Assignment: Article Search Conduct an article search using

Assignment: Article Search
Conduct an article search using EBSCOhost, JSTOR, and Proquest Religion. Search
using the tabbed search box from the library homepage.
Assessment #1: From EBSCOhost, conduct a search for the term “theology.”
i. How many results display?
ii. Add the term “history” in the second search box and click search. How many
results display?
iii. Under the result number view is the option to refine the search by Source Type.
Select Periodical and update the search. How many results display?
iv. The first result on your screen should be the periodical title “The Traditionalist
Response.” Click on the title.
v. For this article, provide two authors, the source, and the database provider
Assessment #2: From JSTOR, conduct a search for the term “leadership.”
i. How many results display?
ii. Click the modify search button and select the discipline “Religion” (62 titles)?
iii. Select the Journal of Biblical Literature from the publication list.
iv. What coverage years is this publication available?
v. Who is the publisher?
Assessment #3: From Proquest Religion, conduct a search for the term “psychology.”
i. How many results display?
ii. To the right, narrow results by Scholarly Journals. How many results display?
iii. What is the fourth title result displayed?
EBSCOhost, JSTOR, and Proquest Religion provide free personal accounts. Learn how
to use these accounts when conducting research.
Assessment #4: Review the My EBSCOhost video tutorial.
Create a free My EBSCOhost account.
Once logged in, conduct a search for a desired term.
Add three results to your account folder then open the folder to view.
Assessment #4: Review the My JSTOR web tutorial.
Register for a free My JSTOR account then log-in to your new account.
Once logged in, conduct a search for a desired term.
Select three results then click save citations. When the citation viewer displays,
click manage citations in My JSTOR to view a list.
Assessment #4: Review the Proquest Religion My Research web tutorial.
Create a free Proquest account
Once logged in, conduct a search for a desired term.
Select three results then click save to My Research.
Click view selected items to view your saved items.