Gotta Go Pawn Shop Marketing Plan By: Garik Theriault { • • • • Company Overview Financial Information SWOT Analysis Marketing Plan Company Overview Located on 78 East Main Street, Van Buren, Maine. Open for 1 year. Family Owned and Operated. Sells a wide variety of items. Purchases new and used items that are brought into the store. Takes items in on pawns, which are collateral loans. Profit Sources The business makes about 10% on each gun sale and has a $20-$50 charge if someone would like to ship to the shop and use the Federal Firearm License. Every pawn has an interest rate of 25%, the person who pawns has one month to either pay the price of the loan and interest to get the item back, pay just the interest charge and extend, or forfeit their item. Other items range from instruments, tools, movies, video game consoles and many other things. The percentage gain on each item varies. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses • Since it is run by family, there are no salaries to take into account. • There are few competitors in the market. • Owner runs other successful businesses and has experience in running different businesses. • Fewer workers means open for shorter hours. • Relatively small shop means smaller inventory. • Relatively high start up costs with the purchase of inventory and different licenses. Opportunities Threats • Few competitors. • High profit margins for pawns and sales. • Has the potential to expand into a larger business. • Could open up other shops in another area. • Bigger stores in Presque Isle. • Someone could open up another shop in the same area. • Most pawn shops are either successful or not based on the economy and time of year. Marketing Plan Goals Get the brand awareness up so people know what and where the shop is. Get people to know what services are offered Raise the amount of yearly pawns and sales. How to Accomplish This Newspaper ads Website Social Networking Offer promotions and discounts to get people in the store.