Grainger plc. Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Global GHG emissions data for period 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013 Tonnes of CO2e Current Reporting Year1 Emissions from: Combustion of fuel & operation of facilities 1,467 Electricity, heat, steam and cooling purchased for own use 956 Total carbon footprint Company’s measurement: chosen 2,423 intensity Emissions reported above, per £m value of assets under management: 0.98 per £m value of assets under management Emissions reported above, per owned unit2: 0.18 per owned unit Emissions reported above, per employee3: 8.97 per employee Scope 3 Global GHG emissions data for period 1 October 2012 to 30 September 2013 Tonnes of CO2e Emissions from: Developments (contractor electricity and fuel use) Business travel, (air, rail and car in UK & Germany) Electricity transmission & distribution losses Tenant energy use, estimated from a sample of Energy Performance Certificates, (EPCs) and reported in CO2 only. 239 140 81 Tonnes of CO2 29,551 As this is the first year of Mandatory GHG reporting, there is no comparison year reported. This is the number of owned units in the UK; in future years this will also include the number of owned units in Germany. 3 Total number of employees in Grainger plc. at 30th September 2013 1 2 Grainger plc Registered in England. No: 125575 Registered office: Citygate, St James’ Boulevard Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4JE Methodology We have used the main requirements of the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition) and ISO14064 Part 1; data gathered for our ongoing reporting under the Carbon Disclosure Project; energy consumption data for our UK properties and emission factors from the UK Government’s Conversion Factors for Company Reporting 2013. We have reported on all of the emission sources required under the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Reports) Regulations 2013. We have used the Operational Control consolidation method. These sources fall within our consolidated financial statement. We do not have responsibility for any emission sources that are not included in our consolidated statement. 1. Limitations on data collection UK Residential We have not reported emissions from the properties in our GInvest portfolio or from units undergoing small-scale refurbishment as we do not have energy consumption data for the reporting year – we are working to improve data collection for future reporting. Fund and Third Party Management We have not reported emissions from the properties in our WIP portfolio as we do not have energy consumption data for the reporting year – we are working to improve data collection for future reporting. German Residential We have not reported emissions from the properties in our German residential portfolio as we do not have energy consumption data for the reporting year – we are working to improve data collection for future reporting and will report on our German properties next year. 2. Estimation For properties where some consumption is known, missing periods of consumption have been estimated using the daily average of known consumption. 37% of the total energy use has been estimated using this methodology. 12 out of 204 properties have been excluded from the analysis because we have not been able to record any consumption. Grainger has used a database of over 2,000 EPCs produced between 2008 and 2013 across the UK Residential and GRIP portfolios to estimate tenant carbon dioxide emissions. Every EPC has an estimate of the unit’s annual carbon footprint for heating, lighting and hot water based on the unit’s predicted energy consumption. We have taken an average of emissions for each portfolio so that the average reflects the portfolio’s characteristics (e.g. flats, single family dwellings, etc.) The respective averages have been multiplied by the number of units per portfolio and the results summed to produce an estimate of emissions Grainger plc Registered in England. No: 125575 Registered office: Citygate, St James’ Boulevard Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4JE for UK Residential. We first published an estimate of tenant emissions using this methodology in our 2010/11 annual report and have updated it to reflect the addition of new EPCs and changes in the composition of our portfolio in each succeeding year. 3. Intensity metrics We have used the market value of assets under management as our main intensity measurement as this is also what we use to measure our business efficiency KPI as reported in this Strategic Report. We have also used the number of UK units that we own and the number of our employees. We have chosen these metrics to align with our financial reporting. Our reported carbon footprint will be larger in the 2013-2014 reporting year because we will be able to obtain data for those parts of our portfolio that are missing in 201213. Scope One Landlord-obtained gas consumed in common areas and by tenants on an unmetered basis. Scope Two Landlord-obtained electricity consumed in common areas and by tenants on an unmetered basis. Scope Three Contractor-obtained energy used in developments and refurbishments, where available. Not included Waste treatment and disposal. Fuel consumption in vehicles owned or leased by Grainger plc. Electricity consumed by Grainger plc. that is sub-metered by its landlord in offices which it occupies as a tenant. Grainger employees’ business travel; ‘grey fleet’ travel. Water consumption. Tenant-obtained energy consumption (estimated from the properties’ EPC certificate). Staff commuting. Landlord-obtained energy consumed by tenants on a metered basis. (Scenario not currently applicable). Grainger plc Registered in England. No: 125575 Registered office: Citygate, St James’ Boulevard Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4JE