1 Site Description 1.1 2. 2.1 3. 3.1 4. 4.1 5. 5.1 6. 6.1 7. 7.1 8. 8.1 9 The application property is the Skipton and Craven Action for Disability Shop, a charity shop located on the ground floor of 46-48 Newmarket Street. It forms one of a row of 1960s shops, constructed of natural stone at ground level and red brick on the upper storey. There is ramped, disabled access from both sides. The surrounding shops have modern sheet glass facades of a similar style. The premises are located to the east of Skipton town centre, within the Conservation Area. The architectural style of the row of shops detracts from, rather than enhances the appearance of the Conservation Area. Proposal The proposal is for a replacement anodised aluminium shop door to match the existing shop front. The door would be repositioned 0.9m forward from its current recessed position, so that it would be flush with the shop window. The proposed door would measure 0.97 x 2.8m. Planning History 5/63/2064 - Change of use of first floor residential flat to office for charity shop, conditional approval, 10/10/05. Planning Policy Background Policy BE11 - Development in Conservation Areas, Policy R11 - Shop-fronts and Advertisements in Conservation Areas and on Listed Buildings and Policy R12 - Shopfronts, of the Craven District Local Plan. Parish/Town Council Comments Skipton Town Council – No comment, 19/12/05. Consultations None necessary. Representations Craven Civic Society – No comment, 20/12/05. Summary of Principal Planning Issues The effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the street scene due to its location within a Conservation Area. Analysis 9.1 Policy BE11 only permits development within a Conservation Area that does not cause harm to the character or appearance of the area. 9.2 Policy R11 provides guidance on alterations to shop-fronts in Conservation Areas. It states that the materials and design must be in keeping with the host building and surrounding area. 9.3 Policy R12 provides guidance on proposals for new shop fronts and alterations to existing shop frontages. It states that alterations to shop fronts must complement the character of the host building and use materials appropriate to the nature of the building and/or shop front. 9.4 With regard to policy BE11, the proposed materials should not cause harm to the character or appearance of the area. The aluminium door would be in keeping with the existing shop front, which is constructed of an aluminium frame. Given the 1960s architectural style of the row of shops, the proposal would not harm the appearance of this specific area, given the architectural style of the row of shops. 9.5 In respect of Policy R11, on this occasion, an aluminium door would be more in keeping with the existing aluminium framed shop front than a timber door, which would usually be preferable in a Conservation Area. This is due to the specific location. Whilst the District Council would normally expect to retain a recessed shop doorway in a traditional shopfront, it is not considered essential on this modern shopfront in this location. 9.6 With regard to Policy R12, the proposed alterations would not detract from the character of the host building. The proposed materials - anodised aluminium and sheet glass - are appropriate to the existing shop front and surrounding shops. 10 10.1 11 11.1 Recommendation Approval. Summary of conditions Standard 3 year time limit - standard time reason.