Index - Psycholosphere

adolescence, 69B80
Ambach v. Norwick, 7, 11
Archibald, G., 126
Aristotle, 4, 15, 20, 24, 29, 30
Aronson, E., 134
artists-for-character day, 111, 113B15
ASCD (Assoc. for Supervision and
Curriculum Dev.), 6
Erikson and Havighurst, 35
general, 17
Heslep, 19, 20
Piaget, 30
Starratt, 25
Youniss, 34
Baker, M. O., 126B27
Baldwin, A., 149
Barnette (W. VA State Board of Ed. v.
Barnette), 9, 12
Battistich, V., 21, 179, 183, 194B95
Baumrind, D., 88, 149
Beaulieu, C., 131
Beland, K., 136
Bennett, W., 18, 27
Benninga, J. S., 22, 181, 194B95
Benson, P., 199
Berkowitz, M., 23
Berman, S., 117, 131B33, 146B47
Bernardo, R., 85, 88, 99, 122, 160, 171
Bitenski, S., 7
Bloom, B. S., 138
Boston, J., 10
Boyer, E., 29
Branch, R., 120
Brennan, W. J. Jr. (Justice), 7
Brown, L. V., 114B15
Bryk, A., 84
Bulach, C., 173
Burnyeat, M. F., 30
Carmody, D., 26
Center for Learning, 109
Center for the 4th & 5th Rs, 49, 172
ceremonies, 144
Character Counts Coalition (CCC), 6
Character education
description, 1
definition, 1
eclectic approach, 4, 17B18, 20
federal grants, 6, 166, 198
history, 4B5
legislative & judicial support, 6,
7B10, 28
organizations, 6B7, 27B29
progressive approach, 4, 15, 17B19,
public support, 5B6
state efforts, 6, 11
Charney, R. S., 96B97, 100
Charters, W. W., 16
Chazan, B., 17
Child Development Project (CDP)
methods, 84B85
research, 157, 172, 195
theory, 20, 22
as primary virtue, 43B44, 55, 61, 67,
73, 79
awards for, 103
Berman's model, 131, 146
curricular focus pre-K & K, 55, 57
curricular focus early elementary,
61, 63
curricular focus late elementary, 67,
curricular focus middle school, 73,
curricular focus high school, 4, 79,
public opinion about, 5
related elaborative virtues, 45B47,
55, 61, 67, 73, 79
teen courts, 148
within various lists of virtues, 27B29
class meetings, 141B42
classroom management,
Charney, 96B97
developmental discipline (CDP), 97
Strategies and Techniques, 94B97
Vessels, 94B96
classroom news form, 213B14
Cline, H., 184
Clinton, W., 6, 12
Colby, A., 30
Committee for Children, 136
common ground, 9
communitarianism, 17, 19, 22
community/caring school community
Boyer's Basic School, 29
classroom community, 95B97
creating, 83
enhancement via class meetings,
traditional approach, 4, 15B22, 24, 27
United Nations, 7, 117
Character Education Partnership, 6, 172
enhancement via cooperative
learning, 135
enhancement via extra-curricular,
enhancement via leadership, 86B87
enhancement via restructuring, 90
evaluation of, 171, 180,
family inclusion, 88B90, 107, 116,
142B43, 149
Hyde School view, 29
involvement in program planning,
service learning, 55, 66, 74, 80
assessment of, 187B90, 198
authoritarian type, 35, 48, 58, 61,
67, 73
definition of, 3, 10
Erikson, E., 35B36
First Amendment, 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11
Green's voices of, 16, 18, 20, 25
Havighurst, R. J., 23, 35
Hay, D. F., 36
Hyde School, 29
instructional target, 49, 58, 61, 62,
63, 67, 68, 73
Kohlberg, L., 18, 23
Piaget, J., 23, 31, 35
rational type, 35, 73
critical, 99
peer mediation, 137
self-improvement, 99
Constitution, teaching principles of, 131
cooperative learning,
core curriculum, 49, 59, 62, 66, 72,
74, 78
general description, 132B35
research, 195
Core Essentials, 28, 89B90, 124,
creativity/creative arts, 5, 55B57, 80,
critical thinking, 20, 28, 42, 68, 73, 79,
instructional objectives, 56, 62, 67,
74, 79
Damon, W., 17, 21, 32, 88, 92, 149
Deer, J., 171
developmental characteristics
Developmental Studies Center, 106B7,
109, 120, 142, 157, 172, 195
developmental theories
affective, 32B33
chart (Appendix B), 207B9
cognitive, 17, 30B31
fairness, 32B33
friendship, 34
historical antecedent, 29B30
pivotal crises, 35B36
related research, 36
Dewey, J., 9, 14B16, 18, 19, 22, 32
didactics, 48B49, 56, 62, 67, 79, 107
Dinwiddie, S., 137
as primary learning mode, 48
authoritative, 149
CDP developmental, 97
Charney, 97
core curriculum, 48, 55, 62, 67, 77
discipline problem defined, 96
Havighurst, 23, 35
positive feedback, 100
strategies and techniques, 94B98
student disciplinary panels, 140
displays, 115
Ditwiler, F., 9, 10, 12
Dodge, K., 194
Durell, A., 117
Durkheim, E., 15, 17
Durlak, J., 194
Duvall, L., 110
Eastland, T., 5, 12
Eastman, M., 24, 26, 30
Egan, K., 110B11
Elam, S., 5, 12
Elias, M., 183
Eliot, C.W., 15
Elkind, D., 50
Ellis, E., 133
pre-K & K, 50B52
early elementary, 57B58
late elementary, 63B64
middle school, 69B70
high school, 75B76
Charney, 97
children's literature, 108
core curriculum, 55, 56, 61, 73, 80
evaluation of, 183, 187, 190B91
global, 34
Hay, D. F., 36
Heslep, R. D., 22
Kagan, J., 34
peace education, 117
Second Step, 136
service learning, 146
Starratt, R. J., 25
Erikson, E. H., 35B36
ethics/ethical reflection
across-the-curriculum, 79, 126
Aristotle's fear, shame, wisdom, 30
character education component, 19
courses in high school, 125
definition, 1B2
deontological ethics, 15, 19
ethical reflection, 19, 25, 31, 49
Heartwood ethics curriculum, 109
Kohlberg's ethic of justice, L., 23
Sommers' basic ethics, 17, 18
Starratt's ethical school, 25
virtue ethics, 15, 19
Etzioni, A., 17
evaluation techniques
contrived tasks, 178
direct measures, 168
indirect measures, 182
introspective questionnaires, 185
portfolios, 180
presented statements, 184
research design, 192
school climate and classroom
climate surveys, 171
teacher anecdotes and diaries, 180
family, 107
federal grant recipients, 6
Field, C. W., 108
Fink, K., 127, 128, 139, 158, 173
First Amendment
Establishment Clause, 8, 9, 132
Free Exercise Clause, 8, 9, 132
Free Speech Clause, 7, 132
implied virtues in, 10
tests used to interpret, 7B10
U.S. Supreme Court cases, 7B10
Fisher, T., 198
Bennett, W., 18, 27
core curriculum focus, 44, 55, 61,
67, 73, 79
definition, 44
developmental theory, 34
Heslep, R. D., 22
primary virtue, 43, 44, 56, 60, 67,
71, 74, 79
Socrates, 24
Gallup Polls, 9
Garrett, P., 195
Gauld, J., 29
Georgia H. B. 393, 8
Gillard, M., 113
Gilligan, C., 18
Ginsberg, R., 87
Giraffe Project, 105
Goldstein, A., 118
Golightly, T., 16
Goodlad, J., 163
Green, T., 16, 18, 20, 25, 100
Greenawalt, C., 6
Greenburg, M., 194
Gresham, F., 118
Grove v. Mead Sch. District, 9
habit formation,
core curriculum, 42, 55, 56
general, 3, 4
strategies, 124
theory, 19B22, 25, 30
Harris, V., 120
Hartshorne, H., 16, 23, 167, 194
Havighurst, R. J., 23, 35
Hay, D. F., 18, 36
Haynes, C., 5, 10, 12, 128B29
Heartwood Institute, 27, 109, 195
Heslep, R. D., 9, 19, 22
Hillis, M., 120
Hodgin, D. E., 123
Fletcher, R., 117
Foster, L., 143
Fourier, 15
Fowler, J., 20
Fraser (Bethel School District. v.
Frasier), 7
Hoffman, M., 17B18
Hogan, R., 87, 183
Huffman, H., 9, 158B59
Hutchins, W. J., 123
Iheoma, E. O., 20, 26
core curriculum, 62, 72, 79
strategies for, 9, 85B86, 125B28
integrity, 36, 43B46
intercultural exchange, 143
interpersonal problem solving, 136B38
Iowa (State of), 6, 198
Jasmine, J., 121
Johns, J., 166, 173
Johnson, D., 133B34, 137
Josephson Institute for Ethics, 27
Aristotle, 24
commutative, 24
corrective, 24
Damon, W., 32B33
distributive, 24
equalitarianism, 31
equity, 31
general, 24
Heslep, R. D., 22
Kohlberg, L., 31B32
particular, 24
Piaget, J., 31
positive, 32
retributive, 31
Kagan, J., 17B18, 21, 33B34
Kant, E., 4, 15, 31
Kendall, J. C., 147
Kilpatrick, W., 109
Kincher, J., 110
buddies, 105B6
CEP eleven principles, 165
DSC model, 85, 91, 97, 109
Fowler, J., 20
learning modes, 49
research, 173, 197
schools, 85
self-esteem, 93
service learning, 146
teaching ethic of, 86
service learning, 147B48
study of in peace education, 117
style and climate, 86B87
learning modes
CDP's five, 49
Lickona's nine, 49
primary modes for each of Vessels'
five developmental levels, 55,
62, 67, 74, 79
related instructional strategies for six
of Vessels' seven modes, 83, 94,
103, 107, 130, 146
Ryan's five, 49
Vessels' recommended use of seven
at each of five developmental
levels, 52, 58, 65, 70, 76
Vessels' seven, 48B49
Weed=s five, 49
Lechner-Knowles, J. 125
Leming, J., 5, 16, 166, 169, 182, 185,
Lemon v. Kurtzman, 8
Leonard-Lamme, L., 108
Levin, D., 117
Lewis, B. A., 110
Lickona, T.,
class meetings, 141
cooperative learning, 133
modeling/mentoring, 104
moral community, 83
philosophy, 9, 20
research, 172
work ethic, 100
Lisman, C.D., 19, 126
literature, 20, 107B10
Lively, P. (Sixth Circuit), 9
Louis, A., 114
MacDonald, M. R., 113
Kirschenbaum, H., 22
Kohlberg, L., 23, 30B31, 183B84, 194
Kohn, A., 4
Kuhlmeier (Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier),
7, 11
class captains, 142
evaluation in schools, 171, 174B75
Mann, H., 8
McClellan, B. E., 5, 17
McCollum v. B.O.E., 9, 11
McGinnis, E., 118
McMillan, D., 84
McQuaide, J., 10, 12
as strategy, 103B4, 130, 145
component of instruction, 103B4,
118, 127
core curriculum, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77
SMILE, 195
social skills training, 118
traditional character education, 15,
19, 21
Molnar, A., 7, 12
agency, 19, 22
Children's Morality Code, 27
complete moral person, 23
courage/initiative, 55, 63, 67, 105,
108, 147
moral character defined, 1B2
operationally defined, 44
philosophers/ethicists' definitions,
psychological processes, 42, 55, 61,
67, 73, 79
social scientists' definitions, 23
motivation/effort, 16, 17, 20
Mozert v. Hawkins B.O.E., 9, 11
multicultural, 119B21
National Association for the Education
of Young Children (NAEYC), 6
National Association of School
Psychologists (NASP), 7
National Association of Secondary
School Principals (NASSP), 6
National Education Association (NEA),
National School Boards Association
(NSBA), 6
National Society for the Study of
Education (NSSE), 6
National Storytelling Association
(NSA), 113
National Youth Leadership Council
(NYLC), 147
Nelson, C., 86B87, 163
Nielson, L., 6, 10, 13
Packer, A. J., 110
Packham, M., 139
Paget, K., 198
Paley, V. G., 113
supportive of child, 87B90
support of parent to be, 149
teaching K-12, 124B25
Parnes, S., 164B65
Peace Education Resource Center, 117
perspective taking
class meetings, 141
conflict resolution, 135
core curriculum, 42, 75
defined as moral-psych. process, 42
Selman, L. 34
Peters, R. S., 20
Pfefferkorn, M., 126
Piaget, J., 15, 23, 30B31, 35
Pico (B.O.E. v. Pico), 7, 11
Piediscalzi, N., 5, 13
Pietig, J., 17
Plato, 4, 15, 20, 24, 29, 30
P. L. 103-141 (Religious Freedom
Restoration Act), 10, 11
P. L. 103-301 (Nat. Character Counts
Week), 6, 11, 204B5
P. L. 103-382 (Improving America's
Schools Act), 6, 11
program planning, 157B66
Bulach, 173
Delphi, 163B65
Developmental Studies Center,
171B72, 184, 186
Norfolk, S., 111, 113B14
Nucci, L. P., 22
core curriculum, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77
research/evaluation, 168B70, 179,
O'Connor, S. D., 8
Ogbu, J., 195
Ozturk, M., 120
Vessels, 187B90
Rallis, S., 87
Ravitch, D., 18
reciprocity, 31, 33B34, 26, 27, 36
citizenship awards, 103
grading system, 98
positive interaction, 100
expression in public schools,
perspectives on morality/virtue, 25
P. L. 103-141, 10
teaching about in schools, 128B30
research design, 192B98
Rest, J., 184
restructuring, 90
Riley, R., 6
Roosevelt, T., 4B5
Rubright, L., 113
rule making, 130
Ryan, K., 49
Saenger, E. B., 126
Schine, J., 147
Schmidt, F., 137
Allen Classical-Traditional
Academy, 84B85, 88, 122
Atlanta grant project schools, 84, 94,
101, 111, 161
Blalock Elementary, 116, 145
Boyer's Basic School, 29
Brookside Elementary, 89
Campbell Elementary, 116, 142
Cumberland County Schools, 159
Fain Elementary, 143
Ft. Washington, 29
Gauld's Hyde School, 29
Hazelwood Elementary, 85, 98, 106,
115, 135
Hope Elementary, 116
Mt. Lebanon School System, 158
Starratt's Ethical School, 25
Syracuse Junior High School, 139
West Point Elementary, 28, 85, 88,
104, 115, 122, 160
Sears, R., 149
Seeman, H., 84
self-esteem, 28, 91B93
self-improvement projects, 99
Shure, M., 118
Simon, Y. R., 24, 30
Slavin, R., 133B35
Smith, C. A., 112
Smith, G., Good Choice Music, 114
Smith v. Board of Commissioners, 9, 11
Smylie, M., 87
social skills, 117B19
sociodrama, 139B40
Socrates, 15, 24
Solomon, D., 195
Sommers, C., 17B18
South Carolina, 166, 198B99
Sparks, R. K., 29
Spence v. Bailey, 9, 11
Starratt, R. J., 25
Stirling, D., 158
Stone, C., 179
storytelling, 110B11
surveys, 165, 171B76
Tauber, M., 179
Taylor, G. R., 119
teacher evaluations, 85
core curriculum, 55, 56, 61, 67, 72,
73, 75, 79, 80
definition, 44
theory, 27B28
Teen courts, 148
Tharp, R., 195
Tracz, S., 194
Turiel, E., 17
Selman, L., 34
Sergiovanni, T., 83B84
service learning
character development, 126, 147B48
core curriculum, 55, 62, 66B68, 74,
cross-grade buddies, 145B46
Lisman, C. D., 19
school service, 146
teen courts, 147B48
Utah's School-to-Careers, 128
Sharan, Y., 133B34
Sherbert v. Verner, 9, 11
U.S. Department of Education, 6
United Nations, 7, 117
Utah (State of),
evaluation, 157B58, 162, 173, 176,
195, 198
model for nation, 6, 11
strategies, 109, 127B28, 139
values clarification, 17, 18, 20
Vessels, G.,
articles, 101, 132
Atlanta research, 196B97
climate surveys, 176
classroom, 237B40
school, 174, 231B36
core curriculum, 41B81
learning modes identified, 47B48
observation form, 170, 227B30
student questionnaires, 187
early elementary, 241B46
late elementary, 247B52
middle-high, 253B58
assessment of, 181B82
cardinal, 56, 68
civic, 8, 22, 27
definition (virtue), 3, 4, 6, 24B29
definitions of Vessels' seven primary
virtues and eighty-four
elaborative virtues, 44B48
displays, 115B16
Giraffe Project, 104B5
golden rule, 26
Heartwood Institute, 109
Heslep, R. D., 22
intellectual, 24
instructional focus, 55, 61, 67, 73,
Leonard-Lamme, 108
lists of, 8, 10, 27, 101, 121B23
of the week or month, 28, 121B23
peace education, 117
religious focus, 25B27
six pillars, 27
targeted at pre-K & K, 55
targeted at grades 1B2, 61
targeted at grades 3B5, 67
targeted at grades 6B8, 73
targeted at grades 9B12, 79
Vessels' "elaborative" virtues, 43,
Vessels' "primary" virtues, 43B48
Watson, M., 135, 195
Weed, S., 195
Wei, T. T., 26
Williamson, D, 148
Wood, C., 50
Word of the week, 121B23, 221B22
Wynne, E. A., 4
Yoder (Wisconsin v. Yoder), 9, 11
Youniss, J., 34
Zenger, W., 163