
EXCELLENT! 23-25 pts
Excellent and engaging subject – knew
audience well; Captured main points;
communicated clearly and effectively;
valid information-based upon sound
research and correctly documents
resources; included working
hyperlink(s) to related, credible site(s);
GREAT flow of information, smooth
and connected instead of disjointed
Good ~ 20 -23 points
Appropriate subject; Captured most
of the main points; communicated
clearly and effectively most of the
time; most information is validbased upon sound research and
correctly documents resources;
included one hyperlink to related,
credible site; flow of information is
mostly smooth and connected; some
is disjointed – hard to follow
Hooked audience’s attention;
Could have better captured
excellent professional appearance;
audience’s attention; appearance is
speaks clearly and audibly without
good but lacks professionalism
distracting habits; maintains excellent speech is at times unclear or
eye contact; displays excellent
displays some distracting habits;
posture and composure; talks about
unable to always maintain eye
the slides—does not simply read
contact; posture and composure
from slides, etc.; knows the order of
lacks confidence; read from some
the slides well enough to consider
slides; gives impression of surprise in
time limits or more expounding of
the order of the slides; expounded
individual slides
too much on some slides which
caused rushing of others and getting
off track on timing
Attractive and enticing to interpret;
Easy to interpret; most colors are
colors pleasing with good contrast;
pleasing with good contrast; mostly
well-balanced layout avoids excessive balanced layout - some white space;
white space; bullet rules followed (6X6 bullet rules followed most of the
rule, grammatically parallel,
time(6X6 rule, grammatically parallel,
capitalization); pictures/graphics used capitalization); pictures/graphics
whenever appropriate; creative; all
were mostly good additions instead
required slides included in order;
of distractions; most required slides
effects are effective and enhancing;
included in order; effects are
transitions and animations are
sometimes distracting; transitions
excellent and smooth instead of
and animations are sometimes
Limited~ 19-15 pts
Watkins – ED 503 – Rubric 1
Insufficient <15
Subject is not well intended for
audience; Captured some main
points; communicated clearly some of
the time; some information is validbased upon sound research and
documents resources; included one
hyperlink(s) to related, credible
site(s); flow of information is
sometimes smooth and connected
but much disjointed
Was not able to hold audience’s
attention most of the time;
appearance does not seem to be a
consideration; speech is unclear or
some distracting habits; does not
often maintain eye contact; posture
and composure look tired-lacks
energy; read from most slides;
unaware in the order of the slides;
did not entertain questions,
comments or additional thoughts
Subject is inappropriate for
audience; main points are
unclear; did not communicated
clearly; information is not
supported with valid-sound
research and documents
resources; hyperlink(s) to
related, credible site(s) are not
included; flow of information
is disjointed-hard to follow
Was not able to hold
audience’s attention;
appearance was offensive or
distractive; speech is unclear
and some distracting habits;
does not maintain eye contact;
posture and composure look
tired and weak; read from
slides; unaware in the order of
the slides and timing
Hard to interpret; colors are
unpleasant with poor contrast;
unbalanced layout - much white
space; bullet rules followed some of
the time(6X6 rule, grammatically
parallel, capitalization);
pictures/graphics were sometimes
good additions instead of distractions;
required slides were included but out
of order; effects are distracting;
transitions and animations are either
not there or distracting
Colors are not used; unbalanced
layout – too much white space;
bullet rules were not followed
(6X6 rule, grammatically parallel,
capitalization); pictures/graphics
were distractions; required
slides were not all included; no
effects are included; transitions
and animations are not included
Minimal errors in spelling, capitalization, Few errors in spelling, capitalization, Many errors in spelling, capitalization, So many errors in spelling,
punctuation, and grammar
punctuation, and grammar
punctuation, and grammar
capitalization, punctuation, and
grammar, too hard to interpret