Talk: Time: Category: Readiness Clarity Volume Mannerisms Closing & Thanks (1) (1 point) Points: Poster: (2) points Intro Self & Topic (1) (1 ½) points (¾) point Category: Obviously practiced Nearly every word distinct Easily heard by all a bit more practice A few words misspoken Most hear all words Somewhat rehearsed Less clear and distinct Some of the talk unclear Often lost and uncertain Not understood, unintelligible Soft, unheard throughout talk Visuals and graphics Color Appropriate, relaxed Less calm or smooth Tense, not at ease Uncomfortable throughout Construction Layout Students full name (front) (1 point) Points: (2) points Title or subject (1) (1 ½) points Amazing, Historic Obvious care and time Pleasant, clear Appropriate, less accurate Less time or neatness Less clear or obvious Confusing, inaccurate Color used, distracting Unclear, cluttered Little time, not true None, or distracting Disorganized or detracts Amazing Less care or time Rough, more time needed Careless (¾) point