Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA Advanced Design and evaluation of a TIPP protocol for a New Inter-Domain Routing Architecture (NIRA) By GOPIRAJAN.P.V, LECTURER, SAVEETHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE ABSTRACT In today’s Internet, users can choose 2. Related Work their local Internet Service providers (ISPs), but once Related work falls into three categories: Scalable their packets have entered the network, they have little routing schemes, routing architecture proposals, control over the overall routes their packets take. and current route selection technologies. Giving a user the ability to choose between provider- a) Scalable Routing: level routes has the potential of fostering ISP Scalable routing schemes aim to reduce the amount of competition to offer enhanced service and improving routing state a router keeps. The well-known schemes end-to-end performance and reliability. This paper include the cluster-based hierarchical routing, the presents the design and evaluation of a new Internet landmark hierarchical routing system, geographical routing architecture (NIRA) that gives a user the ability routing, and hybrid routing. However, the goals of to choose the sequence of providers his packets take. these routing systems are fundamentally different from 1. Introduction us. We aim to provide a feasible and scalable approach NIRA addresses a broad range of issues, including to support user-controlled routes, while they aim to practical route reduce the size of routing tables, or the number of discovery, efficient route representation, fast route fail- routing updates, and do not necessarily support user- over, and security. NIRA supports user choice without selected running a global link-state routing protocol. It breaks addressing has long been proposed to scale the an end-to-end route into a sender part and a receiver Internet routing. Our design builds on the idea of part and uses address assignment to represent each hierarchical addressing, but we developed a complete part. A user can specify a route with only a source and routing system that supports user route choice. a destination address, and switch routes by switching b) addresses. We evaluate NIRA using a combination of Nimrod network measurement, simulation, and analysis. Our mechanism for a source to discover network topology evaluation shows that NIRA supports user choice with and to use virtual circuit to set up routes. However, low overhead. Nimrod does not address how to fit its design into a provider compensation, scalable routes. hierarchical Routing Architecture Proposals: proposes Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 1 Provider-rooted to use a map-distribution Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA policy-rich inter-domain routing environment. In of NIRA is essentially different. NIRA aims to allow contrast, our design is optimized to fit into the Internet users to choose provider-level routes, and includes a routing environment, and preserves the packet- protocol TIPP that distributes routes and topology switched feature of the Internet. The Inter-domain information to users for them to choose routes. We Policy Routing (IDPR) protocol proposes to use a note that NIRA and the IPv6 site multi-homing domain-level link state routing protocol to distribute proposal share some similarity. The IPv6 proposal the domain-level topology to route servers of each also gives multiple addresses to a multi-homed site. A domain. A source sends a route request to a route key difference between NIRA and the IPv6 proposal server to obtain a domain-level route. The Scalable is that NIRA considers the address selection problem Inter-Domain Routing Architecture proposes to use a as a path selection problem. It provides necessary BGP router’s routing information base and to flood a topology information for users to select a path. The route request from a destination to a source to assist a protocol TIPP propagates topology information user to discover multiple routes from the destination to associated with addresses to users. This allows a user the source. NIRA is designed to handle IP layer to map an address to a provider-level route, and to routing and addressing issues. The design goal is choose an initial source address that is failure-free. fundamentally different. This includes a Wide-Area Moreover, NIRA uses both the source and the Relaying Protocol (WRAP) that provides extended destination address to forward a packet. This allows a addressing and improved loose-source routing. NIRA user to control the domain-level route, including both follows the good lead of WRAP to use the path-based the part of the route in the sender’s access network, addressing scheme. Feedback Based Routing proposes and the part of the route in the destination’s access to use a domain-level link-state routing protocol for network. In contrast, the IPv6 proposal does not edge routers to learn domain-level topology. An edge change the routing paradigm of the Internet. Routes router selects a route to reach a destination, monitors are chosen by routers, and forwarding is destination- the route condition, and switches to a different routes based. As a result, the source address of a packet if the route fails. In contrast, our work does not require influences the return path a packet takes, but do not global link-state routing. We can leverage the route determine the outgoing path the packet follows. An monitoring algorithm described in this proposal for end host finds a working path by exploring address rapid route fail-over. The HLP proposal intends to pairs without knowing the providers the addresses improve the scalability of BGP. HLP uses a mixture of map to. Further, NIRA allows a user to choose a link-state routing protocol and a path vector routing beyond the first hop provider. protocol to provide fast routing convergence. The goal c) Current Route Control Technologies: Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 2 Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA Both commercial route control products and overlay necessarily support user-selected routes. Provider- networks offer route selection service to some extent. rooted hierarchical addressing has long been pro- Route control products are limited to selecting the next posed to scale the Internet routing. hop provider for outbound traffic, and cannot choose ii) Routing mechanisms beyond the first hop provider. Moreover, they are Inter-domain Policy Routing (IDPR) A domain- generally not affordable by individual users or small level link state routing protocol to distribute the sites. An overlay network has a limited scope. Only domain-level topology to route servers of each nodes on an overlay network can control their paths by domain. A source sends a route request to a route tunneling traffic through other nodes on the overlay server to obtain a domain-level route. network. Our work aims at providing a long term solution to support user route selection. We introduce IPV6 changes at the network layer, and once deployed, all The IPv6 proposal does not change the routing Internet users are able to benefit from our design. paradigm of the Internet. Routes are chosen by Today, users can pick their own ISPs, but once their routers, and forwarding is destination-based. As a packets have entered the network, the users have no result, the source addresses of a packet influences the control over the overall routes their packets take. ISPs return path a packet takes, but does not determine the make outgoing path the packet follows. business decisions to interconnect, and technically the BGP routing protocol is used to select 5. Proposed system the specific route a packet follows. Here we compare all the already available methods, protocols and also Here we differentiate our NIRA with the available various algorithms for this NIRA. methods and mechanisms. 4. Existing system Over other Routing methods When comparing to other routing methods, we aim to provide a feasible i) Routing methods and scalable approach to support user-controlled The well-known schemes include the cluster-based routes, while they aim to reduce the size of routing hierarchical routing, the landmark hierarchical tables, or the number of routing updates, and do not routing system, geographical routing, and hybrid necessarily support user-selected routes. Provider- routing. In this type of routings it is not feasible and rooted hierarchical addressing has long been pro- scalable approach to support user-controlled routes, posed to scale the Internet routing. Our design builds while they aim to reduce the size of routing tables, or on the idea of hierarchical addressing, but we the number of routing updates, and do not Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 3 Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA developed a complete routing system that supports We motivate the key components of NIRA. The user route choice. overall goal of NIRA is to support user choice. To achieve this goal, the design of NIRA must satisfy Inter-domain Policy Routing (IDPR) several implied requirements. First, to be practical, Our work does not need a global link state routing we require that NIRA must recognize the need for protocol for a user to discover routes, and does not payment and allow practical payment schemes. In a require the presence of a per-domain route server. commercialized Internet that involves multiple IPV6 parties, an architecture design must respect users’ NIRA considers the address selection problem as a economic interests as well as those of ISPs. A path selection problem. It provides necessary topology technical design will not be feasible if there is no information for users to select a path. The protocol practical mechanism for users to pay ISPs for their TIPP propagates topology information associated with service. So in our design, we do not require new addresses to users. This allows a user to map an payment schemes such as micro-payments. Second, address to a provider-level route, and to choose an we require that our design be highly efficient and initial source address that is failure-free. Moreover, scale well. A future Internet must support a wide NIRA uses both the source and the destination address range of devices, ranging from resource-constrained to forward a packet. This allows a user to control the sensor nodes to super computers, and a wide range of domain-level route, including both the part of the route communication technologies, ranging from low in the sender’s access network, and the part of the bandwidth wireless connections to fiber optics. An route in the destination’s access network. efficient and scalable design would accommodate this variety and allow resource-constrained end systems to Over other Route control technologies take advantage of the design without additional Our work aims at providing a long term solution to infrastructure support. support user route selection. We introduce changes i) Design of TIPP protocol with route discovery. at the network layer, and once deployed, all Internet TOPOLOGY INFORMATION users are able to benefit from our design. NIRA PROPAGATION PROTOCOL (TIPP) provides protocols to inform a user of the available TIPP is an inter-domain protocol that runs between routes so that provider selections can be done by border routers of domains. It operates outside the software at a fine granularity, such as at the Core of the Internet, and has three functionalities: granularity of per connection or per application. 1) TIPP automatically propagates the mapping 6. System Design Specification between addresses Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 4 Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA 2) TIPP propagates up-graphs to users; domain-level peering link the domain has with a 3) TIPP helps routers to establish inter-domain peer. Therefore, those providers or peers may not use the peering connection. The main idea of Tipp’s forwarding entries. We design TIPP to use separate protocol messages topology update algorithm is that a node updates its to propagate address information and topology topology database using messages heard from its information. This design choice minimizes the neighbors, coupling between the two functionalities. The part of messages from different neighbors by “believing” TIPP is the neighbor that is on the shortest failure-free path straightforward: if a domain receives an address prefix to the link that triggers the update messages. allocation (or withdrawal) message from a provider, it Messages sent along the same failure-free path are sends a message to allocate (or withdraw) a in-order and reliable, because messages sent subdivision of the prefix to a customer. Each domain between adjacent nodes are in-order and reliable. also appends its own domain identifier in the message Therefore, the sequences of messages coming from to provide the mapping between an address and a route the neighbor on the shortest failure-free path reflect segment. This part is similar to a path-vector protocol. the sequential status change of that link. A failure- The part of TIPP that distributes topology free shortest path can be recursively computed, information is a policy-controlled link-state protocol. because a node knows whether its adjacent link to a A domain can control what to distribute to a neighbor is failure-free, and the neighbors in turn neighbor at the granularity of a link. A domain has know which of their adjacent links are failure-free. two types of control: scope enforcement and Recursively, the node can determine a failure-free information hiding. Scope enforcement ensures the path to a link at any distance. that propagates address information scalability of TIPP. A domain can choose not to and resolves inconsistent update a). Initialize nira_ agent. Initialize and configure propagate anything heard from a customer to its out TIBs. neighbors so that a link-state message will only be b). Start the listening socket; sent downward a provider hierarchy. Information c). Start all configured peers. hiding supports policy routing. A domain may only d). Start aging timer. Aging for peer's in address send a link-state message received from one databases. After we synchronized our address neighbor to another neighbor if it provides transit Databases with our peer, we then need to let our service between the two neighbors. With this policy, peer know what address prefixes we'll announce to the domain’s providers or other peers will not it, and the set of reachable address prefixes if it receive the link-state messages regarding to a private sends us a packet. The peer needs the first piece of Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 5 Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA information to build its forwarding table, and the NRRS (Name-To-Route-Resolution Service) to second piece for path selection. We store this query for the route. If there is a cache hit, we fill in information in the edgeRec_ structure of the peer. the Nira header in the raw packet with the route in The peer will propagate it to its neighbors depending the route cache. Next, we need to find the interface on its propagation policy. We also need to send the to reach the next Hop in the route structure. corresponding OutGrpah in outTIBs_ to the peer. Pick a pair of source and destination addresses Tipp's propagation policy: There are two types of to compose routes, and remember our picks. If policy: unwanted_.size () == 0, pick a source and a global and up Tree: Global policy means a Tipp topology message will be propagated globally. destination address that shares the longest prefix; if Up tree policy means a Tipp topology message will unwanted_.size () == 1, pick a source and a be propagated within its provider tree. A node's non- destination address that are maximally different from hierarchical address is constructed from its region id the ones in the unwanted_route; if unwanted_.size () and its own id. The first two bytes of a non- > 1, pick a random source and a random destination hierarchical address is the region id of a node. The address that have not been picked before. If we've last four bytes of a node's non-hierarchical address is tried all source and destination combinations, we still the node's own id. The ten bytes in the middle are set cannot find a route. We return false. to 0. If the app does not tell us any unwanted routes, we pick the pair of source and destination addresses that share the longest prefix; if the app has told us one unwanted route, we pick a pair of source and destination addresses that are maximally different from those in the unwanted route; if the app has told us more than one unwanted route, we random pick a source and a destination address. Note that for the first pick, we can always pick the shortest source path route. Fig5.2 provider rooted hierarchical network If the destination has prefix match in the ii) Design of NIRA agent which forwards the announced prefix list from the finish node to the start packets along the failure free route. node, we've found a path. If the path is not an We first look up the route to reach the IP destination. unwanted path, return. If there is a route cache miss, we should invoke Performance of the Protocol. Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 6 Proceedings of the International Conference , “Computational Systems and Communication Technology” Jan.,9,2009 - by Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kanchipuram Dt.PIN-631 605,INDIA We show the average Message and Bytes, convergence address to represent each part. A user can choose time, etc. Our overall goal is to design a routing routes by choosing addresses. As both the source system that practically supports user choice. In this address and the destination address are used for section, we evaluate the technical aspects of NIRA that forwarding, packets with arbitrary spoofed source impacts its feasibility: scalability and efficiency. How addresses will be dropped, and will not be forwarded our design satisfies other practical constraints such as to their destinations. NIRA includes a protocol TIPP provider compensation and incremental deployment that propagates to a user his addresses and the are discussed in Section II. We evaluate the scalability topology information associated with his addresses. of NIRA’s route discovery mechanism. The evaluation Our evaluation suggests that NIRA is practical. It includes the amount of state a user obtains from TIPP, supports user route choice with low overhead. the overhead to maintain the state, and the References convergence speed of TIPP. Our evaluation on 1. X. Yang. The Design and Evaluation of a New Internet Routing Architecture (NIRA). PhD thesis, M.I.T., Sept. 2004. MIT-LCSTR-967. 2. X. Yang. NIRA: A new Internet routing architecture. In Proc.of ACM SIGCOMM 3. M. Steenstrup. An Architecture for InterDomain Policy Routing. IETF, June 1993. Proposed Standard, RFC 1478. 4. D. Estrin, Y. Rekhter, and S. Hotz. Scalable Inter-Domain Routing Architecture. In ACM SIGCOMM, 1992. 5. S. Savage, T. Anderson, A. Aggarwal, D. Becker, N. Cardwell, A. Collins, 6. E. Hoffman, J. Snell, A. Vahdat, G. Voelker, and J. Zahorjan. Detour: Informed Internet Routing and Transport. IEEE Micro, 1999. 7. “A Hierarchical Routing Model for Large Scale Networks Based on Ant Algorithm”Guozhen Tan Yi Liu Hengwei Yao Jialin Li NingningHan Dalian University of Technology, 116023, P.R.China; efficiency focuses on the connection setup latency incurred by the reactive failure detection mechanism. This setup latency affects the performance of interactive applications and short transfers. Conclusion and Enhancement Giving a user the ability to choose domain-level routes has the potential of fostering ISP competition to offer enhanced service and improving end-to-end performance and reliability. We present the design of NIRA, an inter-domain routing system that practically supports user choice. The design of NIRA addresses a broad range of issues, including ISP compensation, scalable route discovery, efficient route representation, fast route fail-over, and security. NIRA supports user route choice without running a global link-state routing protocol. Our design splits an end-to-end route into a sender part and a receiver part, and uses an Copy Right @CSE/IT/ECE/MCA-LVEC-2009 7