Level 5 Diplomas for teaching Mathematics (Numeracy)

Qualification Guidance
For awarding organisations
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
(Mathematics: Numeracy) (QCF)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics:
Numeracy (QCF)
Updated May 2013
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................
Section 1 Introduction
Purpose of this document ............................................................................................................ 4
How to use this document ........................................................................................................... 4
Background........................................................................................................................................ 6
The design features of the qualifications ............................................................................... 6
Section 2 Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Qualification structure at a glance ............................................................................................ 8
Purpose of the qualification ........................................................................................................ 9
Credit value of the qualification ................................................................................................. 9
Guided learning hours (GLH) for the qualification .............................................................. 9
Age range for Ofqual purposes ................................................................................................. 9
Entry requirements for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teacher training
programmes ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimum core of literacy, language, numeracy and ICT ................................................ 10
Links to other qualifications in the Education and Training suite................................ 12
Contextualisation of mandatory units ................................................................................... 13
Practice requirement .................................................................................................................... 13
Transfer of practice ....................................................................................................................... 15
Requirements for those delivering units and/or observing and assessing
practice 16
Rules of combination ................................................................................................................... 17
Units of assessment ...................................................................................................................... 19
Section 3 Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy (QCF)
Qualification structure at a glance .......................................................................................... 52
Purpose of the qualification ...................................................................................................... 53
Credit value of the qualification ............................................................................................... 53
Guided learning hours (GLH) for the qualification ............................................................ 53
Age range for Ofqual purposes ............................................................................................... 53
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Entry requirements for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teacher training
programmes ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
Links to other qualifications in the Education and Training suite................................ 54
Practice requirement .................................................................................................................... 54
Transfer of practice ....................................................................................................................... 56
Requirements for those delivering units and/or observing and assessing
practice 56
Rules of combination ................................................................................................................... 57
Units of assessment ...................................................................................................................... 58
Annex 1
Overview of the Education and Training qualifications (2013) ...................... 73
Annex 2
Summary of practice, including observed and assessed practice,
requirements for the mandatory units .............................................................. 76
Annex 3
Links between the specialist standalone qualifications and Level 5
Diplomas in Education and Training including those with a specialist
pathway ................................................................................................................. 81
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
This table gives definitions for the terms and acronyms used in this document.
Acronym /
One credit equates to ten notional hours of learning (QCF)
English for speakers of other languages
Guided learning hours (as defined by the Skills Funding Agency)
Initial teacher education
Lifelong Learning UK
Learning and Skills Improvement Service
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
(Award in) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Qualifications and Credit Framework
Regulatory Information Technology System
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Section 1
Purpose of this document
This document provides the technical information needed by awarding organisations to
develop the following qualifications in the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF):
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy) (QCF):
integrated qualification
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy (QCF): standalone
These qualifications replace:
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Level 5 Diploma in teaching Mathematics: Numeracy (QCF) 2011.
This document does not provide general information about the suite of teaching
qualifications being introduced from 2013 for the further education and skills sector. This is
available in a separate LSIS guidance document, Teaching and Training Qualifications for
the Further Education and Skills Sector in England (2013): Guidance for employers and
practitioners (LSIS, 2013).
How to use this document
The document is arranged as follows:
Section 1 provides background and brief design features for the qualifications.
Section 2 gives details of the qualification requirements and the rules of
combination for the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics:
Numeracy). It also includes information on the minimum core of literacy, language,
numeracy and ICT.
Section 3 gives details of the qualification requirements and the rules of
combination for the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy.
The mandatory and specialist units in the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
(Mathematics: Numeracy) and the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy are
included in this document. The optional units of assessment for the Level 5 Diploma in
Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy) are available in a separate guidance
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
document, Qualification guidance for awarding organisations: Optional units for QCF
Education and Training qualifications (LSIS, 2013).
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
An LSIS review of qualifications for teachers and trainers in the further education and skills
sector was undertaken in 2012. The proposal for a specialist Level 5 Diploma in Education
and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy) and a standalone Level 5 Diploma in Teaching1
Mathematics: Numeracy was supported as part of a suite of generic and specialist teaching
and training qualifications. More information about the findings of the review can be
found in the report, Further Education and Skills in England: New Qualifications for Teachers
and Trainers: Phase Two – Findings Report (LSIS, 2013).
The Professional Standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector
(LLUK, 2006) were outside the scope of the review. These standards will continue to
underpin practice in the sector alongside the 2013 teaching qualifications.
LSIS does not consider that there is a need to develop smaller qualifications or
qualifications at lower levels for teachers of numeracy at this time. Providers offering the
generic Level 3 Award in Education and Training and/or the generic Level 4 Certificate in
Education and Training may contextualise those qualifications to any subject or context if
that is considered valuable.
LSIS has agreed with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) that there
should be a phased introduction of the 2013 qualifications as this will respect the different
development cycles of awarding organisations and higher education institutions.
The companion document, Application of the professional standards for teachers of
Mathematics (Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007), details the knowledge, understanding and
professional practice to be demonstrated by teachers of mathematics (numeracy). This
guidance will also underpin the new numeracy teaching qualifications.
An overview of the 2013 qualifications is available in Annex 1.
The design features of the qualifications
The design features of the 2013 qualifications are consistent with the main design features
of the QCF. Knowledge and understanding of the QCF is a pre-requisite for awarding
organisations to be able to specify the qualification requirements. An up-to-date
introduction to the QCF can be found on the Ofqual website.
Teaching’ is used in the document as a generic term that covers teachers, tutors, trainers, lecturers and
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Units of assessment
The units that make up the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics:
Numeracy) and the Level 5 Diploma in teaching Mathematics: Numeracy qualifications are
available for awarding organisations in the Regulatory Information Technology System
(RITS) of Ofqual. When an awarding organisation has a qualification accredited, there will
be public access to the units in the Ofqual Register of Regulated Qualifications.
Credit achievement and the rules of combination for these qualifications are based on
units of two different kinds: mandatory units and optional units. The distinctions are based
on the regulatory requirements of the QCF:
Mandatory units: as the QCF term implies, these units must be completed in order
for the qualification to be achieved.
Optional units: this QCF term refers to units from which a learner may select one or
more in order to achieve the required number of credits for award of the
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Section 2
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
(Mathematics: Numeracy) (QCF)
Qualification structure at a glance
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
120 credits
Group A
105 credits must be
achieved from this
Teaching, learning and
Theories, principles and
assessment in education
models in education and
and training (Mathematics:
20 credits
20 credits
Level 4
Level 5
Mandatory unit
Mandatory unit
Developing teaching,
Wider professional practice
learning and assessment in
and development in
education and training
education and training
(Mathematics: Numeracy)
20 credits
15 credits
Level 5
Level 5
Mandatory unit
Numeracy knowledge and
Mandatory unit
Numeracy and the learners
15 credits
Level 5
Mandatory unit
15 credits
Level 5
Mandatory unit
Group B
15 credits must be
achieved from this
15 credits
Level 4 or 5
Optional unit group
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Purpose of the qualification
This Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy) qualification has
been developed for teachers of numeracy in discrete/targeted provision including teaching
staff in specialist provision. However, teachers in other contexts may find it of value.
This qualification is appropriate for:
individuals not currently teaching and training, who wish to teach numeracy in
particular and who can meet the practice, including the observed and assessed
practice, requirements of the qualification;
individuals who are currently teaching and training (including those who have just
begun teaching and training) who wish to teach numeracy in particular and do not
already hold a generic teaching qualification. They must be able to meet the
practice, including the observed and assessed practice, requirements, of the
In this qualification, units from the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training and
knowledge units from the standalone Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
are combined to provide specialist training for teaching numeracy. The majority of the
content in this qualification should be contextualised to teaching numeracy. All practice
must be in the context of teaching numeracy.
Level 5 is the minimum level for this qualification. Awarding organisations may wish to
develop this qualification at levels higher than this. The primary purpose and content of
the qualifications is the same, whatever the level.
The purpose of the qualification in the QCF is to ‘confirm occupational competence’ (D1).
Credit value of the qualification
120 credits
Guided learning hours (GLH) for the qualification
370 GLH
Age range for Ofqual purposes
These qualifications are listed as appropriate for learners of 19+
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Entry requirements for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teacher
training programmes
There is an entry requirement for those wishing to join programmes leading to
qualifications for teachers of English (literacy and/or ESOL) and mathematics (numeracy).
Potential teacher trainees will need to evidence Level 3 personal skills in English or
mathematics, as appropriate.
This entry requirement applies to all the Level 5 diploma qualifications for teachers of
English (ESOL and/or literacy) and mathematics (numeracy) detailed in this and other LSIS
qualification guidance documents.
The entry criteria, and how they may be evidenced, are detailed in the separate document,
Criteria for entry to mathematics (numeracy) and English (literacy and ESOL) teacher
training in the lifelong learning sector (LLUK, June 2007, amended 2010).
LSIS qualification guidance has been issued for two Level 3 awards that cover the entry
criteria in English and mathematics (the Award in English for Literacy and Language
Teaching and the Award in Mathematics for Numeracy Teaching). This development has
been welcomed by providers of ‘bridging’ programmes for potential trainees needing to
improve their skills before joining a teacher training programme.
There are no other nationally agreed entry requirements.
Minimum core of literacy, language, numeracy and ICT
The minimum core of literacy, language, numeracy and ICT details the knowledge,
understanding and personal skills in English, mathematics and ICT expected of all teachers
in the sector. The minimum core document comprises three sections:
Language and literacy
Information and communication technology (ICT).
Each of these sections comprises two parts:
Part A – knowledge and understanding
Part B – personal skills.
Knowledge, understanding and personal skills requirements for literacy, language,
numeracy and ICT are included in the teaching qualifications. Details can be found in the
document, Addressing Literacy, Language, Numeracy and ICT needs in education and
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training: Defining the minimum core of teachers’ knowledge, understanding and personal
skills. A guide for initial teacher education programmes (LLUK, 2007; updated LSIS, 2013).
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Requirements for knowledge and understanding elements
Elements of the minimum core should be selected appropriate to the context and needs of
each cohort of trainee teachers. The selected elements should be delivered and assessed
across the following units:
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (Mathematics:
Numeracy) (Level 4)
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
(Mathematics: Numeracy) (Level 5).
Requirements for personal skills in English, mathematics and ICT elements
All trainee teachers joining this qualification programme should undertake an initial
assessment of skills in English, mathematics and ICT. If trainees join the qualification
programme having already completed a Level 3 Award in Education and Training or a Level
4 Certificate in Education and Training, their record of development needs and any
previous actions taken to address them should inform opportunities to continue the
development of these skills as required by the appropriate minimum core elements.
Opportunities to develop these personal skills should be made available across the
mandatory units as a minimum. LSIS supports opportunities to develop these skills
throughout a teacher education programme. Teacher education teams should ensure that
the personal skills developed by trainees are those most appropriate for their professional
Links to other qualifications in the Education and Training suite
Individuals are not required to have achieved a Level 3 Award in Education and Training or
a Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training before undertaking a Level 5 Diploma in
Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy).
Individuals wishing to specialist solely in the teaching of numeracy should enrol on the
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy). Where this integrated
qualification is not available, trainee teachers can either:
undertake both a generic Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training and a
standalone Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy either concurrently
or sequentially; or
undertake a Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training, taking the relevant specialist
numeracy units from the optional credit component of that qualification. A trainee
teacher taking 45 optional credits in numeracy will achieve a numeracy specialist
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
No credit, teaching practice, or observed and assessed practice from the Level 4 Certificate
in Education and Training can be transferred to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and
Training (Mathematics: Numeracy).
Contextualisation of mandatory units
There is a requirement for the content of the following mandatory units to be taught in the
context of teaching numeracy:
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (Mathematics:
Numeracy) (Level 4)
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
(Mathematics: Numeracy) (Level 5)
Numeracy knowledge and understanding (Level 5)
Numeracy and the learners (Level 5).
There is no requirement for the content of the following mandatory units to be taught in
the context of teaching numeracy but there are opportunities to do so:
Theories, principles and models in education and training (Level 5)
Wider professional practice and development in education and training (Level 5).
2.10 Practice requirement
The practice component is a vital aspect of high-quality initial teacher training.
There is a requirement for a minimum of 100 hours of practice for this qualification. While
this is a minimum requirement, awarding organisations may require more if they wish. All
100 hours of practice should be in teaching and learning environments within a numeracy
context. To achieve this qualification, there is a requirement to evidence working with
groups of learners although parts of the qualification allow for working solely with
individuals. Practice must be undertaken within at least two of the three levels of the
numeracy curriculum – Entry Level and one other (Level 1 or Level 2).
The practice requirements for all units are summarised in Annex 2. In addition, details of
the practice requirements for the optional units are available in the separate guidance
document, Qualification guidance for awarding organisations: Optional units for QCF
Education and Training qualifications (LSIS, 2013).
LSIS recognises that an effective teaching practice experience should ideally include:
different teaching practice locations/settings/contexts;
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teaching across more than one level;
teaching a variety of learners;
teaching individuals and groups;
experience of non-teaching roles; and
gaining subject specialist knowledge through workplace mentoring.
LSIS supports any endeavour of ITE providers to ensure that trainee teachers have access
to as many of these elements as possible during their teaching practice.
Observed and assessed practice
There must be a minimum of eight observations totalling a minimum of eight hours. Any
single observation must be a minimum of half an hour. All eight observations must be in
teaching and learning environment in a numeracy context. Assessed observations should
include at least two numeracy observations at Entry Level.
Observations should be appropriately spaced throughout the whole programme and take
into account a trainee teacher’s progress. Awarding organisations will provide guidance to
enable providers to make a judgement about whether a trainee teacher has met the
required standard of practice in an observation. LSIS recommends that awarding
organisations refer to the Handbook for the Inspection of Further Education and Skills
(Ofsted, 2012) – Part 2, Section B: Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment to inform
the development of their guidance.
All observations are linked to the following mandatory units:
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (Mathematics:
Numeracy) (Level 4)
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
(Mathematics: Numeracy) (Level 5).
Note that to be eligible for the award of credit for any one of the above two units, a
trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence of four assessed observations of practice
that have met the required standard of practice. To be eligible for the award of credit for
both units, a trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence of a minimum of eight
observations that have met the required standard of practice.
Some optional units from the Education and Training suite also require practice, including
observation and assessment of practice. The number of observations of practice required
and the number of hours to be observed and assessed are not specified for these optional
units. These requirements are in addition to the observed and assessed practice
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requirements identified above and summarised in Annex 2. Details of the requirements for
the optional units are available in the separate guidance document, Qualification guidance
for awarding organisations: Optional units for QCF Education and Training qualifications
(LSIS, 2013).
2.11 Transfer of practice
There is no transfer of practice, and no transfer of observed and assessed practice hours
from a previously achieved Level 3 Award in Education and Training or Level 4 Certificate in
Education and Training.
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2.12 Requirements for those delivering units and/or observing and
assessing practice
All those delivering units and/or observing and assessing practice for the Level 5 Diploma
in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy) must have all of the following:
a teaching qualification equivalent to QCF Level 5 or above;
a Level 4 specialist qualification or Level 5 Additional Diploma or equivalent
qualification in the specialist area;
evidence of teaching experience in a numeracy context;
in-depth knowledge of the specialist area;
access to appropriate guidance and support; and
on-going participation in related programme quality assurance processes.
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2.13 Rules of combination
To be awarded the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy),
the learner must achieve a total of 120 credits:
105 credits from Group A
15 credits from Group B.
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching in Education and Training
(Mathematics: Numeracy)
Total credit value of qualification: 120 credits
370 GLH
Credit value at Level 5 or above
Minimum 85 credits
Credit value of mandatory units
105 credits
Unit title
Group A
One hundred and five (105) credits must be achieved from this group
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
education and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Teaching, learning and assessment in education
and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Theories, principles and models in education and
training (A/505/0818)
Wider professional practice and development in
education and training (J/505/0837)
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765)
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
Group B
Fifteen (15) credits must be achieved from this group
Action learning to support development of
subject specific pedagogy (M/503/5376)
Action research (T/503/5380)
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Developing, using and organising resources in a
specialist area (H/505/1090)
Effective partnership working in the learning and
teaching context (Y/503/5310)
Inclusive practice (L/503/5384)
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2.14 Units of assessment
The units of assessment are provided in this format for information. Awarding
organisations should always refer to the units in RITS when developing and regulating
qualifications. Microsoft Word versions are available as companion documents to this
Group A
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
(Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
(Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 4
Theories, principles and models in education and training
Level 5
Wider professional practice and development in education and training
Numeracy and the learners
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
Level 5
Level 5
Level 5
Number of units: 6
The details of the optional units in Group B are available in the separate document,
Qualification guidance for awarding organisations: Optional units for QCF Education and
Training qualifications (LSIS, 2013).
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Group A
Unit title
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
education and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Be able to investigate
practice in own area of
Analyse the application of pedagogical principles in
own area of specialism.
Evaluate the effectiveness of use of creative and
innovative approaches in own area of specialism.
2. Be able to apply
theories, principles and
models of learning,
communication and
learners’ individual goals and learning preferences.
 the delivery model; and
inclusive teaching and
Devise a scheme of work taking account of:
 the needs of learners;
assessment to planning
learning for numeracy
Use initial and diagnostic assessments to agree
 internal and external requirements.
Design teaching and learning plans which take
account of:
 the individual goals, needs and learning
preferences of all learners; and
 curriculum requirements.
Identify opportunities for learners and others to
provide feedback to inform inclusive practice.
Explain how own practice in planning inclusive
teaching and learning has taken account of theories,
principles and models of learning, communication
and assessment.
3. Be able to apply
theories of behaviour
management to
Analyse theories of behaviour management.
Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning
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creating and
Explain how own practice in creating and
maintaining a safe,
maintaining a safe, inclusive teaching and learning
inclusive teaching and
environment has taken account of theories of
learning environment
behaviour management.
for numeracy learners.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
education and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
(F/505/0853) (continued)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
4. Be able to apply
Design resources that:
theories, principles and
 actively promote equality and value diversity; and
models of learning and
 meet the identified needs of specific learners.
communication to
delivering inclusive
Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in the use of
inclusive teaching and learning approaches and
teaching and learning
resources, including technologies, to meet the
for numeracy learners.
needs of individual learners.
Demonstrate ways to promote equality and value
diversity in own teaching.
Communicate with learners, learning professionals
and others to meet individual learning needs and
encourage progression.
Explain how own delivery of inclusive teaching and
learning has taken account of theories, principles
and models of learning and communication.
5. Be able to apply
specialist theories,
models and principles
of assessment to
Design assessments that meet the individual needs
of learners.
Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in using
types and methods of assessment to meet
assessing numeracy
individual learning needs and assessment
Demonstrate the use of assessment data in:
 monitoring learners’ achievement, attainment and
 setting learners’ targets;
 planning subsequent sessions; and
 recording the outcomes of assessment.
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Communicate assessment information to other
professionals with an interest in learner
Explain how own assessment practice has taken
account of theories, models and principles of
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
education and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
(F/505/0853) (continued)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
6. Be able to implement
Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can
expectations of the
be demonstrated in planning, delivering and
minimum core in
assessing inclusive teaching and learning.
planning, delivering and 6.2
assessing inclusive
Apply minimum core elements in planning,
teaching and learning.
7. Be able to apply
delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and
Use theories and models of reflection to evaluate
theories and models of
the effectiveness of own practice in planning,
reflection and
delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and
evaluation to the
evaluation of own
practice in planning,
delivering and assessing
inclusive teaching and
Analyse ways to improve own practice in planning,
delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and
learning for numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
education and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
(F/505/0853) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The purpose of the unit is to provide the learner with
knowledge, understanding and skills relating to
developing numeracy teaching, learning and assessment
in education and training. It includes investigating
practice in own area of specialism, applying theories,
principles and models of learning, communication and
assessment in relation to planning, delivering and
assessing inclusive teaching and learning. It involves
applying theories of behaviour management in creating
and maintaining an inclusive learning environment and
applying theories and models of reflection to evaluating
own practice. It covers expectations in relation to the
minimum core in teaching, learning and assessment.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong
relevant national
learning sector.
occupational standards or
In addition, see the document, Application of the
other professional
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
standards or curricula (if
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
Guidance for developing
The learning outcomes must be assessed in a teaching
assessment arrangements
and learning environment.
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
Simulation is not permitted.
requirements specified by
There is a requirement to observe and assess practice in
a sector or regulatory
this unit. To be eligible for the award of credit for this
body (if appropriate)
unit, a trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence
of a minimum of four assessed observations of practice in
numeracy teaching and learning contexts that meet the
required standard of practice and totalling a minimum of
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
four hours. Assessed observations should include at least
one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
body (if required)
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
education and training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
(F/505/0853) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and
training (Mathematics: Numeracy) (A505/0852)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand roles,
responsibilities and
relationships in
education and training.
Analyse own role and responsibilities in education
and training.
Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory
requirements and codes of practice relating to own
role and responsibilities.
Analyse the relationships and boundaries between
the teaching role and other professional roles.
Describe points of referral to meet the needs of
numeracy learners.
2. Be able to use initial
and diagnostic
assessment to agree
individual learning
goals with numeracy
individual needs of learners.
Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic
assessment in agreeing individual learning goals.
Use methods of initial and diagnostic assessment to
agree individual learning goals with learners.
3. Be able to plan inclusive 3.1
teaching and learning
for numeracy learners.
Explain why it is important to identify and meet the
Record learners’ individual learning goals.
Devise a scheme of work in accordance with internal
and external requirements.
Design teaching and learning plans which respond
 the individual goals and needs of all learners; and
 curriculum requirements.
Explain how own planning meets the individual
needs of learners.
Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans
can be adapted to meet the individual needs of
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Identify opportunities for learners to provide
feedback to inform inclusive practice.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and
training (Mathematics: Numeracy) (A505/0852)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
4. Be able to create and
maintain a safe,
inclusive teaching and
learning environment
for numeracy learners.
Explain why it is important to promote appropriate
behaviour and respect for others.
Explain ways to promote equality and value
Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning
5. Be able to deliver
Analyse the effectiveness of teaching and learning
inclusive teaching and
approaches used in own area of specialism in
learning for numeracy
relation to meeting the individual needs of learners.
Analyse benefits and limitations of communication
methods and media used in own area of specialism.
Analyse the effectiveness of resources used in own
area of specialism in relation to meeting the
individual needs of learners.
Use inclusive teaching and learning approaches and
resources, including technologies, to meet the
individual needs of learners.
Demonstrate ways to promote equality and value
diversity in own teaching.
Adapt teaching and learning approaches and
resources, including technologies to meet the
individual needs of learners.
Communicate with learners and learning
professionals to meet individual learning needs.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and
training (Mathematics: Numeracy) (A505/0852)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
6. Be able to assess
learning in own area of
Explain the purposes and types of assessment used
in own area of specialism.
Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in
relation to meeting the individual needs of learners.
Use types and methods of assessment, including
peer and self-assessment, to:
 involve learners in assessment;
 meet the individual needs of learners;
 enable learners to produce assessment evidence
that is valid, reliable, sufficient, authentic and
current; and
 meet internal and external assessment
Use questioning and feedback to contribute to the
assessment process.
Record the outcomes of assessments to meet
internal and external requirements.
Communicate assessment information to other
professionals with an interest in learner
7. Be able to implement
Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can
expectations of the
be demonstrated in planning, delivering and
minimum core in
assessing inclusive teaching and learning.
planning, delivering and 7.2
assessing inclusive
Apply minimum core elements in planning,
teaching and learning.
delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
8. Be able to evaluate own
Review the effectiveness of own practice in
practice in planning,
planning, delivering and assessing inclusive
delivering and assessing
teaching and learning, taking account of the views
inclusive teaching and
of learners and others.
learning for numeracy
Identify areas for improvement in own practice in
planning, delivering and assessing inclusive
teaching and learning.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Teaching, learning and assessment in education and
training (Mathematics: Numeracy) (A505/0852)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The purpose of the unit is to provide the learner with
knowledge, understanding and skills relating to numeracy
teaching, learning and assessment. It includes
understanding the role and responsibilities of a numeracy
teacher in education and training, agreeing individual
learning goals and planning, delivering and assessing
inclusive teaching and learning. It involves creating and
maintaining an inclusive learning environment and
evaluating own practice. It covers expectations in relation
to the minimum core in teaching, learning and assessment.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
between the unit and
relevant national
occupational standards or
other professional
standards or curricula (if
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong
learning sector.
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
The learning outcomes must be assessed in a teaching and
learning environment.
Additional assessment
requirements specified by
a sector or regulatory
body (if appropriate)
Simulation is not permitted.
In addition, see the document, Application of the
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
There is a requirement to observe and assess practice in
this unit. To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit,
a trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence of a
minimum of four assessed observations of practice in
numeracy teaching and learning contexts that meet the
required standard of practice and totalling a minimum of
four hours. Assessed observations should include at least
one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
body (if required)
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Location of the unit within
the subject/sector
classification system
13. Education and training
Name of the organisation
submitting the unit
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Theories, principles and models in education and
training (A/505/0818)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand the
Analyse theories, principles and models of learning.
Explain ways in which theories, principles and
application of theories,
principles and models
models of learning can be applied to teaching,
of learning in education
learning and assessment.
and training.
Analyse models of learning preferences.
Explain how identifying and taking account of
learners’ individual learning preferences enables
inclusive teaching, learning and assessment.
2. Understand the
application of theories,
principles and models
of communication in
teaching, learning and assessment.
application of theories,
principles and models
of assessment in
Explain ways in which theories and models of
curriculum development can be applied in
developing curricula in own area of specialism.
own area of specialism.
application of theories
Analyse theories and models of curriculum
development within
5. Understand the
Explain ways in which theories, principles and
models of assessment can be applied in assessing
application of theories
and models of
Analyse theories, principles and models of
education and training.
4. Understand the
Explain ways in which theories, principles and
models of communication can be applied to
education and training.
3. Understand the
Analyse theories, principles and models of
Analyse theories and models of reflection and
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
and models of
Explain ways in which theories and models of
reflection and
reflection and evaluation can be applied to
evaluation to reviewing
reviewing own practice.
own practice.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Theories, principles and models in education and
training (A/505/0818) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The purpose of the unit is to provide the learner with
knowledge and understanding of theories, principles and
models applied to education and training. It includes
application of theories, principles and models of learning,
communication and assessment in education and training,
the application of theories and models of curriculum
development within own area of specialism, and the
application of theories and models of reflection and
evaluation to the evaluation of own practice.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
other professional
standards or curricula (if
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
requirements specified by
a sector or regulatory
body (if appropriate)
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
body (if required)
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Wider professional practice and development in
education and training (J/505/0837)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand
professionalism and the
influence of
professional values in
professionalism in education and training.
context of education
and training.
Explain ways in which professional values influence
own practice in own area of specialism.
education and training.
2. Understand the policy
Define the concepts of professionalism and dual
Explain ways in which social, political and economic
factors influence education policy.
Analyse the impact of current educational policies
on curriculum and practice in own area of
3. Understand the impact
of accountability to
stakeholders and
external bodies on
Explain the roles of stakeholders and external
bodies in education and training.
Explain how being accountable to stakeholders and
external bodies impacts on organisations in
education and training.
education and training.
Explain why it is important to work in partnership
with employers and other stakeholders in education
and training.
Analyse the impact of being accountable to
stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum
design, delivery and assessment in own area of
4. Understand the
organisational context
of education and
Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice
and guidelines of an organisation.
Analyse the impact of organisational requirements
and expectations on curriculum and practice in own
area of specialism.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
5. Be able to contribute to
the quality
improvement and
quality assurance
arrangements of own
Analyse the quality improvement and quality
assurance arrangements of own organisation.
Explain the function of self-assessment and selfevaluation in the quality cycle.
Evaluate a learning programme taking account of
the quality arrangements of own organisation.
Identify areas for improvement in a learning
programme taking account of the outcomes of
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Wider professional practice and development in
education and training (J/505/0837) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The purpose of the unit is to provide learners with
knowledge, understanding and skills relating to wider
professional practice in education and training. It includes
understanding professionalism and professional values in
education and training, the policy context of education
and training, the impact of being accountable to
stakeholders and external bodies, and the organisational
context of education and training. It also includes
understanding and contributing to the quality
improvement and quality assurance arrangements of an
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
other professional
standards or curricula (if
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
requirements specified by
a sector or regulatory
body (if appropriate)
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
body (if required)
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand the factors
1.1 Analyse the impact of personal, social, economic and
that influence the
political factors on the development and progression
development and
of numeracy learners.
progression of
numeracy learners.
1.2 Explain the impact of learners’ literacy and language
skills on the development and progression of their
numeracy skills
1.3 Explain how differing communication approaches
can affect the learning of numeracy processes and
2. Understand the use of
approaches to meet
the needs of numeracy
2.1 Identify the skills, knowledge and understanding that
can be assessed in numeracy.
2.2 Analyse approaches to initial and diagnostic
assessment to identify the mathematics and
numeracy skills and aspirations of numeracy learners.
2.3 Analyse the use of assessment tools in numeracy
teaching and learning.
3. Understand the use of
3.1 Analyse numeracy teaching approaches and
numeracy teaching
numeracy resources, including technologies, for
approaches and
suitability in meeting individual learners’ needs.
resources to meet the
needs of individual
numeracy learners.
4. Understand how
3.2 Analyse the impact of using technology on learner
engagement, motivation and success in numeracy
teaching and learning.
4.1 Identify the numeracy skills and knowledge needed
numeracy can impact
by learners across contexts and subjects, and for
on different contexts
progression purposes.
and subjects.
4.2 Explain the importance of encouraging learners to
make links between their mathematical and
numeracy development and their other personal
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
5. Be able to promote
learning support and
learner support within
numeracy teaching and
5.1 Explain the boundaries between own specialist area
and those of other specialists and practitioners.
5.2 Analyse numeracy learning opportunities to
determine how teaching and support needs may be
shared between learning professionals.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765) (continued)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
6. Understand how to
6.1 Explain how to liaise with other professionals to
liaise with others to
provide specialist knowledge of how to include
promote the inclusion
numeracy in vocational and other subject areas.
of numeracy and wider
skills in learning
6.2 Explain how to liaise with other professionals to
promote the inclusion of wider skills in own specialist
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The unit aims to provide learners with an understanding of
the factors that affect the development of numeracy
learners. Learners will analyse approaches to initial and
diagnostic assessment and numeracy teaching. Learners
will also consider the use of technology within numeracy
teaching and learning. They will consider how numeracy
can impact on different contexts and subjects, how to
liaise with others to promote the inclusion of numeracy in
learning programmes and how to promote learning
support and learner support within numeracy teaching
and learning.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
In addition, see the document, Application of the
other professional
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
standards or curricula (if
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
requirements specified by a
sector or regulatory body
(if appropriate)
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
body (if required)
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand
fundamental attributes
of mathematics and
Review the historic and cultural development of
Analyse the language and concepts associated with
number systems.
Analyse common errors and misconceptions in
mathematics and possible reasons why they occur.
Analyse the techniques used in mathematics and
numeracy for conceptual linkages.
2. Understand the
attributes of
procedures within
mathematics and
Analyse the activities, processes and stages within
mathematical problems and investigations.
Evaluate written, mental and diagrammatic
mathematical strategies, analysing the associated
meta language
Analyse the use, interpretation and representation of
Evaluate the use of measurement systems within
problem solving including:
 definition;
 conversion; and
 representation.
3. Understand how
Analyse the effect of the origins and status of
learning theories and
mathematics knowledge on mathematics and
the origins and status
numeracy curriculum development.
of mathematics impact
on numeracy teaching.
4. Understand the links
Analyse how teaching and learning theories
underpin numeracy teaching and learning.
Analyse the role of mathematics and numeracy
within society.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
between the roles and
Evaluate perceptions of mathematics and numeracy
perceptions of
mathematics and
 popular views;
numeracy within
 learner attitudes; and
 trends in learner attainment.
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Unit title
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
(H/505/0764) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The unit aims to enable learners to improve their
numeracy knowledge, understanding and practice.
Learners will consider fundamental attributes of
mathematics and numeracy, the attributes of procedures
within mathematics and numeracy and how the origins
and status of mathematics impact on numeracy teaching.
Learners will also consider the links between popular
perceptions of mathematics and numeracy learning.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
In addition, see the document, Application of the
other professional
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
standards or curricula (if
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
requirements specified by
a sector or regulatory
body (if appropriate)
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other
appropriate body (if
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
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submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Section 3
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics:
Numeracy (QCF)
Qualification structure at a glance
Level 5 Diploma in teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
45 mandatory credits
Group A
45 credits must be
achieved from this
Numeracy and the
Numeracy knowledge and
15 credits
15 credits
Level 5
Level 5
Mandatory unit
unit and
Numeracy teaching
15 credits
Level 5
Mandatory unit
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Purpose of the qualification
This Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy qualification has been developed
for teachers who hold a generic teaching qualification or for trainee teachers who require,
or wish to obtain, a specialist teaching qualification.
The purpose of the qualification in the QCF is to 'develop knowledge and/or skills relevant
to a particular specialisation within an occupation or set of occupations' (E3).
Credit value of the qualification
45 credits
Guided learning hours (GLH) for the qualification
120 GLH
Age range for Ofqual purposes
These qualifications are listed as appropriate for learners of 19+
Entry requirements for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teacher
training programmes
There is an entry requirement for those wishing to join programmes leading to
qualifications for teachers of English (literacy and/or ESOL) and mathematics (numeracy).
Potential teacher trainees will need to evidence Level 3 personal skills in English or
mathematics, as appropriate.
This entry requirement applies to all the Level 5 diploma qualifications for teachers of
English (literacy and/or ESOL) and mathematics (numeracy) detailed in this and other LSIS
qualification guidance documents.
The entry criteria, and how they may be evidenced, are detailed in the separate document,
Criteria for entry to mathematics (numeracy) and English (literacy and ESOL) teacher
training in the lifelong learning sector (LLUK, June 2007, amended 2010).
LSIS qualification guidance has been issued for two Level 3 awards that cover the entry
criteria in English and mathematics (the Award in English for Literacy and Language
Teaching and the Award in Mathematics for Numeracy Teaching). This development has
been welcomed by providers of ‘bridging’ programmes for potential trainees needing to
improve their skills before joining a teacher training programme.
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
There are no other nationally agreed entry requirements.
Links to other qualifications in the Education and Training suite
Potential trainee teachers should understand that, since 2007, they have been able to
undertake one of the standalone qualifications prior to undertaking a generic teaching
qualification, alongside it (concurrently) or afterwards.
If an individual already holds one of the standalone specialist qualifications and wishes to
undertake a generic teaching qualification, they can use the units towards the optional
credit requirement for the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. There may also be
opportunities to use some of the assessed observation of teaching and practice hours from
the standalone specialist qualification towards a Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training.
This is detailed in Annex 3.
The following units from the standalone specialist qualification in teaching mathematics
(numeracy) are available as optional units in the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
Numeracy and the learners (Level 5)
Numeracy knowledge and understanding (Level 5).
Trainee teachers achieving one or both of these units as part of a Level 5 Diploma in
Education and Training can go on to take the additional unit(s) to complete the relevant
standalone specialist qualification.
Practice requirement
The practice component is a vital aspect of high-quality initial training.
There is a requirement for a minimum of 50 hours of practice in numeracy teaching and
learning environments to achieve this qualification. While this is a minimum requirement,
awarding organisations may require more if they wish.
Teaching practice should be located and assessed within the following unit:
Numeracy teaching and learning (Level 5).
To achieve this qualification, there is a requirement to evidence working both with groups
of learners and with individual learners. Practice must be undertaken within at least two of
the three levels of the numeracy curriculum – Entry Level and one other (Level 1 or Level 2).
The practice requirements for individual units in this qualification are detailed in Annex 2.
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
LSIS recognises that an effective teaching practice experience should ideally include:
different teaching practice locations/settings/contexts;
teaching across more than one level;
teaching a variety of learners;
teaching individuals and groups;
experience of non-teaching roles; and
gaining subject-specialist knowledge through workplace mentoring.
LSIS supports any endeavour of ITE providers to ensure that trainee teachers have access
to as many of these elements as possible during their teaching practice.
Observed and assessed practice
There must be a minimum of four observations totalling a minimum of four hours. Any
single observation must be a minimum of half an hour. All four observations must be in
teaching and learning environments with a numeracy context. Assessed observations
should include at least one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
Observations should be appropriately spaced throughout the whole programme and take
into account a trainee teacher’s progress. Awarding organisations will provide guidance to
enable providers to make a judgement about whether a trainee teacher has met the
required standard of practice in an observation. LSIS recommends that awarding
organisations refer to the Ofsted Handbook for the Inspection of Further Education and
Skills (Ofsted, 2012) – Part 2, Section B: Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment to
inform development of their guidance.
All observations are linked to the following mandatory unit:
Numeracy teaching and learning (Level 5).
Note that, to be eligible for the award of credit for the above unit, a trainee teacher must
be able to provide evidence of four assessed observations of practice that have met the
required standard of practice.
The observed and assessed practice requirements for individual units in this qualification
are summarised in Annex 2.
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Transfer of practice
There is no transfer of practice, and no transfer of observed and assessed practice hours
from a previously achieved Level 3 Award in Education and Training or Level 4 Certificate in
Education and Training.
3.10 Requirements for those delivering units and/or observing and
assessing practice
All those delivering units and/or observing and assessing practice for the Level 5 Diploma
in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy must have:
a teaching qualification equivalent to QCF Level 5 or above;
a Level 4 specialist qualification or Level 5 Additional Diploma or equivalent
qualification in the relevant specialist area;
evidence of teaching experience in a numeracy context;
in-depth knowledge of the specialist area;
access to appropriate guidance and support; and
on-going participation in related programme quality assurance processes.
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3.11 Rules of combination
To be awarded a Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy, the learner must
achieve a total of 45 credits at Level 5 or above:
45 credits from Group A.
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Total credit value of qualification: 45 credits
120 GLH
Credit value at Level 5 or above
45 credits
Credit value of mandatory units
45 credits
Unit title
Group A
Forty five (45) credits must be achieved from this group
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765)
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
Numeracy teaching and learning
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
3.12 Units of assessment
The units of assessment are provided in this format for information. Awarding
organisations should always refer to the units in RITS when developing and regulating
qualifications. Microsoft Word versions are available as companion documents to this
Group A
Numeracy and the learners
Level 5
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
Numeracy teaching and learning
Level 5
Level 5
Number of units: 3
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Group A
Unit title
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand the factors
1.1 Analyse the impact of personal, social, economic and
that influence the
political factors on the development and progression
development and
of numeracy learners.
progression of
numeracy learners.
1.2 Explain the impact of learners’ literacy and language
skills on the development and progression of their
numeracy skills
1.3 Explain how differing communication approaches
can affect the learning of numeracy processes and
2. Understand the use of
approaches to meet
the needs of numeracy
2.1 Identify the skills, knowledge and understanding that
can be assessed in numeracy.
2.2 Analyse approaches to initial and diagnostic
assessment to identify the mathematics and
numeracy skills and aspirations of numeracy learners.
2.3 Analyse the use of assessment tools in numeracy
teaching and learning.
3. Understand the use of
3.1 Analyse numeracy teaching approaches and
numeracy teaching
numeracy resources, including technologies, for
approaches and
suitability in meeting individual learners’ needs.
resources to meet the
needs of individual
numeracy learners.
4. Understand how
3.2 Analyse the impact of using technology on learner
engagement, motivation and success in numeracy
teaching and learning.
4.1 Identify the numeracy skills and knowledge needed
numeracy can impact
by learners across contexts and subjects, and for
on different contexts
progression purposes.
and subjects.
4.2 Explain the importance of encouraging learners to
make links between their mathematical and
numeracy development and their other personal
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
5. Be able to promote
learning support and
learner support within
numeracy teaching and
5.1 Explain the boundaries between own specialist area
and those of other specialists and practitioners.
5.2 Analyse numeracy learning opportunities to
determine how teaching and support needs may be
shared between learning professionals.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765) (continued)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
6. Understand how to
6.1 Explain how to liaise with other professionals to
liaise with others to
provide specialist knowledge of how to include
promote the inclusion
numeracy in vocational and other subject areas.
of numeracy and wider
skills in learning
6.2 Explain how to liaise with other professionals to
promote the inclusion of wider skills in own specialist
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy and the learners (K/505/0765) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The unit aims to provide learners with an understanding of
the factors that affect the development of numeracy
learners. Learners will analyse approaches to initial and
diagnostic assessment and numeracy teaching. Learners
will also consider the use of technology within numeracy
teaching and learning. They will consider how numeracy
can impact on different contexts and subjects, how to
liaise with others to promote the inclusion of numeracy in
learning programmes and how to promote learning
support and learner support within numeracy teaching
and learning.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
In addition, see the document, Application of the
other professional
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
standards or curricula (if
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
requirements specified by a
sector or regulatory body
(if appropriate)
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
body (if required)
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Understand
fundamental attributes
of mathematics and
Review the historic and cultural development of
Analyse the language and concepts associated with
number systems.
Analyse common errors and misconceptions in
mathematics and possible reasons why they occur.
Analyse the techniques used in mathematics and
numeracy for conceptual linkages.
2. Understand the
attributes of
procedures within
mathematics and
Analyse the activities, processes and stages within
mathematical problems and investigations.
Evaluate written, mental and diagrammatic
mathematical strategies, analysing the associated
meta language
Analyse the use, interpretation and representation of
Evaluate the use of measurement systems within
problem solving including:
 definition;
 conversion; and
 representation.
3. Understand how
Analyse the effect of the origins and status of
learning theories and
mathematics knowledge on mathematics and
the origins and status
numeracy curriculum development.
of mathematics impact
on numeracy teaching.
4. Understand the links
Analyse how teaching and learning theories
underpin numeracy teaching and learning.
Analyse the role of mathematics and numeracy
within society.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
between the roles and
Evaluate perceptions of mathematics and numeracy
perceptions of
mathematics and
 popular views;
numeracy within
 learner attitudes; and
 trends in learner attainment.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy knowledge and understanding
(H/505/0764) (continued)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The unit aims to enable learners to improve their
numeracy knowledge, understanding and practice.
Learners will consider fundamental attributes of
mathematics and numeracy, the attributes of procedures
within mathematics and numeracy and how the origins
and status of mathematics impact on numeracy teaching.
Learners will also consider the links between popular
perceptions of mathematics and numeracy learning.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
In addition, see the document, Application of the
other professional
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
standards or curricula (if
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
Guidance for developing
assessment arrangements
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
requirements specified by
a sector or regulatory
body (if appropriate)
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other
appropriate body (if
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy teaching and learning (M/505/0766)
Credit level
Credit value
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
1. Be able to plan
1.1 Plan numeracy teaching and learning to meet the
needs of numeracy learners and curriculum
inclusive numeracy
teaching and learning.
requirements using:
 own specialist numeracy knowledge; and
 the results of numeracy initial and diagnostic
1.2 Select numeracy teaching approaches and resources
to meet the individual needs of numeracy learners
2. Be able to assess
2.1 Carry out initial and diagnostic assessment to
learners’ numeracy
identify learners’ existing mathematical and
numeracy skills, knowledge, understanding and
understanding and
2.2 Involve learners in the processes of assessment and
target setting.
2.3 Use numeracy assessment tools to measure the
development of learners’ numeracy skills.
2.4 Record numeracy assessment information in
accordance with organisation systems.
3. Be able to deliver
3.1 Maintain a supportive and challenging numeracy-
inclusive numeracy
learning environment that motivates learners and
teaching and learning.
meets their needs.
3.2 Use numeracy teaching approaches and resources to
develop the numeracy skills of individual learners.
4. Be able to use
strategies and
techniques within
numeracy learning.
4.1 Devise communication strategies to enable learners
to develop numeracy language and vocabulary.
4.2 Use communication strategies to enable learners to
develop numeracy language and vocabulary.
4.3 Use collaborative learning techniques to improve
numeracy learning and problem solving.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
4.4 Use communication strategies to develop the literacy
and language skills needed to by learners to develop
their numeracy and problem solving skills.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy teaching and learning (M/505/0766)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
The learner will
The learner can
5. Be able to evaluate
Reflect on own practice in numeracy teaching,
own practice in
drawing on:
numeracy teaching.
 own research in numeracy teaching and learning;
 learners’ assessment data;
 feedback from learners; and
 feedback from colleagues.
Identify ways to improve own practice in numeracy
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Unit title
Numeracy teaching and learning (M/505/0766)
Additional information about the unit
Purpose and aim(s) of the
The unit aims to enable learners to provide inclusive
numeracy teaching and learning. Learners will plan
numeracy teaching and learning to meet learners’ needs and
curriculum requirements, create and maintain a supportive
and challenging numeracy learning environment, use
communication strategies and techniques within numeracy
learning and assess learners’ numeracy development.
Learners will also evaluate their practice to improve their
numeracy teaching.
Unit available from
April 2013
Unit review date
31 May 2017
Details of the relationship
This unit is underpinned by the overarching professional
between the unit and
standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in lifelong
relevant national
occupational standards or
In addition, see the document, Application of the
other professional
standards or curricula (if
professional standards for teachers of Mathematics
(Numeracy) (LLUK, 2007).
Guidance for developing
The learning outcomes must be assessed in a teaching and
assessment arrangements
learning environment.
for the unit (if appropriate)
Additional assessment
Simulation is not permitted.
requirements specified by a There is a requirement to observe and assess practice in this
sector or regulatory body
unit. To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit, a
(if appropriate)
trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence of a
minimum of four assessed observations of practice in
numeracy teaching and learning contexts that meet the
required standard of practice and totalling a minimum of
four hours. Assessed observations should include at least
one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
Support for the unit by a
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
sector or other appropriate
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
body (if required)
Location of the unit within
13. Education and training
the subject/sector
13.1 Teaching and lecturing
classification system
Name of the organisation
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)
submitting the unit
Availability for use
Guided learning hours
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Annex 1
Overview of the Education and Training qualifications (2013)
Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF) – 12 credits
15 optional credits
Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF) – 36
3 mandatory credits
9 optional credits
Level 3
Level 3
15 optional credits
No minimum teaching practice requirement, but there is a
minimum microteaching requirement
21 mandatory credits
15 optional credits
Level 3 and 4
Level 3, 4 and 5
A minimum practice requirement of 30 hours teaching
3 assessed observations of teaching
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF) – 120 credits
75 mandatory credits
45 optional credits
Level 4 and 5
Level 4 and 5
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF) including a
specialist pathway – 120 credits2
75 mandatory credits
Level 4 and 5
A minimum practice requirement of 100 hours teaching
45 credits in one of:
English (Literacy)
English (ESOL)
English (Literacy and ESOL)
Mathematics (Numeracy)
Teaching Disabled Learners
Level 5
A minimum practice requirement of 100 hours teaching,
8 assessed observations of teaching
50 of which must be in the specialist area
The English (Literacy and ESOL) pathway, covering two specialist areas, is
of specialist
4 in theItspecialist
with observations
60 credits in the
has different practice
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Level 5 integrated specialist diplomas – 120 credits
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (English: Literacy)
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (English: ESOL)
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (English: Literacy and
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Disabled Learners)
105 mandatory credits
15 optional credits
Level 4 and 5
Level 4 and 5
A minimum practice requirement of 100 hours teaching
8 assessed observations of teaching, all in the specialist
This qualification, covering two specialist areas, is 135 credits. All of the credits are
mandatory. It has different practice requirements.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Level 5 standalone specialist diplomas – 45 credits
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English: Literacy
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English: ESOL
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English: Literacy and ESOL4
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Disabled Learners
45 credits
Level 5
A minimum practice requirement of 50 hours teaching,
all of which must be in the specialist area
4 assessed observations of teaching, all in the specialist
This qualification, covering two specialist areas, is 60 credits. It has different
practice requirements.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Annex 2
Summary of practice, including observed and assessed practice, requirements for
the mandatory units
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Observation and
assessment of
Notes on requirements
Mandatory units
Developing teaching,
The minimum number of hours of practice for this unit is not specified, however, it is
learning and
not possible to achieve this unit without completing some hours of practice. Practice
assessment in
must be in teaching and learning environments with a numeracy context, and should
education and
involve working with groups of learners. Practice must be undertaken within at least
training in education
two of the three levels of the numeracy curriculum – Entry Level and one other level.
and training
To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit, trainee teachers must have
Level 5
evidence of a minimum of four assessed observations of practice at the required
standard, totalling a minimum of four hours. All four of these observations must be
in teaching and learning environments and in a numeracy context. Assessed
observations should include at least one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
There is no transfer of practice hours or observed and assessed practice hours from a
previously achieved education and training qualification.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Observation and
assessment of
Notes on requirements
Teaching, learning
The minimum number of hours of practice for this unit is not specified, however, it is
and assessment in
not possible to achieve this unit without completing some hours of practice. Practice
education and
must be in teaching and learning environments with a numeracy context, and should
involve working with groups of learners. Practice must be undertaken within at least
two of the three levels of the numeracy curriculum – Entry Level and one other level.
To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit, trainee teachers must have
Level 4
evidence of a minimum of four assessed observations of practice at the required
standard, totalling a minimum of four hours. All four of these observations must be
in teaching and learning environments and in a numeracy context. Assessed
observations should include at least one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
There is no transfer of practice hours or observed and assessed practice hours from a
previously achieved Level 4 education and training qualification.
Theories, principles
and models in
education and
Level 5
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Observation and
assessment of
Notes on requirements
Wider professional
practice and
development in
education and
Level 5
Numeracy knowledge
and understanding
Level 5
Numeracy and the
Level 5
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Observation and
assessment of
Notes on requirements
Mandatory units
Numeracy and the
There is a requirement for a minimum of 50 hours of practice for this unit. Practice
Level 5
knowledge and
Level 5
Numeracy teaching
and learning
must be in teaching and learning environments with a numeracy context, and should
Level 5
involve working with groups of learners. Practice must be undertaken within at least
two of the three levels of the numeracy curriculum – Entry Level 1 and one other
To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit, trainee teachers must have
evidence of a minimum of four assessed observations of practice at the required
standard, totalling a minimum of four hours. All of these observations must be in
teaching and learning environments and in a numeracy context. Assessed
observations should include at least one numeracy observation at Entry Level.
There is no transfer of practice hours or observed and assessed practice hours from a
previously achieved education and training qualification.
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
Annex 3
Links between the specialist standalone
qualifications and Level 5 Diplomas in Education
and Training including those with a specialist
This Annex explains the links between the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training, the
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training including a specialist pathway and the following
standalone specialist qualifications:
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Disabled Learners
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English: Literacy
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English: ESOL
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English: Literacy and ESOL
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy.
Potential trainee teachers should understand that, since 2007, they have been able to
undertake one of the above standalone specialist qualifications before a generic teaching
qualification, alongside it (concurrently) or afterwards.
Units from the above standalone specialist qualifications are available as specialist
pathways within the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training including a specialist
The knowledge units from the above standalone specialist qualifications are also available
as optional units with the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training.
Trainee teachers achieving one or both units from a standalone qualification that are
included as optional units within a Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training relating to a
particular area of specialism, can go on to take the additional unit(s) to complete one of
the standalone qualifications identified above.
Credit transfer from the Level 5 standalone specialist qualifications
Individuals who have already achieved a standalone specialist qualification can use the
units to meet the optional credit requirements for the relevant specialist pathway in the
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training including a specialist pathway. For example, a
trainee teacher who has already achieved the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Disabled
Learners would be given exemption from the units in the specialist pathway for teaching
disabled learners.
Transfer of practice from the Level 5 standalone specialist qualifications
Individuals who have completed one of the standalone specialist qualifications may
transfer a maximum of 50 hours of practice from one of these qualifications towards the
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
overall minimum practice requirement of 100 hours for the Level 5 Diploma in Education
and Training including a specialist pathway (120 hours for the combined specialist
Transfer of observed and assessed practice from the Level 5 standalone
specialist qualifications
Individuals who have completed one of the standalone specialist qualifications may
transfer a maximum of two observed assessments of practice towards the overall minimum
of eight observed assessments of practice required for the Level 5 Diploma in Education
and Training including a specialist pathway (ten observed assessments for the combined
specialist pathway).
Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (Mathematics: Numeracy)
Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Mathematics: Numeracy
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© Learning and Skills Improvement Service 2013
Registered Office:
Friars House, Manor House Drive
Coventry CV1 2TE
Company number 06454450
May 2013
Registered charity number 1123636