Optimized routing is..

Optimized routing is now a “Green” solution with a cost effective price tag
Traditional optimized routing has been limited to large companies willing to invest
in expensive software to route meter readers and delivery drivers. Due to the
increase of readily available GeoSpatial data and Smart Phones plus the lower
cost software, optimized routing solutions are now available to most
As part of this presentation two live demonstrations will be shown; an off the
shelf workstation based solution to route hundreds of power switching cubicles in
preparation for cleaning and a web solution based on the Google Maps API. It
should be noted that the workstation solution is based on a software package
that costs less then $500.
Pole painting, facility cleaning, inspections, material deliveries, work details and
other GeoSpatial oriented tasks can now be optimally routed with significant
manpower, fuel and vehicle use reductions. Recently companies have used
optimized routing to improve their safety record since some software packages
can avoid left turns and traffic areas with a high accident rate. This additional
benefit is frequently missed when justifying an optimized routing solution.
This presentation will be explained at a level of technical detail that all listeners
can understand.