Blood: Life's Liquid - Reading Facts

Blood : Life’s Liquid -Reading facts
 Adult average sized man has 5 liters of blood.
 Adult average sized woman has 3.5 liters of
 Every cell in your body depend on blood to
deliver oxygen and nutrients, and to remove
Components of blood- Plasma, red blood cells,
white blood cells and platelets
The blood 55% liquid part is called plasma which is
95% water and 5% dissolve materials like sugar,
proteins, minerals.
Solid part of the blood is made up of red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets.
Red Cells-Blood’s Work Force
 25 trillion red blood cells
 Bright red color is due to oxygen combined with
 Hemoglobin contains iron
 Shaped like disks
 Each red blood cell contains billion oxygen
 The blood that delivers oxygen to cells is bright
 The blood that has traded oxygen for carbon
dioxide is dark red or purple
 Your body is constantly making new red blood
White blood cells-The Warriors
 White blood cells are a part of your immune
 When white blood cells see an invader they
 They may digest microbes or make chemicals to
kill the enemy.
 The pus is made up of dead white blood cell and
 A cancer called leukemia may produce more
white blood cells than red blood cells
Platelets-: The Repair crew
 The body patches holes in the blood vessels so
that blood may not leak out by a process called
clotting .
 Platelets help with clotting by making a web of
thin threads that trap red blood cells. Blood
cells dry out and forms a scab
 The disease hemophilia prevents the clots
Blood Types-Not All The Same
 There are four blood types-A,B,AB,O
 Type A has one marker, B another type, AB has
both and O has none
 People have antibodies against the marker they
do not have.
 If someone receive blood from a person with a
marker other than their own , their body will
produce antibodies against the foreign red
blood cells and cause them to stick together,
 The clumped cells may lead to clogged blood
vessels and may even lead to death
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