CAPT TEST in GENETICS, EVOLUTION and BIODIVERSITY Name:__________________ GENETICS: 1. _____ What statement is most correct: A. all humans genes are located outside the nucleus of the cell. B. A human only has one gene for each trait C. Most organisms have two genes for each trait, one on each of the homologous chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus D. There are organisms that do not have any genes. 2. _____What statement about DNA and inheritance is correct? A. a child’s DNA will be unrelated to the mother’s or father’s DNA. B. A child’s DNA will show similarities to both the mother’s and father’s DNA. C. A female child’s DNA will exactly match the mother’s DNA. D. A male child’s DNA will exactly match the father’s DNA. 3. _____ If a normal human’s body cells contains 46 chromosomes, the sex cells contain: A. 12 ½ chromosomes B. 23 chromosomes C. 46 chromosomes D. 92 chromosomes 4. _____ If dimples in humans are due to a dominant gene, when two parents are crossed, each whom are heterozygous (Dd) for the trait, what percent of offspring would be expected to have dimples: D d A. B. C. D. 25% 50% 75% 100% D d 5. _____When genes are carried on the X (sex) chromosome, they are termed X-linked or sex-linked. Which of the following statements would be true concerning recessive traits that are inherited on the X chromosome. (Female sex chromosomes are XX and Males are XY) A. boys would always inherit the recessive trait if their mother was homozygous dominant for the trait B. boys can not inherit this trait from their mothers at all. C. boys will inherit this trait only from their fathers. D. boys will inherit this trait from their mothers if the mom is homozygous recessive. 6. _____ True or False: If a mother and father are each homozygous dominant for a trait, they can have a child who is recessive for that trait. 7. _____ In the ABO blood group, A and B are codominant and O is recessive. If one parent has genotype AB and the other parent has genotype OO. TRUE or FALSE: They can have children who have AB blood and children who have O blood. A B EVOLUTION 8. ____ True or False: Fossils and embryological development are both used to support the concept that organisms change over time. 9. _____ Sexual reproduction is better for evolution because: A. all of the offspring will have the same genes B. Asexual reproduction causes different genes in each generation C. Sexual reproduction allows for a mixing of genes through the fertilization of egg with sperm which were both formed through the process of meiosis. D. The statement is false, asexual reproduction is better for evolution 10. _____ The process described by Charles Darwin by which evolution occurs is called: A. Natural Selection B. Mutation C. Acquired traits D. Lamarckian evolution 11. _____ What statement is most true: A. fossils may be dated using radioisotopes such as Carbon 14 B. The deeper a fossil is found, the younger (less old) it is. C. There is no such thing as fossils D. All fossils are bones. 12. _____ Populations of organisms can be affected by which of the following factors: A. immigration B. birth rate C. death rate D. food availability E. all of the above 13. _____ If a population of yeast is grown in a test tube and this population is measured by the amount of carbon dioxide gas given off, what would you expect to happen as the amount of food is increased in the test tube? A. the yeast population would die B. the yeast population would increase and therefore more carbon dioxide is given off C. the yeast population will decrease D. the yeast population will increase and the amount of carbon dioxide given off would decrease. 14. _____ Based on the theory of evolution by natural selection, which statement best explains why modern giraffes have long necks: A. giraffes were selectively bred by humans to encourage the development of long necks B. more giraffes with long necks lived to produce more offspring than did giraffes with short necks C. a disease that did not affect giraffes with long necks wiped out all giraffes with short necks D. years ago, giraffes reaching up to eat leaves on tall trees gradually stretched their necks BIODIVERSITY _____15. Carolus Linnaeus developed a system of naming and classifying organisms. This system uses Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species to organize life. Humans are classified as Homo sapiens, this scientific name represents the: A. kingdom and phylum B. phylum and class C. class and order D. family and genus E. genus and species _________16. The six kingdoms of life are: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Which of these kingdoms have the ability to photosynthesize and are multicellular? _______ 17. In biology a population of organisms is described as organisms of the same species that can interbreed. Which of these groups could be considered a population? A. all of the lions in the world B. the white tailed deer of Connecticut C. mice on Block Island and in Rhode Island D. coyote in Connecticut and Califrornia E. ______ 18. Humans are in the class mammalian. What characteristics is NOT considered to be mammal traits: A. warm blooded B. have hair C. feed their young milk D. are cold blooded ______ 19. Choose the best answer to the following statement: Biodiversity is due to: A. organisms adapting to different environments over time B. organisms changing their traits during the year C. organisms mating with organisms of another species D. organisms interacting with other organisms of the same species ______ 20. The reason there are now 2 different kingdoms of bacteria are: A. there are too many to put into one kingdom B. with DNA testing it has been found that the two groups are as different from each other as other kingdoms differ from each other C. they are both eukaryotic D. bacteria can be found everywhere