General auction news release - University of Minnesota Extension

Steve Pooch, Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association
Brad Rugg, Minnesota 4-H State Fair Superintendent
St. Paul, MN (8/25/12) - Quality animals, quality kids, and quality buyers made the 33rd Purple Ribbon
Auction, the annual parade of champion beef, lambs, goats and swine set five new record prices and tied
one. The auction raised more than $430,000 in additional premium dollars from 100 head for Minnesota
4-H youth and programs.
The Champion Market Beef Steer was a Division II Crossbred Steer shown by Stephanie Krause
of Olmsted County. Ames Construction once again had the successful bid of $16,000 for a new
Minnesota record price. The Reserve Champion was a Champion Simmental Steer owned by Greta
Tank of Washington County which also set a record with the final bid from a group of long-time buyers
including the Interstate Power Systems and Friends of Washington County 4-H for $11,000.
Joel Varner and Bagley Livestock Exchange bid $9,600 for this year’s Grand Champion Dairy
Steer exhibited by Logan Dvergsten of Roseau County. The Reserve Champion Dairy Steer shown by
Abby Mills of Goodhue County set a record price of $7,500 when all was said and done for a
purchasing group made up of long-time supporters Central Livestock, O&S Cattle Co., American Foods,
and Heidelberger Equipment.
This year’s Crossbred Middleweight Barrow was named Grand Champion Market Swine for
Remi Wayne of Freeborn County as it sold for $9,500 to a group of supporters led by Hormel Foods,
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, and Friends of Freeborn County 4-H. The Reserve Champion Barrow was
a Crossbred Heavyweight Barrow shown by McKenna Cech of Freeborn County was purchased for
$7,600 by Boehringer Ingelheim, Zinpro Corporation, and Friends of Freeborn County 4-H. The
Champion Market Gilt brought a price of $5,100 for Joshua Homann of Pipestone County with
Minnesota Farmers Union and Farmers Union Insurance purchasing the hog. The Reserve Champion
Market Gilt exhibited by Tessa Kramer of Murray County brought Monsanto and Murray County Purple
Ribbon Club together as they partnered with the final $4,400 bid.
The Grand Champion Market Lamb from the light-weight division was shown by Jed Knutson of
Freeborn County purchased by SAFRAN-Cenco International for $5,100. The Reserve Champion Market
Lamb exhibited by Scott Dingels of Redwood County was selected from the middle-weight division and
brought $5,000 by Farmers Union Industries.
© 2011 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In
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800-876-8636. Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent postconsumer waste material.
Ashley Bartness of Freeborn County exhibited the Grand Champion Meat Goat and it sold for
$3,600 by Minnesota Meat Goat Supporters The Grand Champion Dairy Meat Goat was exhibited by
Nicole Klein of Stearns County and sold for $2,300 to a group including Dekalb/Asgrow and Channel
Proceeds from the Purple Ribbon Livestock Auction go to the winning 4-H youth and 20% of the
funds are designated to further Minnesota 4-H, the Minnesota 4-H Foundation and the Auction
Scholarships. Twenty-three 4-H Livestock Auction Scholarships were awarded this year from the premiums
received last year and matching dollars thanks to the generous support of Kent Thiesse and Gred
Harder, Corn Roast (Brad and Lori Ribar), MN Simmental Association, MN Farmers Union, Midwest
Machinery, Interstate Power Systems, LA-Co Industries, SAFRAN – Cenco Int., Interstate Power Systems,
Hormel Foods, MN Pork Board, MN Corn Growers, Jake and Lindsay Grass, Bonnie Compart (In memory
of Richard), Pioneer Seeds, Schroder Concessions, Midwest Machinery, Sky Ride, Inc. (Don McClure), John
Morrell & Co., Peggy Winters (In memory of Brian), and Hubbard Feeds/Show Rite. The Minnesota
Purple Ribbon Auction is sponsored by the Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association each year.
© 2011 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to the Extension Store at
800-876-8636. Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with at least 10 percent postconsumer waste material.