Do not manually edit this table. Title Author Evidence Based Practice Presentation References nbeattie Evidence Based Practice Presentation References The following articles are available online OR in paper copies held at the RRC Library Circulation Desk (Notre Dame Campus). A link and/or location note is included in each citation. EbscoHost. Control-Click on the link to go to see the login page. Log in with your RRC ID and password. Click on the Login button. Click past the security notices. When the article abstract appears, click on the “PDF Full Text” link to see the complete article. UM Links. Available to currently-registered U of M students. Control-Click on the link to see the UM Links login page. Log in using your U of M ID and pin number. Click on the Login button. You will have access to the journal containing your selected article, but you will have to locate the journal issue and page numbers using the citation. Note: all UM Links articles are also available in paper copy at the RRC Library Circulation Desk. Web. Article is free on the web. Control-Click on the link to see it. Note: all web articles are also available in paper copy at the RRC Library Circulation Desk. Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk. Ask at the RRC Library Circulation Desk (Notre Dame Campus) to see the article. Paper copies may be signed out for two hours with your student card. All articles not available on EbscoHost are available at the Circulation Desk. Alcohol as an antiseptic agent Potential issues to examine: 1. Is it effective as an antiseptic agent? 2. Under what circumstances can it be used? Messanger, S., Hann, A. C., Goddard, P. A., Dettmar, P. W., Maillard, J. Y. (2004). Use of ‘ex vivo’ test to study long-term bacterial survival on human skin and their sensitivity to antisepsis. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 97, 1149-1160. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Ramesh, P. C., Chayya, V. C., Poonam, S., Jaishree, K. R. (2004). A prospective, randomized, double-blind study of comparative efficacy of immediate versus daily cleaning of stethoscope using 66 % ethyl alcohol. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 58(10), 423-430. (EbscoHost) Wong, P. Y., Colville, V. L., White, V., Walker, H. M. & Morris, R. A. (2004). Validation and assessment of a blood-donor arm disinfectant containing chlorhexidine and alcohol. Transfusion, 44(8), 1238-1242. (EbscoHost) Artificial/gel nails and/or extenders Potential issues to examine: 1. What are the issues regarding gel nails and/or extenders and nurses wearing them in the clinical area? 2. What pathogens have been found to be harboured by gel nails? Constandt, L., Hecke, E. V., Naeyaert, J. M., & Goossens, A. (2005). Screening for contact allergy to artificial nails. Contact Dermatitis, 52(2), 73-77. (EbscoHost) Lin, C. M., Wu, F. M., Kim, H. K., Doyle. M. P., Michael, B. S. & Williams, L. K. (2004). A comparison of hand washing techniques to remove Escherichia coli and caliciviruses under natural or artificial fingernails. Journal of Food Protection, 66(12), 2296-301. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Gupta A, Della-Latta, P., Todd, B., San Gabriel, P., Haas, J., Wu, F. et al. (2004). Outbreak of extended spectrum beta-lactamase Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal intensive care unit linked to artificial nails. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 25(3), 210-215. (UM Links) (Paper Copy at Library Circulation Desk) Hedderwick, S.A., McNeal, S.A., Lyons, M.J., Kauffman, C.A. (2000). Pathogenic organisms associated with artificial fingernails worn by healthcare workers. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 21(8), 505-509. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) McNeil, S.A., Foster, C.L., Hedderwick, S.A., Kauffman, C.A. (2001). Effects of hand cleansing with antimicrobial soap or alcohol-based gel on microbial colonization of artificial fingernails worn by healthcare workers. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 32, 367-72. (EbscoHost) Attitudes toward alcohol and drug addiction Potential issues to examine: 1. What types of attitudes do health care workers demonstrate towards clients with drug and alcohol problems? 2. Why do health care workers feel this way? Aalto, M., Pekurri, P., & Seppa, K. (2001). Primary health care nurses’ and physicians attitudes, knowledge and beliefs regarding brief intervention for heavy drinkers. Addiction, 96(2), 305-311. (EbscoHost) Happell, B & Taylor, C. (2001). Negative attitudes towards clients with drug and alcohol related problems: Finding the elusive solution. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 10, 87-96. (EbscoHost) Howard MO, Chung SS. Nurses' attitudes toward substance misusers. III. Emergency room nurses' attitudes, nurses' attitudes toward impaired nurses, and studies of attitudinal change. Subst Use Misuse. 2000 Aug;35(9):1227-61. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Martinez, R. J. & and Murphy-Parker, D. (2003). Examining the relationship of addiction education and beliefs of nursing students towards persons with alcohol problems. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 17(4), 156-164. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Bed rest Potential issues to examine: 1. What does the research say about the number of hours of required bed rest post cardiac procedures? Fowlow, Barbara; Price, Paula Price and Tak, Fung. Ambulation after sheath removal: A comparison of 6 and 8 hours of bedrest after sheath removal in patients following a PTCA procedure. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care Volume 24, Issue 1, January-February 1995, Pages 28-37. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Gianakos, S., Keeling, A. W., Haines, D. &Haugh, K. (2004). Time in bed after electrophysiological procedures (TIBS IV): A pilot study. American Journal of Critical Care, 13, 56-58. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Keeling, A. W., Fisher, C. A., Haugh, K. H., Powers, E. R. and Turner, M. S. (2000). Reducing time in bed after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (TIBS III) American Journal of Critical Care, 9(3), 185-187. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Tagney, J. & Lackie, D. (2005). Bed-rest post-femoral arterial sheath removal--what is safe practice? A clinical audit. Nursing in Critical Care, 10(4), 167-73. (EbscoHost) Blood pressure measurement Potential issues to examine: 1. What is the best way in which to accurately monitor blood pressure: use of a manual sphygmomanometer? Dynamap? 2. Are there other methods that can be used to accurately determine blood pressure? Chang, J., Rabinowitz, D. & Shea, S. (2003). Sources of variability in blood pressure measurement using the Dynamap PRO 100 automated oscillometric device. American Journal of Epidemiology, 158, 1218-1226. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Lewis, Jacqueline E., Boyle, Eleanor, Magharious, Lucy and Myers, Martin G. Evaluation of a community-based automated blood pressure measuring device. CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), April 30, 2002; 166 (9) 1145–1148. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Liebl, M. E., Holzgreve, H., Schulz, M., Crispin, A. & Bogner, J. R. (2004). The effect of clothes on sphygmomanometric and oscillometric blood pressure measurement. Blood Pressure, 13, 279-282. (EbscoHost) Van Popele, N. M., Bos, W. J. W., de Beer, N. A. M., van der Kuip, D., Hofman, A., Grobbee, D. & Witterman, J. (2000). Arterial stiffness as underlying mechanism of disagreement between an oscillometric blood pressure monitor and a sphygmomanometer. Hypertension, 36, 484-488. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Client confidentiality Potential issues to examine: 1. Why is this important? 2. What is nursing’s responsibility in maintaining it? Deshefy-Longhi, T. Dixon, J. K., Olsen, D. & Grey. M. (2005). Privacy and confidentiality issues in primary care: views of advanced practice nurses and their patients--an APRNet study. Nursing Ethics, 12(1), 378-393. (EbscoHost) Tabak, N. & Ozon, M. (2004). The influence of nurses' attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on maintaining patients' privacy in a hospital setting. Nursing Ethics, 11(4), 366-377. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Woogara, J. (2005). Patients' rights to privacy and dignity in the NHS. Nursing Standard,19(18),33-7. (EbscoHost) Clostridium difficile Potential issues to examine: 1. What can nurses do to minimize the spread of C.difficile? 2. Why is this infection an issue in today’s health care system? 3. What factors have been identified that facilitate the spread of C.difficile? Archibald, Lennox K.; Banerjee, Shailen N.; Jarvis, William R. Secular Trends in HospitalAcquired Clostridium difficile Disease in the United States, 1987--2001. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 5/1/2004, Vol. 189 Issue 9, p1585-1589. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Dial, S., Delaney, C., Schneider, V. & Suissa, S. (2006). Proton pump inhibitor use and risk of community-aquired Clostridium difficile-associated disease defined by prescription for oral vancomycin therapy. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 175(7), 745-748. (EbscoHost) Gaynes, R., Rimland, D., Killum, E., Lowery, H., Johnson II, T., Killgore, G., et al. (2004). Outbreak of Clostridium difficile Infection in a Long-Term Care Facility: Association with Gatifloxacin Use. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 38(5), 640-645 (Ebscohost) Gordon, F.M., Schultz, M.E., Huber, R.A., Gill, J.A. (2005). Reduction in nosocomial transmission of drug-resistant bacteria after introduction of an alcohol-based handrub. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 26(7), 588-593. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Kazakova S. V., Ware, K., Baughman, B, Bilukha, O., Paradis, A, Sears, S. et al. (2006). A hospital outbreak of diarrhea due to an emerging epidemic strain of Clostridium difficile. Archives of Internal Medicine, 166(22), 2518-24. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) McDonald, L., Owings, M., & Jernigan, D. (2006). Clostridium difficile Infection in Patients Discharged from US Short-stay Hospitals, 1996-2003. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 12(3), 409-415. (Ebscohost) Walker, N., Gupta., R. & Cheesbrough, J (2006). Blood pressure cuffs: friend or foe? The Journal of Hospital Infection, 63(2), 167-169. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Zafar, A.B., Gaydos, L.A., Furlong, W.B., Nguyen, M.H., Mennonna PA. Effectiveness of infection control program in controlling nosocomial Clostridium difficile. Am J Infect Control. 1998 Dec;26(6):588-93. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Zoutman, D.E. The relationship between hospital infection surveillance and control activities and antibiotic-resistant pathogen rates. American Journal of Infection Control, 33(1), 1-5. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) CVAD cleaning solutions Potential issues to examine: 1. Which one/s is/are most effective? 2. What is being used in the clinical areas? Birnback, D. J., Stein, D. J., Murray, O. M. T., Thys, D. M., & Sordillo, E. M. (2003). Comparison of povidone iodine and Duraprep, an iodophor-in-isopropyl alcohol solution, for skin disinfection prior to epidural catheter insertion in parturients. Anesthesiology, 98(1), 164169. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Calfee, D. P., & Farr, B. M. (2002). Comparison of four antiseptic preparations for skin in the prevention of contamination of percutaneous drawn blood cultures: A randomized trial. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 40(5), 1660-1665. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Garlund, J.S., Buck, R.K., Maloney, P., Durkin, D.M., Toth-Lloyd, S., Duffy, M., Szocik, P., McAuliffe, T.L., Goldman, D. (1995). Comparison of 10% povidone-iodine and 0.5% chlorhexidine gluconate fo rthe prevention of peripheral intravenous catheter colonization in neonates. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 14(6), 510-516. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Hibbard, J. S., Mulberry, G. K. & Brady, A. R. (2002). A clinical study comparing the skin antisepsis and safety of CloraPrep, 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, and 2% aqueous chlorhexidine. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 25(4), 245 -249. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Hicks, R., Vandervort, F.E.(2001). A randomized trial comparing povidone-iodine to a chlorhexidine gluconate-impregnated dressing for prevention of central venous catheter infecions in neonates. Pediatrics, 107(6), 1437- xxx (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Humar, A., Ostromecki, A, Direnfeld, J., Marshall, J.C., Lazar, N., Houston, P.C. et al. (2000). Prospective randomized trial of 10% povidone-iodine versus 0.5% tincture of chlorhexidine as cutaneous antisepsis for prevention of central venous catheter infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 31, 1001-1007. (EbscoHost) CVAD dressing techniques Potential issues to examine: 1. Is one better than another? 2. What methods are being used in the clinical areas? 3. Is there an advantage to using one method over another? Aurand-Treston, J, Olmstead, N. R., Bridson, A. K. & Craig, P. C. (1997). Impact of dressing materials on central venous catheter infections. Journal of Intravenous Nursing, 20(4), 201206. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Brandt, B., DePalma, J., Irwin, M., Shagan, J. & Lucke, J. (1996). Comparison of centarl venous catheter dressings in bone marrow transplant recipients. Oncology Nursing Forum, 23(5), 829-836. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Newell-Stokes, V., Broughton., S., Guilian, K. & Stetler, B. C. (2001). Developing an evidence-based practice procedure: Maintenance of central venous catheters. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 15(5), 199-204. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Reynolds. G. M., Tebbs., E. S. & Elliott, J. T. (1997). Do dressing with increased permeability reduce the incidence of central venous catheter related sepsis? Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 13(1), 26-29. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Taylor, D., Myers, S.T., Monarch, K., Leon, C. Hall, J. & Sibley, Y. (1996). Use of occlusive dressings on central venous catheter sites in hospitalized children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 11(3), 169-173. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Willie, C.J., Blusse van Oud Ablas, A. & Thewessen, M. (1993). A comparison of two transparent film-type dressingsin central venous therapy. Journal of Hospital Infection, 23, 112-121. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Enteral feeding tubes complications Potential issues to examine: 1. What complications can occur in a client with a feeding tube in-situ? 2. What bacterial organisms have been implicated in the use of feeding tubes? Bullock,T. K., Waltrip, T. J., Price, S. A, & Galandiuk, S. (2004). A retrospective study of nosocomial pneumonia in postoperative patients shows a higher mortality rate in patients receiving nasogastric tube feeding. The American Surgeon, 70(9), 822-6. (EbscoHost) Crosby, J. & Duerksen, D. (2005). A retrospective survey of tube-related complications in patients receiving long term enteral nutrition. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 50(9), 17121717. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Jawabeer, Girish; Shaw, Nigel J.; Pierro, Agostino. Continuous enteral feeding impairs gallbladder emptying in infants. The Journal of pediatrics 2001, vol. 138, no.6, pp. 822-825. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Leibovitz, A., Dan, M., Zinger, J., Carmeli, Y., Habot, B., & Segal, R. (2003). Pseudomonas aeruginosa and oropharyngeal ecosystem of tube-fed patients. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 9(8), 956-959. (Ebscohost) Matlow, Anne; Wray, Rick; Goldman, Carol; Streitenberger Freeman, Laurie; Kovach, Danuta. Microbial contamination of enteral feed administration sets in a pediatric institution. American Journal of Infection Control, Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 49-53 (February 2003) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Segal, R., Dan, M., Pogoreliuk, I., & Leibovitz, A. (2006). Pathogenic colonization of the stomach in enterally fed elderly patients: comparing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy with nasogastric tube. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 54(12), 1905-1908. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Enteral feeding tubes placement methods Potential issues to examine: 1. Which method is most reliable in determining if an enteral feeding tube is positioned correctly? Araujo-Preza, C. E., Melhado, M. E., Gutierrez, F. J., Maniatis, T. & Castellano, M. A. (2002). Use of capnometry to verify feeding tube placement. Critical Care Medicine, 30(10), 2255-9. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Ellett, M. L. Croffie, J. M., Cohen, M. D., & Perkins,S. M. (2005). Gastric tube placement in young children. Clinical Nursing Research, 14(3), 238-252. (EbscoHost) Nyqvist, K. H., Sorell, A. & Ewald,U. (2005). Litmus tests for verification of feeding tube location in infants: evaluation of their clinical use. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(4):486-95. (EbscoHost) Gastrostomy (PEG) tube use Potential issues to examine: 1. What does the research say about patients who are being fed with these tubes? Is it an effective method of sustaining the nutritional needs of a patient? Anis, M. K., Abid, S., Jafri, W., Abbas, Z., Shah, H. A., Hamid, S. & Wasaya, R. (2006). Acceptability and outcomes of the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube placement--patients' and care givers' perspectives. BioMed Central Gastroenterology, 6,37. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Callahan, C. M., Haag, K. M., Weinberger, M., Tierney, W. M., Buchanan, N. N., Stump, T. E., Nisi, R. (2000). Outcomes of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy among older adults in a community setting. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 48(9), 1048-54. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Dwolatzky, T., Berezovski, S., Friedmann, R., Paz, J., Clarfield, A. M., Stessman, J., et al. (2001). A prospective comparison of the use of nasogastric and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes for long-term enteral feeding in older people. Clinical Nutrition, 20(6), 53540. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Gastrostomy tube care Potential issues to examine: 1. How can infection be prevented? Ahmad, I., Mouncher, A., Abdoolah, A., Stenson, R., Wright.,J, Daniels, A et al. (2003). Antibiotic prophylaxis for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: A prospective, randomized double-blind study. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 18, 209-215. (EbscoHost) Maetani, I. & Sakai, Y. (2005). Reducing the risk of peristomal infection after PEG placement. Digestive Endoscopy, 17(4), 286-289. (EbscoHost) Saadeddin. A., Freshwater, D., Fisher, N. &Jones, B. (2005). Antibiotic prophylaxis for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy for non-malignant conditions: A double-blind, prospective randomized controlled trial. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 22, 565570. (EbscoHost) Gloves (surgical and/or procedure) Potential issues to examine: 1. Which one/s provide the best protection? 2. What type/s of gloves is/are being used? 3. What issue/s or problem/s is/are occurring with the use of certain types of gloves? Barbara, J., Santais, M., Levy, D., Ruff, F., & Leynadier, F. (2003). Immunoadjuvant properties of glove cornstarch powder in latex-induced hypersensitivity. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 33(1), 106-112. (Ebscohost) Filon, F. L. & Radman, G. (2006). Latex allergy: a follow up study of 1040 healthcare workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(2), 121-125. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Korniewicz, D. M., Chookaew, N., El-Masri, M., Mudd, K., & Bollinger, M. E. (2005). Conversion to low-protein, powder-free surgical gloves: Is it worth the cost? American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Journal, 53(9), 388-392. (EbscoHost) Kujala, V., Alenius, H., Palosuo, T., Karvonen, J., Pfäffli, P., & Reijula, K. (2002). Extractable latex allergens in airborne glove powder and in cut glove pieces. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 32(7), 1077-1081. (Ebscohost) Mitakakis, T., Tovey, E., Yates, D., Toelle, B., Johnson, A., Sutherland, M., et al. (2002). Particulate masks and non-powdered gloves reduce latex allergen inhaled by healthcare workers. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 32(8), 1166-1169. (Ebscohost) Mizrza, R., Maani., N, Liu, C., Kim, J.M., Rhemus, W. (2006). A Randomized controlled double-blind study of the effect of wearing coated pH 5. 5 latex gloves compared with standard powder-free latex gloves on skin pH, trans-epidermal water loss and skin irritation. Contact Dermatitis, 55(1):20-5. (EbscoHost) Nettis, E., Assennato, G., Ferrannini, A., & Tursi, A. (2002). Type I allergy to natural rubber latex and type IV allergy to rubber chemicals in health care workers with glove-related skin symptoms. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 32(3), 441-447. (Ebscohost) O'connell, K., El-Masri, M., Broyles, J., & Korniewicz, D. (2004). Testing for viral penetration of non-latex surgical and examination gloves: a comparison of three methods. Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 10(4), 322-326. (Ebscohost) Hand washing techniques Potential issues to examine: 1. What solution or product works best? Creedon, S.A. (2005). Healthcare worker's hand decontamination practices: compliance with recommended guidelines. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51(3), 208-216. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Girou, E. (2002). Efficacy of hand rubbing with alcohol based solution versus standard hand washing with antiseptic soap: randomized clinical trial. British Medical Journal, 325, 362-365. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Gordin FM; Schultz ME; Huber RA; Gill JA. Reduction in nosocomial transmission of drugresistant bacteria after introduction of an alcohol-based handrub. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 2005 Jul; 26 (7): 650-3. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Kampf, G., Ostermeyer, C., Heeg, P., & Paulson, D. (2006). Evaluation of two methods of determining the efficacies of two alcohol-based hand rubs for surgical hand antisepsis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(6), 3856-3861. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Kramer, A., Rudolph, P., Kampf, G., & Pittet, D. (2002). Limited efficacy of alcohol-based hand gels. Lancet, 351(1), 1489-1490. (EbscoHost) Lam, B.C., Lee, J. & Lau, Y.L. (2004). Hand hygiene practice in a neonatal intensive care unit: A multimodal intervention and impact on nosocomial infection. Pediatrics, 114(5), 565571. (EbscoHost) Maliekal, M., Hemvani, N., Ukande, U., Geed, S., Bhattacherjee, M., George, J. et al. (2005). Comparison of traditional hand wash with alcoholic hand rub in ICU setup. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 9(3), p141-144. (EbscoHost) Parker, Lynn. Infection control: maintaining the personal hygiene of patients and staff. British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 4/22/2004, Vol. 13 Issue 8, p474-478. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Paulson, D.S., Fendler, E.J., Dolan, M.J., Williams, R.A. (1999). A close look at alcohol gels as an antimicrobial sanitizing agent. American Journal of Infection Control, 27(1), 332-337. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Parienti, J.J., Thibon, P., Heller, R. et al (2002). Hand rubbing with an aqueous alcoholic solution vs traditional surgical hand-scrubbing and 30-day surgical site infection rates: a randomized equivalence study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, 722-727. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Picheansathian, W. (1999). A systematic review on the effectiveness of alcohol-based solutions for hand hygiene. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 10(1), 3-9. (EbscoHost) Sandora, T. J., Taveras, E. M., Shih, M. C., Resnick, E. A. Lee, G. M., Ross-Degnan, D. & Goldmann, D. A. (2005). A randomized, controlled trial of a multifaceted intervention including alcohol-based hand sanitizer and hand-hygiene education to reduce illness transmission in the home. Pediatrics, 116(3), 587-594. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Zaragoza, M., Salles, M., Gomez, J., Bayas, J.M., & Trilla, A. (1999). Handwashing with soap or alcoholic solutions? A randomized clinical trial of its effectiveness. American Journal of Infection Control, 27(1), 258-261. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) IM injections Potential issues to examine: 1. Comparison of techniques: Is one better than the others? 2. What is the advantage of using one technique over another? Keen, F. (1986). Comparison of intramuscular injection techniques to reduce site discomfort and lesions. Nursing Research, 35(4), 207-10. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Gabhann, M. (1998). A comparison of two depot injection techniques. Nursing Standard, 12(37), 39-41. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Quartermaine, S., Taylor, R. (1995). A comparative study of depot injection techniques. Nursing Times, 91(30), 36-39. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Influenza vaccines Potential issues to examine: 1. Should flu vaccines be mandatory for health care workers? 2. Does vaccination of nursing staff reduce the risk for vulnerable patient populations? 3. Does immunizing staff decrease influenza infections rates? 4. Why are nurses and health care staff reluctant to be immunized? Canning, H. S., Phillips, J. & Allsup, S. (2005). Health care worker beliefs about influenza vaccine and reasons for non-vaccination - a cross-sectional survey. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14, 922-925. (EbscoHost) McEwen, M., & Farren, E. (2005). Actions and Beliefs Related to Hepatitis B and Influenza Immunization Among Registered Nurses in Texas. Public Health Nursing, 22(3), 230-239. (Ebscohost) O'Reilly, F. W., Cran, G. W. & Stevens, B. (2005). Factors affecting influenza vaccine uptake among health care workers. Occupational Medicine, 55(4), 474-479. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Saluja, I., Theakston, K. D., & Kaczorowski, J. (2005). Influenza vaccination rate among emergency department personnel: a survey of four teaching hospitals. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 7(1), 17-21. (EbscoHost) Wilde, James A.; McMillan, Julia A.; Serwint, Janet; Butta, Jeanne; O'Riordan, Mary Ann; Steinhoff, Mark C. Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine in Health Care Professionals. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 3/10/99, Vol. 281 Issue 10, p908. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Intake and output measurement Potential issues to examine: 1. Is it valuable? 2. What are the indications for placing a client on I&O? 3. Is it being done in a reliable and effective manner? 4. Why is it important? Chung, L. H., Chong, S., French, P. (2002). The efficiency of fluid balance charting: an evidence-based management project. Journal of Nursing Management, 10(2), 103-113. (EbscoHost) Wise, L. C., Mersch, J., Racioppi, J., Crosier, J., Thompson, C. (2000). Evaluating the reliability and utility of cumulative intake and output. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 14(3), 37-42. (EbscoHost) Eptein, C. D., Peerless, J. R. (2006). Weaning readiness and fluid balance in older critically ill surgical patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 15(1), 54-64. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Intravenous catheters: Comparison of the use of peripheral IV’s vs CVAD’s in children Potential issues to examine: 1. Is there an advantage to using one or the other type of IV access in an infant or child? Ainsworth, SB., Furness, J. & Fenton, AC (2001). Randomized comparative trial between percutaneous longlines and peripheral cannulae in the delivery of neonatal parenteral nutrition. Acta Paediatrica, 90, 1016-1020 (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Janes, M., Kallyn, A., Pinelli, J. & Paes, B. (2000). A randomized trial comparing peripherally inserted central venous catheters and peripheral intravenous catheters in infants with very low birth weight. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 35(7), 1040-1044. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Liossis, G. Bardin, C. & Papageorgiou, A. (2003). Comparison of risks from percutaneous central venous catheters and peripheral lines in infants of extremely low birth weight: a cohort controlled study of infants ~< 1000 g. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 13, 171-174. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Isolation techniques: psychological issues Potential issues to examine: 1. What are the feelings of clients who need to be isolated? 2. What psychological issues may arise in a client who needs to be isolated? Campbell, T. (1999). Feelings of oncology patients about being nursed in protective isolation as a consequence of cancer chemotherapy treatment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(2), 439-447. (Ebscohost) Davis, H. & Rees, J. (2000). Psychological effects of isolation (1): mood disturbance. Nursing Standard, 14(28), 35-38. (UM Links) (Paper at Library Circulation Desk) Gammon. (1998). Analysis of the stressful effects of hospitalisation and source isolation on coping and... International Journal of Nursing Practice, 4(2), 84-96. (Ebscohost Maunder, R., Hunter, J., Vincent, L., Bennett, J., Peladeau, N. Leszcz, M. et al. (2003). The immediate psychological and occupational impact of the 2003 SARS outbreak in a teaching hospital. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 168(10), 1-14. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Rees, J., Davies, H., Birchall, C., Price, J. Psychological effects of source isolation (2): patient satisfaction. Nursing Standard, 14(29), 32-36. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Stelfox, H. F., Bates, D. W., & Redelmeier, D. A. (2003). Safety of patients isolated for infection control. Journal of American Medical Association, 290(14), 1899-1905. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Isolation techniques: infection control issues Potential issues to examine: 1. Is reverse isolation effective in reducing client infections? 2. Are isolation techniques being used correctly in reducing the spread of infections? Farley, A., Green, M., & Slota, M., (2001). The role of gown and glove isolation and strict handwashing in the reduction of nosocomial infection in children with solid organ transplantation. Critical Care Medicine, 29(2), 405-411. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Kenny, H., & Lawson, E. (2000). The efficacy of cotton cover gowns in reducing infection in nursing neutropenic patients: An evidence-based study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 6, 135-139. (EbscoHost) Manian, F. A. & Ponzillo, J. J. (2007). Compliance with routine use of gowns by healthcare workers (HCWs) and non-HCW visitors on entry into the rooms of patients under contact precautions. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 28(3), 337-40. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Zoutman DE. The relationship between hospital infection surveillance and control activities and antibiotic-resistant pathogen rates. Canadian Journal of Infection Control, 2005 Spring; 20 (1): 47-9, 51-2 (Paper Copy at Library Circulation Desk) IV Medication administration systems Potential issues to examine: 1. Which one/s is/are safest? 2. Which one/s is/are most efficient? Higuchi, K. A. S., Edwards, N., Danseco, E., Davies, B., McConnell, H. (2007). Development of an evaluation tool for a clinical practice guideline on nursing assessment and device selection for vascular access. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 30(1), 45-54. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Ford, N. A., Drott, H. R. & Cieplinski-Robertson, J. A. (2003). Administration of IV medications via soluset. Pediatric Nursing, 29(4), 283-286. (EbscoHost) Nunnally M. E. & Bitan, Y. J. (2006). Time to get off this pig's back?: The human factors aspects of the mismatch between device and real-world knowledge in the health care environment. Patient Safety, 2(3), 124-131. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Latex allergies Potential issues to examine: 1. How prevalent is latex allergy? 2. What can be done to protect nurses? 3. What can be done to protect patients? Allmers, H. (2001). Wearing test with 2 different types of latex gloves with and without the use of a skin protection cream. Contact Dermatitis (01051873), 44(1), 30. (Ebscohost) Khader, Y., Abu-Zaghlan, M., Abu-Al Rish, I., Burgan, S. & Amarin, Z. (2005). Self-reported allergy to latex gloves among health care workers in Jordan. Contact Dermatitis, 53 (6), 339343. (EbscoHost) Koh, D., Ng, V., Leow, Y-H & Goh, C. L. (2005). A study of natural rubber latex allergens in gloves used by healthcare workers in Singapore. British Journal of Dermatology, 153(5), 954959. (EbscoHost) McCall, B. P., Horwitz, B. & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D. (2003). Have health conditions associated with latex increased since the issuance of universal precautions? American Journal of Public Health, 4, 599-604. (EbscoHost) Schmid, K., Christoph Broding, H., Niklas, D., & Drexler, H. (2002). Latex sensitization in dental students using powder-free gloves low in latex protein:a cross-sectional study. Contact Dermatitis (01051873), 47(2), 103-108. (Ebscohost) Yuill, G., Saroya, D., & Yuill, S. (2003). A national survey of the provision for patients with latex allergy. Anaesthesia, 58(8), 775-777. (Ebscohost) Masks (surgical and/or procedural) Potential issues to examine: 1. What is the efficacy of different types of masks used in the clinical areas? 2. How effective are masks in containing the spread of infectious organisms? Balazy, A., Toivola, M., Adhikari, A., Sivasubramani, S. K., Reponen, T. & Grinshpun, S. A. (2006). Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks? American Journal of Infection Control, 34(2), 51-7. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Checchi, L., Montevecchi, M., Moreschi, A., Graziosi, F., Taddei, P. & Violante, FS. (2005). Efficacy of three face masks in preventing inhalation of airborne contaminants in dental practice. Journal of the American Dental Association, 136,877-82. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Varia, M., Wilson, S., Sarwal, S., McGeer, A., Gournis, E., Galanis, E. & Henry, B. (2003). Investigation of a nosocomial outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Toronto, Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 169(4), 285-92. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Medication administration systems Potential issues to examine: 3. Which one/s is/are safest? 4. Which one/s is/are most efficient? Hillsden, I. & Fenton, G. S. (2006). Improving practice and patient safety through a medication systems review. Quality in Primary Care, 14(1), 33-40. (EbscoHost) Max, B. E., Itokazu, G., Danziger, L. H. & Weinstein, R. A. (2002). Assessing unit dose system discrepancies. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 59(9), p856-858. (EbscoHost) Romero, A. V., Malone & D. C. (2005). Accuracy of adverse-drug-event reports collected using an automated dispensing system. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 62(13), 1375-1380. (EbscoHost) Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus Potential issues to examine: 1. How prevalent is MRSA? 2. What body tissues are affected and how? 3. Why is MRSA such an important issue? 4. What is being done to address the issue of MRSA infections in hospital? Castaldo, E. T., Yang, E. Y. (2007). Severe sepsis attributable to community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus : An emerging fatal problem. aureus American Surgeon, 73(7), p684-688. (EbscoHost) Dand, P., Fyvie, J., Yee, A., Sykes, N. L. (2005). A survey of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) management in hospices/palliative care units. Palliative Medicine, 19(3), p185-187. (EbscoHost) Johnson, J. K., Khoie, T., Shurland, S., Kreisel, K., Stine, O. et al. (2007). Skin and soft tissue infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus USA300 clone. aureus Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(8), p1195-1200. (EbscoHost) Schneider-Lindner, V., Delaney, J.A., Dial, S., Dascal, A. & Suissa, S. (2007). Antimicrobial drugs and community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(8), p1195-1200. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Nasogastric tube placement checks Potential issues to examine: 1. Which is most accurate? Conner, T. M., Carver, D. (2005). The role of gastric pH testing with small-bore feeding tubes. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 24 (5), 210-214. (EbscoHost) Nyqvist, K. H., Sorell, A., & Ewald, U. (2005). Litmus tests for verification of feeding tube location in infants: evaluation of their clinical use. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14 (4), 486-495. (EbscoHost) Taylor, S. J., & Clemente, R. (2005). Confirmation of naso-gastric tube position by pH testing. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 18, 371-375. (EbscoHost) Non- pharmacologic comfort care techniques Potential issues to examine: 1. What can be used to relieve pain instead of drugs? 2. How effective are these methods? Gold, J. I., Kim, S. H., Kant, A. J., Joseph, M. H. & Rizzo, A. A. (2006). Effectiveness of virtual reality for pediatric pain distraction during IV placement. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 9(2), 207-213. (EbscoHost) Tse M, Pun, S. & Benzie, I. (2005). Pain relief strategies used by older people with chronic pain: an exploratory survey for planning patient-centered intervention. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14, 315-320 (EbscoHost) Turk, D., McCarberg, B. (2005). Non-pharmacological treatments for chronic pain. A disease management context. Disease Management & health Outcomes, 13(1), 19-30. (EbscoHost) Nursing uniforms: What do nurses’ wear? Potential issues to examine: 1. What do nurses wear to work? 2. How do patients feel about the difference in nursing uniforms and how nurses look? LaSala, K. B. & Nelson, J.(2005). What contributes to professionalism? MEDSURG Nursing: the Journal of Adult Health, 14(1), 63-67. (EbscoHost) Skorupski, V. J., & Rea, R. E. (2006). Patients’ perceptions of today’s nursing attire: Exploring dual images. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(9), 393-401. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Spragley, F. & Francis, K. (2006). Nursing uniforms: Professional symbol or outdated relic? Nursing Management, 37(10), 55-58. (EbscoHost) Nursing uniforms: contamination of uniforms Potential issues to examine: 1. Should you be allowed to wear your uniform to and from work? 2. What organisms have been found to contaminate uniforms? Callaghan, I. (1998). Bacterial contamination of nurse's uniforms. Nursing Standard, 13(1), 37-42. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Jurkovich, P. (2004). Home versus hospital-laundered scrubs. The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 29(2), 106-110. (EbscoHost) Kaplan, C., Mendiola, R., Ndjatou, V., Chapnick, E. & Minckoff, H. (2003). The role of covering gowns in reducing rates of bacterial contamination of scrub suits. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 188(5), 1154-1155. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Nye, K. J., Leggett, V. A., & Watterson, L.(2005). Provision and decontamination of uniforms in the NHS. Nursing Standard, 19(23), 41-45. (EbscoHost) Perry, C., Marshall, R., & Jones, E. (2001). Bacterial contamination of uniforms. Journal of Hospital Infection, 48(3), 238-241. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Wilson JA; Loveday HP; Hoffman PN; Pratt RJ. Uniform: an evidence review of the microbiological significance of uniforms and uniform policy in the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections. Report to the Department of Health (England).Journal of Hospital Infection, 2007 Aug; 66 (4): 301-7 (Paper Copy at Library Circulation Desk) Pain assessment Potential issues to examine: 1. What can be done to improve pain assessment skills in nurses? 2. Are nurses assessing pain accurately? 3. What methods work best for accurate pain assessment? Layman-Young, J., Horton, F. M. & Davidhizar, R. (2006). Nursing attitudes and beliefs in pain assessment and management. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(4), 412-421. (EbscoHost) Molony, S. L., Kobayashi,M., Holleran, E. A. & Mezey, M. (2005). Assessing pain as a fifth vital sign in long-term care facilities: Recommendations from the field. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 31(3), 16-24. (EbscoHost) Morrison, R. S., Meier, D. E., Fischberg, D., Moore, C., Degenholtz, H. & Litke, A. et al. (2006). Improving the management of pain in hospitalized adults. Archives of Internal Medicine, 166(9), 1033-1039. (EbscoHost) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Pandemic planning Potential issues to examine: 1. What issues are involved in pandemics related to type of organisms, geography that may affect the spread of an organism or medications and/or treatments used to help control the spread of the organism? 2. How prepared is the world for the next flu pandemic? 3. What other organisms are considered pandemic? How are we dealing with these organisms at this time? Lee, V. J., Kai, H. P., Chen, M. I., Chow, A., Ma, Stefan; K. T. G. & Yee, S. L. (2006). Economics of neuraminidase inhibitor stockpiling for pandemic influenza. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 12(1) p. 95-105. (EbscoHost) Rizzo, C., Bella, A., Viboud, C., Simonsen, L., Miller, M. A. et al. (2007). Trends for influenzarelated deaths during pandemic and epidemic seasons, Italy, 1969-2001. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(5), p694-699. (EbscoHost) Vergu, E., Grais, R., Sarter, H., Fagot. J. P., Lamber, B. et al. (2006). Medication sales and syndromic surveillance. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 12(3), p. 416-421. (EbscoHost) Patient’s responses to the hospital environment Potential issues to examine: 1. How do individuals respond to being in hospital? 2. How do individuals cope with being in hospital? Gammon. (1998). Analysis of the stressful effects of hospitalisation and source isolation on coping and... International Journal of Nursing Practice, 4(2), 84-96. (Ebscohost) Huckstadt, A. A. (2002). The experience of hospitalized elderly patients. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 28, 25-29. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Jacelon, C. S. (2004). Older adults and autonomy in acute care: increasing patients' independence and control during hospitalization. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 30(11), 29-36. (EbscoHost) Covinsky, K. E., Palmer, R. M., Fortinsky, R. H., Counsell, S. R., Stewart, A. L., Kresevic, D., Burant, C. J. & Landefeld, CS. (2003). Loss of independence in activities of daily living in older adults hospitalized with medical illnesses: increased vulnerability with age. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(4), 451-458. (EbscoHost) Pharmacologic pain control methods Potential issues to examine: 1. Which method/s related to pharmacologic pain control work best? 2. What methods are being used? Dolin, S. J., Cashman, J. N. & Bland, J. M. (2002). Effectiveness of acute postoperative pain management: I. Evidence from published data. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 89(3), 409-23. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Elsner, F., Radbruch, L., Loick, G., Gartner, J., & Sabatowski, R. (2005). Intravenous versus subcutaneous morphine titration in patients with persisting exacerbation of cancer pain. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 8(4), 743-750. (EbscoHost) Fredheim, O., Kaasa, S., Dale, O., Klepstad, P., Landro, N., & Borchgrevink, P. (2006). Opioid switching from oral slow release morphine to oral methadone may improve pain control in chronic non-malignant pain: a nine-month follow-up study. Palliative Medicine, 20, 35-41. (EbscoHost) Keita, H., Geachan, S., Dahmani, E., Couderc, C., Armand, M., Mantz, J., & Desmonts, J. (2003). Comparison between patient-controlled analgesia and subcutaneous morphine in elderly patients after total hip replacement. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 90(1), 53-7. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) O'Hara, J., Sywinski, J., Tezlaff, J., Xu, M., Gurd, A., & Andrish, J. (2004). The effect of epidural vs. intravenous analgesia for posterior spinal fusion surgery. Pediatric Anesthesia, 14, 1009-1015. (EbscoHost) Wu, C., Cohen, S., Richman, J., Rowlingson, B., Courpas, G., Cheung, K., Lin, E., Liu, S. (2005). Efficacy of postoperative patient-controlled and continuous infusion epidural analgesia versus intravenous patient controlled analgesia with opioids. Anesthesiology, 103, 179-188. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Respiratory medication administration Potential issues to examine: 1. Which method is most effective? Buxton, L. J., Baldwin, J. H., Berry, J. A. & Mandleco, B. L. (2002). The efficacy of metereddose inhalers with a spacer device in the pediatric setting. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse practitioners, 14(9), 390-397. (EbscoHost) Hendeles, L., Hatton, R. C., Coons, T. J. & Carlson, L. (2005). Automatic replacement of albuterol nebulizer therapy by metered-dose inhaler and valved holding chamber. American Journal of Health System Pharmacy, 62(10), 1,053-1,061. (EbscoHost) Ploin, D., Chapuis, F. R., Stamm, D., Robert, J., David, L., Chatelain, P. G. et al. (2000). High-dose albuterol by metered-dose inhaler plus a spacer device versus nebulization in preschool children with recurrent wheezing: A double-blind, randomized equivalence trial. Pediatrics, 106(2), 311-7. (EbscoHost) Restraints Potential issues to examine: 1. What are the guidelines for use? 2. In which patient populations are restraints being used? 3. Is the use of restraints in these populations justified? 4. Are restraints being used appropriately? Hamers, J., Gulpers, M., & Strik, W. (2004). ISSUES AND INNOVATIONS IN NURSING PRACTICE Use of physical restraints with cognitively impaired nursing home residents. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 246-251. (Ebscohost) Hantikainen, V. (1998). Physical Restraint: a descriptive study in Swiss nursing homes. Nursing Ethics, 5(4), 330-346. (Ebscohost) Hurlock-Chorostecki, C. & Kielb, C. (2006). Knot so fast: A learning plan to minimize patient restraint in critical care. Dynamics, 17(3), 12-18. (EbscoHost) Janelli, L. M., Stamps, D. & Delles, L. (2006). Physical restraint use: A nursing perspective. MEDSURG Nursing: The Journal of Adult Health, 15(3), 163-167. (EbscoHost) Kirkevold, Ø., Sandvik, L., & Engedal, K. (2004). Use of constraints and their correlates in Norwegian nursing homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(10), 980-988. (Ebscohost) Miller, J. A., Hunt, D. P. & Georges, M. A. (2006). Reduction of Physical Restraints in Residential Treatment Facilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 16(4), 202-208. (EbscoHost) Ofoegbu, B., & Playfor, S. (2005). The use of physical restraints on paediatric intensive care units. Pediatric Anesthesia, 15(5), 407-411. (Ebscohost) Weiner, C., Tabak, N., & Bergman, R. (2003). The use of physical restraints for patients suffering from dementia. Nursing Ethics, 10(5), 512-525. (Ebscohost) Shift work Potential issues to examine: 1. What are staff perceptions of working shifts? 2. What are the physical and/or psychological effects associated with shift work? 3. What can be done to improve staff performance in those who are required to do shift work? Josten, E., Ng-A-Tham, J., & Thierry, H. (2003). The effects of extended workdays on fatigue, health, performance and satisfaction in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44(6), 643652. (Ebscohost) McGettrick, K. S. & O'Neill, M. A. (2006). Critical care nurses - perceptions of 12-h shifts. Nursing in Critical Care, 11(4), 188-197. (EbscoHost) Newey, D.A. & Hood, B.M. Determinants of shift-work adjustment for nursing staff: the critical experience of partners. Journal of Professional Nursing, 20(3), 187-95. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Portela, L., Rotenberg, L., & Waissmann, W. (2004). Self-Reported Health and Sleep Complaints Among Nursing Personnel Working Under 12 h Night and Day Shifts. Chronobiology International: The Journal of Biological & Medical Rhythm Research, 21(6), 859-870. Ebscohost Rogers, A., Hwang, W., Scott, L., Aiken, H., & Dinges, D. (2004). The working hours of hospital staff nurses and patient safety. Health Affairs, 23(4), 202-212. (EbscoHost) Richardson, A., Dabner, N., & Curtis, S. (2003). Twelve-hour shift on ITU: a nursing evaluation. Nursing in Critical Care, 8(3), 103-108. (Ebscohost) Suzuki, K., Ohida, T., Kaneita, Y., Yokoyama, E. & Uchiyama, M. (2005). Daytime sleepiness, sleep habits and occupational accidents among hospital nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52(4), 445-453. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Sleep disruptions in patients Potential issues to examine: 1. What factors contribute to sleep disruptions in the hospital or care setting? 2. What non-pharmacologic measures can nurses take to address this issue? 3. How are patients affected by sleep disruption in hospital? Edéll-Gustafsson, U. M., Gustavsson, G., Yngman-Uhlin, P. (2003). Effects of sleep loss in men and women with insufficient sleep suffering from chronic disease: a model for supportive nursing care. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 9(1), 49-59. (EbscoHost) Richards, K. C.(1998?). Effect of a back massage and relaxation intervention on sleep in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 7(4), 288-299. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Tamburri, L. M., DiBrienza, R., Zozula, R. & Redeker, N. S. (2004). Nocturnal care Interactions with patients in critical care units. American Journal of Critical Care, 13, 102 113. (EbscoHost) Staffing issues Potential issues to examine: 1. How is nursing care affected by staff mix? Hall, L. M. & Doran, D. (2003). Nurse staffing, care delivery model and patient care quality. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 19(1), 27-33. (EbscoHost) Hall, L. M., Doran, D., Baker, R. Pink, G. H., Sidani, S. O’Brien-Pallas, L. & Donner, G. J. (2003). Nurse staffing models as predictors of patient outcomes. Medical Care, 41(9), 10961109. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Seago, JA; Williamson, A., and Atwood, C. (2006). Longitudinal analyses of nurse staffing and patient outcomes: more about failure to rescue. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(1): pp 13-21. (EbscoHost) Stethoscope covers Potential issues to examine: 1. Are they an infection control risk? 2. What organisms have been discovered to contaminate cloth materials used on stethoscope covers? Milam, M. W., Hall, M., Pringle, T., & Buchanan, K. (2001). Bacterial contamination of fabric stethoscope covers: The velveteen rabbit of health care? Infection Control Hospital and Epidemiology, 22(10), 653-655. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Takashima, M., Shirai, F., Sageshima, M., Ikeda, N., Okamot, Y., & Dohi, Y. (2004). Distinctive bacteria-binding property of cloth materials. American Journal of Infection Control, 32(1), 27-30. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Zachary, K. C., Bayne, P. S., Morrison, V. J., Ford, D. S., Silver, L. C., & Hooper, D. C. (2001). Contamination of gowns, gloves, and stethoscopes with vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 22(9), 560-564. (UM Links) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Thermometer usage Potential issues to examine: 1. What types of thermometers are being used? 2. What is the accuracy of the various types of thermometers being used? 3. Is one type of thermometer more accurate than another? Jones, H. L., Kleber, C. B., Eckert, G. J. & Mahon, B. E. (2003). Comparison of rectal temperature measured by digital vs. mercury glass thermometer in infancts under two months old. Clinical Pediatrics, 42(4), 357-359. (EbscoHost) Roy, S., Powell, K. & Gerson. L. W. (2003). Temporal artery temperature measurements in healthy infants, children and adolescents. Clinical Pediatrics, 42(5), 433-437. (EbscoHost) Smith, L. S. (2003). Using low-tech thermometers to measure body temperature in older adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 29(11), pp. 26-33. (EbscoHost) Tracheostomy suctioning Potential issues to examine: 1. What are the precautions and procedures needed? 2. Are nurses performing this skill accurately? Day, T., Farnell, S., Haynes, S., Wainwright, S. & Wilson-Barnett, J. (2002). Tracheal suctioning: an exploration of nurses' knowledge and competence in acute and high dependency ward areas. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 39(1), 35-45. (EbscoHost) Oliver, L. T. (2005). Improving tracheostomy care for ward patients. Nursing Standard, 19(19), 33-37. (EbscoHost) Thompson, L. (2000). Tracheal suctioning of adults with an artificial airway. Executive Summary: A Systematic Review, 9, 9-10. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Tuberculosis isolation Potential issues to examine: 1. What is the patient’s perspective when isolation for TB needs to occur? 2. When should a client with TB be isolated? Hansel, N. N., Wu, A. W., Chang, B., & Diette, G. B. (2004). Quality of life in tuberculosis: Patient and provider perspectives. Quality of Life Research, 13, 639-652. (EbscoHost) Laifer, G., Widmer, A. F., Frei, R., Zimmerli, W., & Fluckiger, U. (2004). Polymerase chain reaction for mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chest, 125(3), 981-986. (EbscoHost) Rozovsky-Weinberger, J., Parada, J. P., Phan, L., Droller, D. G., Deloria-Knoll, M., Chmiel, J. S., & Bennett, C. L. (2005). Delays in suspicion and isolation among hospitalized persons with pulmonary tuberculosis at public and private US hospitals during 1996 to 1999. Chest, 127(1), 205-212. (EbscoHost) Visitor restrictions Potential issues to examine: 1. Do visitor restrictions serve a valid purpose? 2. What situations necessitate visitor restrictions? 3. How do patients and families feel about restrictions related to visiting? Gonzalez, C. E., Carroll, D. L., Elliott, J. S., Fitzgerald, P. A. & Vallent, H. J. (2004). Visiting preferences of patients in the intensive care unit and in a complex care medical unit. American Journal of Critical Care, 13(3), 194-198. (EbscoHost) Markwell, H & Godkin, D. (2004). Visitor restrictions during a public health emergency: Ethical issues and guidelines for development. Submission to the Expert Panel on SARS and Infectious Disease Control. Health Canada. (Web) (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Quinlan, B., Loughrey, S., Nicklin, W., & Roth, V. R. (2003). Restrictive visitor policies: Feedback from healthcare workers, patients and families. Hospital Quarterly, 7(1), 33-37. (EbscoHost) Vital signs: routine monitoring Potential issues to examine: 1. Is routine monitoring of VS necessary? 2. Does routine monitoring of VS change the clinical course of clients in hospital? Hogan. J. (2006). Why don't nurses monitor the respiratory rates of patients? British Journal of Nursing, 15(9), 489-92. (EbscoHost) Mariani, P., Saeed, M. U., Potti, A., Hebert, B., Sholes, K., Lewis, M. J. & Hanley, J. F. (2006). Ineffectiveness of the measurement of 'routine' vital signs for adult inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 12(2), 105-109. (EbscoHost) Potti, A., Panwalkar, A., Hebert, B., Sholes, K., Lewis, M. J. & Hanley, J. (2003). Ineffectiveness of measuring routine vital signs in adult inpatients with deep venous thrombosis. Clinical Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 9(2), 163-6. (Paper copy at Library Circulation Desk) Wound care solutions Potential issues to examine: 1. Which ones work best in prevention of infection? Hing, W. C., Yeoh, T. T., Yeoh, S. F., Lin, R. T. P., Li, S. C. (2005). An evaluation of antimicrobial prophylaxis in paediatric surgery and its financial implication. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 30 (4), 371-381. (EbscoHost) Mimoz, O., Karim, A., Mercat, A., Cosseron, M., Falissard, B., Parker, F. et al. (1999). 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