SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT ON RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE Introduction The Supplementary Planning Document for Recreational Open Space is prepared to supplement the Local Plan Replacement adopted on 22 May 2006. The SPD contains detailed guidance on planning matters relate to recreational open space and expands on the related policies in the Local Plan. Whilst the SPD does not have the same status as the adopted Local Plan, it will be a material consideration in determining planning applications. This SPD will replace Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), which was used in the previous Development Plan system, before the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 came into force. The SPD The SPD contains a brief review of policies in relation to recreational open space at national, regional, sub-regional and local levels. It covers the levels of developers’ contribution to open space provision both on-site and off-site. The Local Plan uses the standards of the National Playing Field Association (NPFA), which is known as the Six Acre standard, to provide formal recreational open space for different age groups. The SPD is supplemented by a costing sheet. This sets out the developers’ contribution. The contribution covers maintenance of on site provision. Where some or all of the open space requirement is not provided on site, the costing sheet calculates a contribution to cover the cost of off site provision (including land purchase and equipment) as well as maintenance. In all cases the costs include administration and inspection. It is intended that the costings sheet will be updated annually to take amount of inflation. The costings sheet will be a supplement to the SPD, but will not form part of it to permit regular updating. It is intended, however, that the proposed consultation on the draft SPD will include an example of the costings sheet to respondents can comment on the principles of the calculation. The current individual costs and land values used in this formula are based on the valuation in 2003, and it is intended to be updated approximately every 3 years. Currently, the market prices of equipment are being reviewed by the Business/Leisure Department. Land value work is also being undertaken externally by the District Valuer. Current Progress The main body of the document is finished in draft. The remaining parts we are awaiting to form the whole document are the Land value from district valuer and the facilities cost from Business/Leisure. Documents attached to this report The appendices of the report comprise: The main draft text of the SPD on Recreational Open Space The series of formulas currently at 2003 prices (the updates will still use the same formulas) Guidance from the Board The views from the Board are sought on: Whether this document has appropriate coverage? Are there any aspects not covered? Is the updating period reasonable? If not, how long is appropriate? Are there any areas where clarification is needed?