Plate_tectonics Volcano live website http://www.volcanolive.com/australia.html China Quake One of the biggest earthquakes for more than thirty years has hit China. Thousands of people have been killed and many more are still missing. Focus Questions 1] Describe in your own words the devastation the earthquake has caused in China? 2] Where in China did the quake occur? 3] Why is time a crucial factor when searching for victims? 4] What have rescue workers been using to help with the search for victims? 5] What has made it difficult to reach injured people? 6] What is an after shock? 7] How do they make buildings more resistant to earthquakes? 8] Why do building regulations in China need to be investigated after this earthquake. 9] How has Australia offered to help China? 10] What do you think are the short and long term needs of the people affected by the earthquake? What is a quake? Students will be writing an information report about earthquakes. Begin with a class discussion to establish what they already know about earthquakes and what they want or need to find out. Before students begin their report ask them to consider the following: What is the purpose of an information report? Who will read the information? Parents, other students the same age, younger students etc. They need to write with the audience in mind. Develop a glossary Ask students to develop a glossary of special language associated with earthquakes to help them write the report. Structure of an information report An opening statement or definition Description Important facts about the subject Begin with a topic sentence and then follow up with facts to support the topic EPISODE 12 20TH MAY 2008 Learning Area Society and Environment, English Key learning Students will develop an understanding of how and why earthquakes occur. Students will also write an information report. Key words earthquake epicentre fault continental drift magnitude Richter scale plate tectonics plate boundary seismic seismograph There are some web links at the end of this activity sheet that may help students with their research Include photos, pictures, maps or pictures. Conclusion – summary or comment Language features of an explanation report Usually written in the third person Present tense often used Use of factual, descriptive adjectives A formal, factual style is required Technical and scientific language used. Students can write and publish their information report online using the text organisers at the following website: http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jeather/writingfun/writingfun.html Further investigation How do natural disasters, like earthquakes affect people? Students write a personal response to a news story of an earthquake. Present their response to another student. Related Research Links ABC News – Strong quake hits China http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/12/2242426.htm ABC News – Death toll rises in China quake http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/14/2243940.htm Global seismic monitor – monitor global earthquakes http://www.iris.edu/seismon/ CBBC website – What’s happening in China and Burma? http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_7390000/newsid_7398900/73 98904.stm CBBC website – Earthquake quiz http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4140000/newsid_4146100/41 46125.stm US Geological Survey – Earthquakes for kids learning activities http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learning/kids/ Burma Cyclone Cyclone Nargis has devastated Burma, killing tens of thousands of people with millions more without food, shelter or clean water. The Burmese Government doesn’t like other countries getting involved in its business so it has been difficult getting aid in to where it’s needed. Focus Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the name of the cyclone that has devastated Burma? Where is Burma located? Why was the cyclone particularly devastating? Even if people survive the cyclone, they are faced with other challenges. What are some of these challenges? 5. What is the first thing your body needs to survive? Why is it a huge problem for people in Burma? 6. What are aid agencies? 7. How does the way the Burmese Government operate affect international aid getting into the country? 8. What impact do the delays of aid have on Burmese people? 9. How has the Australian Government responded to the situation? 10. What do you think needs to happen next? What is aid? Student’s will be exploring what international aid is and developing a profile of an international aid agency. Begin with a class brainstorm to establish what students know about aid and aid agencies. Students choose an aid agency such as Oxfam, Save the Children Fund, Red Cross or World Vision. Ask them to research the following information: Use the agencies official website (website links at the end of this activity sheet) to find the vision/mission statement. List the key words from this statement. Draw the agencies logo and describe its meaning. Summarise what the organisation is doing for the Burma (Myanmar) cyclone relief. How does the organisation provide/distribute relief for those in need? EPISODE 11 13TH MAY 2008 Learning Area Society and Environment Key learning Students will develop an understanding of the issues facing Burma at the moment and how international aid agencies operate Ask students to present their profile of the aid agency to the class using one of the following formats: Powerpoint presentation Video Written or oral report Further investigations Think of ways your class or school can help Burmese people affected by the cyclone. Search online for information about location, physical features, the Government and economic situation in Burma. Related Research Links ABC News – Thousands killed in Burma cyclone http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/06/2236190.htm ABC News - UN ready to send help to Burma http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/05/2235364.htm ABC News – Australia pledges $3m for Burma http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/07/2237524.htm World Food Program official website http://www.wfp.org/english/ Children’s BBC website – information about cyclone in Burma http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_7390000/newsid_7394600/73 94684.stm Red Cross official website http://www.redcross.org.au/ourservices_aroundtheworld_emergencyrelie f_MyanmarCycloneNargis.htm Oxfam official website http://www.oxfam.org.au/about/ Save the Children fund official website http://www.savethechildren.org.au/index.html World Vision official website http://www.worldvision.com.au/index.asp Volcanoes Around the world, millions of people live in the shadow of volcanoes. Recently in Chile, thousands of people living near a volcano had to be evacuated. Focus Questions Where does the word `volcano’ come from? Where is Mount Vesuvius? What is an extinct volcano? When was the last time Vesuvius erupted? Describe a pyroclastic flow. Why is it more dangerous than lava? What happened to the city of Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted 2000 years ago? 8. Why are scientists worried about Vesuvius? 9. What are they doing to avoid a disaster? 10. How would you feel living in the shadow of a volcano? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Choose your own adventure! After watching the BtN story, ask students to describe what they know about volcanoes that they didn’t know before. Students will then research information about volcanoes based on the activities they choose. Negotiate with students how many activities they will need to complete. Remember and understand Create a 10 question and answer quiz about volcano facts. Describe the difference between active, dormant and extinct volcanoes. Draw a labelled diagram of a volcano. Apply and Analyse Design a poster that shows the warning signs of volcanic activity. Create a model of a volcano. The following websites have step by step instructions. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/understandi ng/ http://www.volcanolive.com/model.html EPISODE 16 17TH JUNE 2008 Learning Area Society and Environment Key learning Students will develop a deeper understanding of volcanoes through research. Investigate the recent volcanic eruption in Chile. Write a paragraph describing the impact the eruption had on the people living near the volcano. Evaluate and create What are the positive and negative aspects of the job of volcanologist? Create a newspaper article about a famous volcanic eruption. View the images of erupting volcanoes at the following website http://www.inglaner.com/volcan_chaiten.htm Choose your favourite eruptions and describe them. Related Research Links ABC News –Chile volcano shuts town for three months http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/15/2245282.htm ABC Behind the News – story about volcanoes http://www.abc.net.au/tv/btn/stories/s1596954.htm Children’s BBC – Guide to volcanoes http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_1760000/newsid_1768500/17 68595.stm National Geographic –Information and animations of volcanoes erupting http://www.nationalgeographic.com/forcesofnature/interactive/index.htm l?section=v Pyroclastic flows http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PyroFlows/description_pyro_flows.ht ml Photos of volcanoes http://www.inglaner.com/volcan_chaiten.htm Questions about volcanoes http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/frequent_questions/group12_new.h tml Find a volcano in the world http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/find_regions.cfm Bushfire season For many Australians, it’s time to start preparing for possible bushfires. Fire experts say it’s vital that every family has a bushfire plan. EPISODE 35 2ND DECEMBER 2008 Learning Area Focus Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What was the main point of the story? Why is it important to have a bushfire plan? What are the two basic options when a bushfire strikes? What did the Macindoe family do to prepare for a bushfire? What did they choose to do during the 2006 bushfires? What role did Connor and Devon play? Describe the experience of the Savige family during the bushfires? Choose 3 adjectives to describe how Courtney and Laura might have felt during the fires. 9. How do the two families feel about the future threat of bushfires? 10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story about bushfires?? Society and Environment Key learning Students will deepen their understanding of bushfires in Australia and their social and environmental impact Understanding bushfires Students will investigate key questions about bushfires. Ask them to brainstorm the topic to determine what they know about bushfires and what they would like to find out. Possible key questions include: What is a bushfire? What key information needs to be included in a bushfire plan? What effects do bushfires have on people and the built and natural environment? Where do bushfires occur in Australia? Why? What is a bushfire prediction system? How do Aboriginal people use fire to manage the land? Ask students to complete the following chart as they go through the inquiry process. What do I know? What do I want to know? How will I find out? What I have learnt? Negotiate with students how many key questions they need to investigate. Students then research the questions/issues generated from the brainstorming task. The websites at the end of this activity sheet will support students with their research. Students can present their research findings in one of the following ways: Create a webpage or webquest Give an oral presentation Create a poster/brochure Self assessment Create a plus, minus and interesting chart about the inquiry process. Parts of the inquiry I enjoyed Parts of the inquiry I found challenging Parts of the inquiry I found interesting Further investigation How do bushfires affect people? Write a personal response to a news story about a bushfire. Present your response to another student. Related Research Links ABC Adelaide – Bushfire links http://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/features/bushfire/default.htm ABC Local – Find your local site http://www.abc.net.au/local/ Emergency Management Australia – Bushfire Action Guide http://www.ema.gov.au/agd/ema/emainternet.nsf/Page/RWP07C6046B9 8D07DB8CA256C5A00230553 Country Fire Service – Bushfire safety http://www.cfs.sa.gov.au/site/fire_safety/general_information/bushfire_s afety.jsp CSIRO – Bushfires http://www.csiro.au/org/BushfiresOverview.html#2 Fire and Emergency Services Authority – Prepare for bushfires http://www.fesa.wa.gov.au/internet/default.aspx?MenuID=325