T C Thompson Children`s Hospital

T C Thompson Children’s Hospital
910 Blackford Street
Chattanooga, TN 37403
To Prospective Donor:
Every day children in Tennessee are rushed to emergency departments across the state for acute illnesses
and injuries. Many of these children are treated in community hospitals that primarily care for adults.
Children are vastly different from adults, and require specialized care and equipment. T C Thompson
Children’s Hospital (TCTCH) provides hospitals within this region pediatric-specific education for their
healthcare providers. In addition, we ensure that they have the appropriate equipment to care for children
of all ages and sizes in their emergency departments. Children come in all different sizes, which requires
various equipment to care for their specific needs. The Tennessee Chapter of the American Academy of
Pediatrics (TNAAP) and Tennessee Emergency Medical Services for Children (TN-EMS-C) Foundation
mission is dedicated to ensuring public and professional education, conduct research, and advocates for
pediatric legislative concerns to be addressed, such as, injury prevention, and quality family-centered
emergency and critical care services for Tennessee’s children.
The funding for these activities comes from grants and grass-roots fund-raising events. Each year TNAAP
and the TN-EMS-C Foundation sponsor an educational conference in pediatric emergency and critical care
at one of the four children’s hospitals in Tennessee. On the Friday evening of this conference the hosting
institution provides a fund-raising event for the conference attendees and the local community. The
donations raised by this activity are equally divided between TNAAP and the TN-EMS-C Foundation to be
used for state-wide and local activities, respectively. This year the eighth such conference is being hosted
by TCTCH and will take place on October 23--24, 2009. Approximately 250 physicians, registered nurses,
respiratory therapists, and emergency medical personnel are expected to attend. The fund-raiser will be a
silent auction, buffet dinner and music fest which will be held on October 23rd at the Bessie Smith Hall.
How can you help to ensure our children of Tennessee are receiving quality pediatric patient care in the
regional pediatric and community hospitals? How can you be assured that your children and grandchildren
will receive the right care in an emergency situation? By purchasing tickets to attend the Bessie Smith Hall
event and participating in the evening’s activities. By making a generous cash donation or donating an
item or items to be placed in the silent auction. A gift basket or gift cards from your company or donation
of use of a vacation condominium would be welcome in the silent auction. With generous support of
people like you, we will continue to provide pediatric education throughout the community. For more
information, or other ideas on how your donation can help make a difference in the lives of so many in our
community, we invite you to access our web sites listed below:
Michael Carr, MD
Michael Carr, MD
Chair of TN-EMS-C Foundation
T C Thompson Children’s Hospital
TNEMSC Foundation
Tax ID # 20-2802786