Lesson Plan for Observation Subject: Social Studies Teacher: Mr

Lesson Plan for Observation
Subject: Social Studies Teacher: Mr. Teacher
Lesson Plan
State Standards/Common Core
Date: Thursday
Teacher Specific Plans
8.5.06 Understand the place of historical events in the context of
past, present and future.
a. Detail the growth and change in the European colonies during
the two centuries
following their founding with an emphasis on New England and
c. Recognize the cultural and environmental impacts of European
settlement in
North America.
d. Evaluate the importance of the Mayflower Compact, the
Fundamental Orders of
Connecticut, and the Virginia House of Burgesses to the growth of
e. Recognize the shift from utilizing indentured servitude to slavery
within the
colonies due to economic reasons and popular uprisings.
8.5.07 Use historical information acquired from a variety of
sources to develop critical
sensitivities such as skepticism regarding attitudes, values, and
behaviors of people in
different historical contexts.
a. Read and analyze a primary source document such as diaries,
letters and
• 8.2.spi.7. differentiate between a commercial and subsistence
• 3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic
tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information
from a spatial
• 3.02 Know the location of places and geographic features, both
physical and
human, in Tennessee and in the United States.
• 3.03 Recognize the interaction between human and physical
Good News/Warm Up(Optional)
How does the past influence the present?
TLW Think-Pair–Share about three ways the
development of the English Colonies
influences your lives today.
Essential Questions-Introduction
to Lesson
Learning Targets
3-1 Southern Colonies
I understand the importance of John Smith as leader of the
Jamestown colony. (p.73)
I can identify the Southern Colonies on a map.
I understand how John Rolfe’s cultivation of tobacco helped
Jamestown survive. (p.73)
I can explain how the cash crop of tobacco was important to the
Jamestown settlement and to the economy of Virginia.
I can list some of the cash crops of early colonial America.
I can describe how colonists were represented in assembly
meetings. (not in the textbook))
Hook (Prior
Materials Needed for Lesson
I Do
List three ways the English Colonies influences
your lives today.
Student materials: textbook, (AP)Assessment Portfolio-includes
formative evidence, student friendly learning targets, interactive
reader, writing log, Jamestown Survival Plan
Teacher materials: Jamestown PowerPoint, copies of Jamestown
Study Guide
 TTW pass out Jamestown study guide.
 TTW ask students to list three ways the English Colonies
influence their lives today. (Possible answers could be we
speak English, our form of government is influenced by
England, and aspects of our culture are influenced by
 TTW ask the students to use the map on page 76 to
identify the Southern Colonies on the Jamestown study
 TTW ask the students to compare and contrast a true
picture of John Smith with a Disney picture of John Smith.
TTW share with the class the importance of John
Smith as leader of the Jamestown colony.
TTW as ask the Sergeants of each group to report to
the class their group’s
recommendations on how food would be distributed
and work assigned and monitored for the
Jamestown Survival Plan.
TTW ask the students to rank their personal
Jamestown Survival Plan from 1-5, with 5 being the
highest, by first a show of fingers from 1-5, then with
a show of fingers from 1-5, with 5 being the highest,
rank the Jamestown Survival Plan the entire
class/colony agreed upon.
TTW ask the students write their personal ranking
on the score line of the Jamestown Survival Plan
and turn them in.
TTW show the slide of the Jamestown Island and
say, “Jamestown is the site of the first permanent
English colony in America. On May 13, 1607, one
hundred seven Englishmen arrived in three small
ships and moored them to the trees on this island.
The following day the English came ashore--never to
leave. Now open your textbook to page 73 and look
at the picture of the Jamestown Colony. (Think-PairShare Human-Environment Interaction) What were
the advantages and disadvantages of locating
Jamestown on a river?
TTW show the slide The Virginian Sea and say,
“Failures showed that the challenge of establishing
a colony in the New World would require a much
greater commitment of resources. The experience
at Roanoke Island prompted a group of English
investors to form the Virginia Company for the
purpose of colonizing the New World and creating
profitable ventures. King James I signed this
company's charter on April 10, 1606. Its first
expedition, led by Captain Christopher Newport,
included three ships, Susan Constant, Godspeed,
and Discovery. They embarked from London on
December 20, 1606 and on May 12, 1607, moored off
what was named James Island.
Now on your
Jamestown Study guide answer these questions.
1. Who was the King that granted the charter?
2. What was the name of the company which received
the charter?
3. What was the name of the three ships on the first
trip to Jamestown?
TTW ask the student to analyze the pictures of
colonial Jamestown Village and synthesize the
TTW ask the students to look at the two maps of
Virginia which John Smith created and determine
which is better and determine situations when it
would be best to use each map.
TTW show the Jamestown Fort picture and say,
“This is the only known sketch of the fort. It appears
on a tracing of a 1608 John Smith map of Virginia
sent to Philip III of Spain by his ambassador Pedro
de Zuniga. Scholars believe that the “x” marks the
church and the “flag” area was not a flag a t all but
a plan of an enclosed settlement or garden to the
north. The small dots may indicate watch towers on
the river.” Now on your Jamestown study guide
draw the Jamestown Fort.
TTW will ask the students to answer the question
what was the first legislative body in the Americas
on their Jamestown study guide.
TTW will say,” The House of Burgesses, the first legislative
assembly in the American colonies, held its first meeting in
the choir at Jamestown Church in the summer of 1619. Its
first order of business: setting a minimum price for the sale
of tobacco.
Democracy in Practice
What is the importance of a small legislative body formed
so long ago? The tradition established by the House of
Burgesses was extremely important to colonial
development. Each new English colony demanded its own
legislature in turn.
TTW say,” John Rolfe stepped into history in May
1609, when he boarded the Sea Venture, bound for
Virginia. The Virginia Company, founded by
investors, had financed and sponsored the English
colony founded at Jamestown in May 1607. The
Company expected the colonists to start industrial
enterprises in Virginia that would return profits to
the Company. The colonists in Virginia tried a
number of different enterprises: silk making,
glassmaking, lumber, sassafras, pitch and tar, and
soap ashes, with no financial success. It was John
Rolfe's experiments with tobacco that developed
the first profitable export
TTW say, “Pocahontas Pocahontas played a
significant role in American history. As a
compassionate little girl she saw to it that the
colonists received food from the Indians, so that
Jamestown would not become another "Lost
Colony." She is said to have intervened to save the
lives of individual colonists. In 1616 John Smith
wrote that Pocahontas was "the instrument to
preserve this colonies from death, famine, and utter
confusion." And Pocahontas not only served as a
representative of the Virginia Indians, but also as a
vital link between the native Americans and the
Englishmen. Whatever her contributions, the
romantic aspects of her life will no doubt stand out
in Virginia history forever.
Pocahontas’ intervention to save Captain John
Smith’s life after his capture is now thought to have
been an elaborate “execution and salvation”
ceremony. This ritual had long been a part of Native
American tradition (specifically, of the Algonquian
Indians of the Tidewater region of Virginia, of which
Pocahontas was a member and her father Powhatan
was the chief) and involved the capture of Smith, his
mock execution, and Pocahontas’ intervention to
save him. At the time, Smith probably thought that
he was going to be executed, and that Pocahontas
intervened to save his life.
In 1614 Pocahontas
married John Rolfe, and according to Native
American lore and local tradition, they made their
home in what is now Henrico's Varina District. The
marriage brought peace between the English and
the Powhatan tribes -- an accomplishment that
would affect the rest of American history.
Two years later Rolfe took Pocahontas and their son
Thomas to England. The arrival of Pocahontas in
London was well publicized. She was presented to
King James I, the royal family, and the rest of the
best of London society. While preparing to return to
her native land, Pocahontas became ill and died at
Gravesend, England, where she was buried.
TTW ask, George Washington is known as the Father
of our country but who is known as the Mother of
our country?
Language Arts Connection-Extended
writing activity- TTW say, ”In your writing
log, write a well-developed paragraph on
three ways the English Colonies influences
your lives today
We Do
 We will share ways the English Colonies influence our lives today.
 We will review the location of the Southern Colonies. Raise your hand when you
have finished
 We will share perceptions of John Smith and realize the Disney movie of
Pocahontas is historically incorrect.
 We will share reasons John Smith was important as leader of the Jamestown
colony. (Possible answers could include: Most of the settlers were “gentlemen”
without skills who simply sought gold and riches; most eventually died of disease
and starvation. John Smith brought organization and structure to the Jamestown
 We will as a class/colony will decide what the best course of action for survival is.
 We will as a class/colony will decide what were the advantages and disadvantages
of locating the Jamestown Colony on the James River. (Possible answers could
include-Jamestown was located with defense in mind. Enemy Spanish ships would
have to pass through a narrow channel to reach Jamestown, making the ships easy
marks for the settler’s cannons. The waters provided fish for food; the drinking
water so close to the Atlantic Ocean was salty. The forest could provide wood for
building and for fuel. The island was good harbor with the ships able to sail up next
to the bank since the bank went straight down 28 feet. The island was swampy and
mosquitoes caused many to become sick. The climate of Virginia was totally
different from England, and many became sick because of the hot and humid
 We will review the following questions
1. Who was the King that granted the charter? James I (Raise your hand if
you agree)
2. What was the name of the company which received the charter? Virginia
Company of Virginia (Raise your hand if you agree)
3. What was the name of the three ships on the first trip to Jamestown?
Susan Constance, Godspeed, Discovery (Raise your hand if you agree)
Answers will vary for their interpretation of the pictures of the Jamestown
The Sergeant of each group will share the group conclusions of the two
Virginia map created by John Smith
We will discuss the features of the Jamestown Fort.
 We will answer the question what was the first legislative body in the
Americas on their Jamestown study guide. Answer: House of Burgesses
(Raise your hand if you agree)
 We will answer the question, what crop was responsible for the success of
Jamestown and the entire colony of Virginia? Answer: tobacco (Raise your
hand if you agree)
They Do
 TLW list three ways the English Colonies influences their lives today on the Jamestown
study guide with 100% accuracy. (Possible answers could be we speak English, our
form of government is influenced by England, and aspects of our culture are
influenced by England)
 TLW to use the map on page 76 to identify the Southern Colonies on the
Jamestown study guide with 100% accuracy.
 TSW to compare and contrast a true picture of John Smith with a Disney picture of
John Smith with their partner.
TSW understand the importance of John Smith as leader of the Jamestown
 TSW have their Sergeants report their group’s recommendations on how
food would be distributed and work assigned and monitored for the
Jamestown Survival Plan.
 TSW to rank their personal Jamestown Survival Plan from 1-5, with 5 being
the highest, by first a show of fingers from 1-5, then with a show of fingers
from 1-5, with 5 being the highest, rank the Jamestown Survival Plan the
entire class/colony agreed upon.
 TSW write their personal ranking on the score line of the Jamestown
Survival Plan and turn them in.
 TSW analysis the picture on page 73 of the Jamestown Colony and
consider advantages and disadvantages of locating the Jamestown Colony
on the James River. TSW will then share these advantages and
disadvantages with their group. TSW will list advantages and
disadvantages of locating the Jamestown Colony on the James River on
their Jamestown Colony study guide.
 TSW answer these questions on their Jamestown study guide with 100%
1. Who was the King that granted the charter?
2. What was the name of the company which received the charter?
3. What was the name of the three ships on the first trip to Jamestown?
TSW write one or two well-constructed sentences on what they see in the
pictures of the Jamestown Village on their Jamestown study guide.
TSW discuss their answers within their group
TSW look at the two maps of Virginia which John Smith created and
determine which is better and share with their group situations when it
would be best to use each map.
TSW draw the Jamestown Fort on their Jamestown Study Guide 100%
TSW answer the question what was the first legislative body in the
Americas on their Jamestown study guide 100% accurate.
TSW answer the question, what crop was responsible for the success of
Jamestown and the entire colony of Virginia 100% accurate?
TSW place The Southern Colonies-Jamestown Study Guide in the
Assessment Portfolio (AP)
Finish for Homework-(Integrating other disciplines)Extended
writing activity- Go back to the hook activity. (Student real
world connection) TSW in their writing log, write a welldeveloped paragraph on three ways the English Colonies
influences your lives today in and outside of school. They will
use the five sentence format of an introduction sentence with
a thesis statement, a minimum of three supportive sentences
using transition words, and a closing sentence that restates
the thesis statement. They will follow this form and include
the relevant informative with 100% procedural and content
Closure &
Exit plan-3-2-1 on an index card list:
3 things you learned today,
2 things you are not clear about, and
1 idea you have about the topic today.
Gifted Student:
Much of this work can be done at various academic levels.
Resource Student:
Provide extra support and time as needed for students with learning
difficulties (refer to modifications section of each Individualized
Education Plan (IEP).
Study guides, assessment modifications,
strategic seating, prompting
Study guides, assessment modifications, strategic seating,
Differentiation of Instruction:
 Content- study guides, assignment noted book, abbreviated
assignments, additional time, compacting ,assignments on the
board and on the teacher website, announcements and
student friendly learning targets on the classroom board and
the teachers website
 Classroom accommodations/modifications- strategic seating,
peer tutoring, self-evaluation
On-going assessment and adjustments, respectful task
(Daily Formative
or Scheduled
Formative evidence: Measurable criteria
96% of the students are expected to get 100% The Southern Colonies-Jamestown Activity
correct, 4% have IEP with modifications
100% of the student will participate in oral questioning,
100% of the class will participate in Think-Pair-Share,
100% of the class will participate in the exit plan self-evaluation,
hand responses (i.e. high five, not so high, silent applause, fireworks),
(Integrating other disciplines)Extended writing activity- Go back to the hook activity. (Student real
world connection) TSW in their writing log, write a well-developed paragraph on three ways the
English Colonies influences your lives today in and outside of school. They will use the five sentence
format of an introduction sentence with a thesis statement, a minimum of three supportive sentences
using transition words, and a closing sentence that restates the thesis statement. They will follow this
form and include the relevant informative with 100% procedural and content accuracy.
Summative assessment: Measurable criteria
 Jamestown quiz- 96% of the class will score 80% correct or better. 4% have IEPs
with modifications and they will score 80% or better with modifications
 Jamestown Survival Plan Activity-- 96% of the class will score 80% correct or
better. 4% have IEPs with modifications and they will score 80% or better with
 Colonization test-- 96% of the class will score 80% correct or better. 4% have IEPs
with modifications and they will score 80% or better with modifications
Additional Comments for Evaluator: Have a good day
 What is the objective this lesson? The Big Idea is despite a difficult beginning, the southern colonies soon
The main ideas are the settlement in Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in America and daily life in
Virginia was challenging to the colonists.
 What do I expect the students to know and be able to do after the lesson?
I expect the student to know the learning targets :
I understand the importance of John Smith as leader of the Jamestown colony. (p.73)
I can identify the Southern Colonies on a map.
I understand how John Rolfe’s cultivation of tobacco helped Jamestown survive. (p.73)
I can explain how the cash crop of tobacco was important to the Jamestown settlement and to the economy of Virginia.
I can list some of the cash crops of early colonial America.
I can describe how colonists were represented in assembly meetings.
 Where is this lesson in context of your of your lesson plan?
The Southern Colonies are the first colonies we cover in the Unit on Colonization. Virginia is one of the five colonies
considered to be in the southern colonies. Since Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement we spend three
days on this section. One day we use the SQ3R reading/study strategy to study pages 72-77, complete the interactive
reader, vocabulary builder, and formative practice quiz, the second day we divide into group and develop the
Jamestown Survival Plan, the third day is the lesson you observe.
 What changes or adjustments to the lesson will you need to make if students do not show evidence that they
have mastered the sub-objectives?
I expect students to master these learning targets, but review time is available along with time for questions.
 How will you know that students have masters the objectives in this lesson?
A variety of formative evidence and summative assessment are in place. Please refer to the Assessment component of the
lesson plan. These are woven this the I Do, We Do, They Do parts of the lesson plan
 Are there any other special circumstances that I should be aware of before the announced class?
There are two students IEPs and one with a behavior GEIT.
 How will you differentiate your instruction in order to address a variety of learning styles?
Study guides, assessment modifications, strategic seating, prompting along with IEP and GEIT modifications.
 Are there any particular grouping structures in place? If so, how will you hold students accountable for group
In the Jamestown Survival Plan students have a specific role and each member will be assessed individually with their
own product.
 Is there anything in particular you want me to observe with regard to your areas of reinforcement and refinement?
Please note the positive environment and willingness of the students to learn. The exit plan will give the student to not
only reflect on their strengths, give them an opportunity address weaknesses, but give them an opportunity to create an
idea about today’s lesson.
 What are your plans for lesson closure and reflection?
3-2-1 card
The Southern Colonies-Jamestown
List three ways the English Colonies influences your lives today.
On the USA map locate: (map on page 76) The Southern Colonies of Maryland,
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
On the eastern Virginia map locate: (use the map on the PowerPoint presentation)
Chesapeake Bay, James River, Potomac River, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Yorktown
Washington D.C.
 Jamestown Survival Plan ranking (1-5)
1. Who was the King that granted the charter?
2. What was the name of the company which received the charter?
3. What was the name of the three ships on the first trip to Jamestown?
4. Write one or two well-constructed sentences on what they see in the pictures of the
Jamestown Village.
5. Write one or two well-constructed sentences contrasting a charter and an indentured
6. Draw a picture of the Jamestown Fort.
7. What was the first legislative assembly in the Americas?
8. What crop was responsible for the success of Jamestown and the entire colony of Virginia?
9. Who did John Rolfe marry?
10. Who is known as the mother of our country?
Exit plan: 3-2-1 on an index card list:
3 things you learned today,
2 things you are not clear about, and
1 idea you have about the topic today.
Jamestown Survival Plan
Background: In 1606 King James granted a charter to the Virginia Company of London to establish a settlement in the southern
part of England’s claim in America. By April of 1607, three ships sailed up a river on the coast of Virginia. Near the mouth of the
James River, they decided to settle. They named their settlement, Jamestown, in honor of King James.
From the start, the Jamestown settlers endured awful hardships. The site of the settlement was swampy and filled with
mosquitoes. Many settlers became sick from drinking the water. They feared the powerful Powhatan Indians and to make matter
worse, the new settlers were overcome by greed. They were more interested in hunting for gold than building shelters or growin
food. By autumn of the first year, food supplies were low and two-thirds of the Jamestown settlers had died.
The Situation: Nearly all of the settlers seem to be consumed with one thought right from the beginning of the expedition-th
discovery of gold. Colonists have been directing most of their efforts toward searching the land for riches and little time buildi
houses, defenses or planting crop.
The colonists are arguing among themselves and little is getting done. No one is able to take charge and improve the situation.
There is an appointed council to rule the colony, however, they are stockholders in the Virginia Company and live in London and
are not aware of the problems facing the settlers. Captain John Smith, one of the settlers, is a former soldier and adventurer. The
settlers have formed a local council and have elected him leader.
Plan of Action: Captain John Smith and his advisors on the council must develop a
“Jamestown Survival Plan” that will help the colony survive and succeed. You and your group are advisors and must help develop
Directions: Create your “Jamestown Survival Plan”
Each member of the group must turn in the following
1. Prepare the Jamestown Survival Plan by answering the questions on the back of this sheet.
2. (on a separate sheet of paper) Based on information you have learned from answering the questions, list in bulleted form
your Jamestown Survival Plan.
3. In your bulleted list include the reasons for your decisions.
4. Conclude with recommendations for future supply request and qualifications for future settlers.
5. In your group select: (write the student’s name below)
Sargent who will report to the command (the class),
Quartermaster, the person responsible for distributing the food,
Indian Agent, the person responsible for relationships with American Indians,
Labor Manager the person responsible for assigning and overseeing work task.
Questions to answer and consider when developing your plan
1. What are the three most important things we the colonists must do to help the colony survive?
2. Who will do the work?
3. What will we do to solve our immediate problem of lack of food?
4. How will we be sure to have adequate supplies of food in the future?
5. How can we be sure that all colonists will do their fair share of the work?
6. How should we deal with the local Indians?
7. What is the design of our colony for the best protection against the elements and enemies?
8. In recruiting future settlers, what skills and occupations should we require?