
Name _________________________ Hour _______
Blood and Lymph – Chapter 16-2 Notes
This section explains the components of blood is and describes the jobs performed by the different parts of
blood. This section also describes the lymphatic system.
Use Target Reading Skills
As you read the section Blood, write the main idea in the graphic organizer below. Then, write four
supporting details that give examples of the main idea.
- Yellow in color
because of
- 90% is water
Red Blood
- Discs with
- Made mostly
of hemoglobin
- Carry O2
White Blood
- Disease
- Fewer in
compared to
red blood cells
- Larger and
contain nuclei
- Cell fragments
- Form blood
1. What is the name for the liquid part of blood? _Plasma_______________________
2. Complete the concept map below by naming the types of cells that are found in blood.
White Blood Cells
3. What is plasma mostly made up of? __water (90%)______________________
4. List three kinds of materials that are carried in plasma.
a. __Nutrients__________________________________________________________________________
b.__ Chemical Messengers______________________________________________________________
c. __Waste Products (CO2, etc…)___________________________________________________________
5. What job do red blood cells perform in the body?
__Take up O2 in lungs and deliver it to cells elsewhere in body_______________________________
6. What is hemoglobin, and where is it found?
Protein containing iron that binds chemically to oxygen molecules____________________
(hemoglobin + O2 = bright red blood)_______________________________________________
7. What is the job of white blood cells? _Fight disease and alert the body that it has been
8. List four ways in which white blood cells are different from red blood cells.
a. ___Less of them________________________________________________________________
b. __Larger______________________________________________________________________
c. __Contain nuclei_______________________________________________________________
d. _Live for months to several years (red blood cells live 120 days)________________________
9. Is the following sentence true or false? Platelets are pieces of cells. ______True___________________
10. Describe how a blood clot forms. ___Platelets collect and stick to the vessel where the wound is and
release fibrin (a protein) that weaves fiber “nets” that trap blood cells____________________
11. What is a blood transfusion? ___Transfer of blood from one person to another_____________
12. Why can’t a person with blood type A safely receive a transfusion of blood type B?
___Type A contains clumping proteins (antibodies) that act against cells with B markers in type B
blood. Clumping clogs capillaries and causes death!_____________________________________
13. What is the Rh factor? ____Protein on Red Blood Cells_____________________________
Rh+ means you have the protein
Rh- means that you lack the protein_____________
Blood Types
Match the blood type with the kinds of clumping proteins in its plasma.
The Lymphatic System
18. What is the lymphatic system? ____A network of vein-like vessels that returns fluid to the
bloodstream (like rain gutters)____________________________________________________
19. The fluid inside the lymphatic system is called __lymph_____________________________.
20. How do lymph nodes help fight disease? __They enlarge when you are sick and filter lymph, which
traps bacteria and other disease-causing micro-organisms ________________________________
More About Blood Types
The four major blood types do not occur equally in humans. Some blood types are rarer than others. The
number of people with a certain blood type is one factor that determines how much of the blood supply can
be safely transfused to people in need. Some people can safely receive blood from a larger percentage of the
population than others. In the same way, some people can safely donate blood to a larger percentage of the
population than others. The table below shows the percent of the U.S. population having each blood type.
O, A, B AB
1. Since blood type B can receive blood from O (45%) and B (11%), blood type B can receive blood from
56% of the population (45% + 11% = 56%). Complete the remainder of the table using the information
2. Which blood type is most rare? ___AB____ Which is most common? ___O_______
3. People with type O blood are sometimes referred to as universal donors and people with type AB blood
are sometimes referred to as universal recipients. Why? ___O can donate to all and AB can receive from
4. What is the total percentage of the population that has A markers on red blood cells? __44%__________
What total percentage has B markers? ___15%_______________
5. What is the total percentage of the population that has anti-A clumping proteins? ___56%____________
What percentage has anti-B clumping proteins? ____85%_______________________________________
6. A patient with type AB blood needs a transfusion, but the hospital has run out of AB blood. Is this a
problem? Explain. No. A person with type AB blood can receive any kind of blood