Luo et al. /G09090 Supplementary Information: Amino Acid Sequence and Homology Regions of PID Protein Following a large preparation, enough material of the p75 band was obtained for peptide sequencing, and a total of three peptide sequences were obtained. One of the peptide sequences, containing the amino acid sequence AQSLSPYTTSAN, was found in an EST clone (AA928022). Using the cDNA sequence from this EST as a probe, we isolated a full-length cDNA clone from a HeLa cDNA library that encodes a 668-amino acid protein. Significantly, the other two peptide sequences (VWDPDNPLTDR and STLVPQGGPVLC) are also found in the full length PID protein sequence. Interestingly, a small region (residues 628-663) near the C-terminus contains a similar proline-rich region found in the N-terminal region of p53 protein, which has been shown to play an important role in p53-mediated functions. The functional consequence of the structural similarity between these two proteins remains to be investigated. Figure legend: Amino acid sequence and homology regions of PID protein. (a) Amino acid sequence of PID. The three peptide sequences are underlined. (b) Schematic representation of both MTA-1 homology regions and the proline-rich region on PID protein. (c) Amino acid alignments between the PID proline-rich region (residues 628663) and the p53 proline-rich region (residues 63-98). Luo et al. /G09090 a 1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 maanmyrvgd snarefeees lekedcffys pdnpltdrqi ngydlakams asivqfyymw fqkgltcesc hsrghlsrpe rpyapinana pinrnqlsqn apnpvvfvat nepivled yvyfensssn kqpgvseqqr lvfdpvqktl dqflvvarav tlvpqggpvl kttdryiqqk httqsaqwya aqslspytts ikaecsirlp rglggimvkr kdtralrkal pylvrrieel hqlkhrelfl ladqgeirvg gtfaraldcs crdemeewsa rlkaaeadsk wgppnmqcrl anrakllakn kaaktplkih ayetmagagv thlemrraar nktangnvea srqfeslpat ckyqaeipdr ssirqpslhm seamlfeeal lkqvyiptyt cascwiywkk rqtfllqttk plvrlplati pfsangrpla rpnlplkvkp kvvclfrrrd hirgkcsvtl lvegesdnrn saaaasrdit ekygkdfndi kpnpnqiisv ygglktptql ltrlarrmcr vkdlvaqapl sgirsssqpa tliavrppvp issslnslad lnetdilsqy qqkmemkvwd lfhamdtlqr rqdflpwksl gskpgmngag egatrgttep dllqprraar kpktprgtkt akrqklnpad lpapshpast b 1 668 MTA-1 Homology Region Proline-Rich Region c PID 628 AARRPNLPLKVKPTLIAVRPPVPLPAPSHPASTNEP 663 p53 63 APRMPEAAPPVAPAPAAPTPAAPAPAPSWPLSSSVP 98